Common and traditional dishes

Besbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse or mutton meat, is the most popular Kazakh dish. It is also called “five fingers” because of the way it is eaten. The chunks of boiled meat are cut and served by the host in order of the guests’ importance. Besbarmak is usually eaten with a boiled pasta sheet and a meat both called shorpa,

and is traditionally served in Kazakh bowls called kese.

Manti, a very popular Kazakh dish, is a spiced mixture of ground lamb (or beef) spiced with black pepper, enclosed in a dough wrapper. Manti are cooked in a multi-level steamer and served topped with butter, sour cream, or onion sauce.

The introduction of flour to Kazakh cuisine brought about dishes such as baursak, shelpek. Baursak is made by frying dough balls, and shelpek is a flat cake made in a similar fashion.

Shubat (fermented camel’s milk) and Kumys (fermented mare’s milk) are seen as good for one’s health and is imbibed often.


Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant. 1. The word “herder” on line 2 means: a) an architect b) an engineer c) cattleman d) businessman e) fisherman 2. The word “nomadic” on line 4 is close to: a) migratory b) economic c) educational d) entertaining e) medical   3. Meat in various forms has always been the primary …….. of Kazakh cuisine. a) variant b) ingredient c) flavor d) quantity e) smell 4. Besbarmak, a dish consisting of boiled horse or ………. ……………. a) fried fish b) boiled eggs c) fried eggs d) grilled chicken e) mutton meat

Idioms and saying about food

Match the idioms and sayings about food with their definitions:

1. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." a. An accountant

2. "Bring home the bacon." b. To be in serious trouble.

3. "A bean counter." c. Someone who just sits on the couch watching TV.

4. "As cool as a cucumber." d. To earn a living for the family.

5. "Cry over spilt milk." e. To remain calm under pressure.

6. "A couch potato." f. To cry or complain about something that has already happened.

7. "In the soup." g. Eating fruit is good/healthy for you

Exercise 3. Match the sentences with above given idioms and sayings about food and discuss it.

1. "He landed her in the soup, when he told the policeman she had been drinking." – “In the soup”

2. To remain calm under pressure. "Although he was driving at 110 mph James Bond was as cool as a cucumber."

3. "It's no good crying over spilt milk, what's done is done."

4. "He felt it was his responsibility to bring home the bacon."

5. "She should get out more, she's turning into a real couch potato. "

6. "Even though they had made a profit, they laid people off, because the bean counters told them they would make more money."

7. "She should get out more, she's turning into a real couch potato."

Exercise 4. Discussion. Look at the picture and make up some sentences on theme “Healthy food” using food adjectives: acidic, bland, creamy, fatty, fruity, healthy, nutty, oily, raw, salty, sharp, sour, spicy, sweet, tender, tough.

Food adjectives

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 20; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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