III. Послетекстовые упражнения. III.1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами.

III.1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами.

1. Ointments are intended ... external use.

2. Protective barriers prevent harmful substances ... coming ... contact ... the skin.

3. Lanolin derivatives are often used ... topical and cosmetic preparations.

4. Based ... penetration, ointments are divided ... endodermic, epidermic and diadermic classes.

5. Medicinal substances can be incorporated ... the base ... levigation or ... fusion method.

6. They should have an acid value ... less than 0.2, and a saponifying value ... 200–245.

7. Rectal suppositories ... bullet–like shape move ... rather than ... .

8. Hand–rolled and molded suppositories should be dispensed ... special boxes that prevent them ... coming ... contact ... each other.

9. Suppositories should remain firm ... room temperature.

10. A hydrophilic ointment is readily miscible ... water and is easily removed ... the skin.


III.2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. High potency topical corticosteroids may produce systemic effect if used for prolonged periods.

2. Monitor renal function when using acyclovir.

3. All medications are administered IV unless otherwise indicated.

4. Heparin is not absorbed when given by mouth, and must be given parenterally.

5. Do not stop taking your medicine unless advised so by your doctor.

6. Only freshly prepared, clear sterile solutions may be injected intravenously.

7. Consult drug information sources before recommending the patient a new drug.


III.3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1.When preparing the following prescription drug:

Salicylic acid 3g

Sulfur Ppt 7g

Lanolin 10g

White petrolatum 10g

the pharmacist should

(A) reduce the particle size of the powders, using a mortar and pestle, or using the pill tile with a spatula

(B) place on an ointment tile and levigate the ingredients, using a mortar and pestle, or using the pill tile with a spatula

(C) package the ointment in an ointment jar or tube.

2. For each description of a comminution procedure below, select the process that it best describes

(A) trituration   (B) spatulation   (C) levigation   1) rubbing or grinding a substance in a mortar that has a rough inner surface 2) reducing and subdividing a substance by adding an easily removed solvent 3) adding a suitable agent to form a paste and then rubbing or grinding the paste in a mortar


3. Rectal suppositories intended for adult use usually weigh approximately

(A) 1g

(B) 2g

(C) 3g

(D) 5g

4. A vanishing cream is an ointment that may be classified as

(A) a water–soluble base

(B) an oleaginous base

(C) an absorption base

(D) an emulsion base

5. Cocoa butter (theobroma oil) exhibits all of the following properties except

(A) it melts at temperatures between 33 °C and 35 °C

(B) it is a polymorph

(C) it is useful in formulating rectal suppositories

(D) it is soluble in water


6. A satisfactory suppository base must meet all of the following criteria except

(A) it should be non–irritating and non–sensitizing

(B) it should dissolve or disintegrate rapidly in the body cavity

(C) it should melt below 30 °C

(D) it should be inert


III.4. Назовите по–английски: а) типы мазей; б) разновидности мазевых основ и с) способы приготовления мазей. Объясните кратко, чем они различаются.

III.5. Назовите основные критерии, которым должны удовлетворять суппозитории.

III.6. Назовите три способа приготовления суппозиториев. Подчеркните название способа, используемого в фабричном производстве.

III.7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. К мягким лекарственным формам относятся мази, кремы, пасты, суппозитории и гели.

2. Мази – мягкие лекарственные формы, имеющие такую консистенцию, чтобы легко наноситься на кожу и слизистые оболочки.

3. Мази получают путём смешивания различных лекарственных веществ с мазевыми основами.

4. Маслянистые основы включают вазелин, синтетические сложные эфиры и производные ланолина.

5. Лекарственные вещества соединяют с мазевыми основами путём смешивания (растирания).

6. Пасты – разновидность мазей с содержанием порошкообразных веществ не менее 25%.

7. Суппозитории – дозированные лекарственные формы, твёрдые при комнатной температуре и плавящиеся или растворяющиеся при температуре тела.

8. Наиболее подходящей основой для суппозиториев является масло какао и комбинации жиров и восков.

9. Ректальные суппозитории имеют форму цилиндра или пули с заострённым концом.

10. Лекарственные вещества можно добавлять к мазевой основе по методу плавления на водяной бане.

11. Масса вагинальных суппозиториев колеблется от 1,5 до 6,0 г.


III.8. Найдите аннотацию на одну из мягких дозированных форм (мази, суппозитории, кремы) и переведите письменно на английский язык ее первую часть, включая состав препарата, дозировку, показания к применению, способ и сроки хранения.

III.9. Прочтите быстро следующую информацию и объясните по-русски, какая проблема вызывает беспокойство женщины и что ей посоветовали делать.

Question: I am 40 and, like my mother and grandmother, am starting to get veins on my legs. They are not varicose veins and do not hurt, but they look awful. Is there anything that can stop them from forming or getting any worse?

(Name and address withheld)

There are two remedies that you should use: one is a topical cream and the other a supplement that combines numerous herbs that have been shown to help maintain the integrity of the blood vessels. Both contain horse chestnut and should be used together.

The cream is called Clear Vein Creme (£19.95 for 56g), which is part of the excellent American range Derma E. Formulated to help reduce bruising and spider veins, it combines horse chestnut with grape-skin extract. The active agent in horse chestnut is a substance called aescin, which has been shown to help constrict veins and decrease their permeability. Grape-skin extract contains anthocyanin pigments: antioxidant chemicals that can also help to strengthen capillaries. Apply the cream to spider veins twice a day.

Ultra Vein-Gard is a herbal supplement that includes the ayurvedic herb gotu kola, which supports microcirculation in the peripheral blood vessels and also works to strengthen the connective tissue of the circulatory system. It includes rutin, anti-inflammatory bromelain, vitamin С, St Mary's thistle and butcher's broom – all herbs and nutrients that work to support venal flow. Made by Natural Care, an American manufacturer, it costs £16.95 for 50 capsules. Both remedies are available by mail order from Victoria Health (0800 413596).

Horse chestnut can lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics should not use it without medical supervision.


For more information on natural health, visit my website: www.whatreallyworks.co.uk

If you have any questions or tips, write to What's the Alternative? Style, The Sunday Times, 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1ST. We only reply to published letters


III.10. В ответе специалиста приводится адрес сайта в Интернет и адрес рубрики в журнале, куда можно обратиться с интересующими вас вопросами. Посетите указанный сайт и поделитесь впечатлениями о полученной вами информации.

III.11. Подготовьте письменно вопрос о возникшей у вас или у ваших родственников проблеме со здоровьем, чтобы получить консультацию специалиста рубрики. Оформите его в виде письма в редакцию.



Unit eleven

Drug effects




1. -ing- формы. § 22

2. Герундий. § 20, 21

3. Инфинитив. §23


I. Предтекстовые упражнения

I.1. Определите, какой частью речи являются ing- формы в этих предложениях: а) отглагольным существительным; б) герундием или в) причастием. Выпишите отглагольные ing- формы и пометьте их соответствующими буквенными обозначениями. Переведите эти предложения.

1. Before dispensing a parenteral solution, pharmacy personnel should check it for impurities by swirling the solution and looking at it against light and dark backgrounds.

2. Chelating agents can be used as antidotes for metal poisoning.

3. The binding of a drug to its receptors usually involves only specific functional groups.

4. Synthetic products can have chemical structures closely resembling those of active natural products (e.g., ampicillin, which resembles penicillin).

5. Monitoring of the impact of drug therapy should be performed on a regular basis.

6. Dosing intervals are different for children.

7. Clarity testing is used to check sterile products for particulate matter.

8. Review the patient profile, including drug history and patient risk factors.

9. Water solubility depends primarily on two factors: ionic character and hydrogen-bonding capabilities.

10. Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing compounds obtained primarily from plants by extraction.

11. Heat has a drying and ageing effect on all types of skin, with the exception of oily skin.

12. Coloring shampoos have become very popular for brightening the colour of the hair.


I.2. Определите функцию герундия в этих предложениях и переведите их.

1. Drugs act by modulating the ongoing processes inside the cells.

2. When the liquid starts dripping from the percolator, the tap is closed, and the solvent is added to the mixture.

3. Prostaglandins help maintaining the protective lining of the stomach.

4. Analgesics, including plain old aspirin, are quite effective in alleviating pain and inflammation, mainly by blocking the action of chemical messengers called prostaglandins.

5. Anti-hypersentive drugs are capable of sharply dropping blood pressure, which can lead to acute problems.

6. The working hours of most pharmacies are from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m.

7. You should not take potent drugs without consulting a physician.

8. The first step in isolation of essential oils is crushing or grinding the plant material.

9. Thrombolytic agents (urokinase, streptokinase, TPA) are effective in dissolving clots.

10. Quality control checking includes monitoring the sterility of a sample of manufactured products.

11. Aspirin is contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders.

12. The symptoms usually disappear 6-12 months after discontinuing the medication.

13. Some scientists believe that the first living things that appeared on earth were very small, simple bacteria.


I.3. Укажите номера предложений, в которых содержится: а) независимый причастный оборот; б) герундиальный оборот. Переведите предложения с герундиальным оборотом.

1. The patient’s being compliant increases the benefit of treatment and reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

2. Aspirin – like drugs being not strong enough, the patients are prescribed steroids to reduce pain.

3. The drug should be administered intravenously, the rate of infusion not exceeding 5 mcg/min.

4. The use of aspirin in therapy is restricted by pediatric patients’ being vulnerable to salycilates.

5. The potential risk outweighing the benefit, the use of aspirin and antipyeretic drugs is not recommended in children with fever.

6. There is a possibility of hypotension occurring following administration of the beta-adrenoseptor agonists.

7. The pharmacist’s being careless during drug dispensing and compounding may lead to a fatal error.

8. The dosage being based on weight, some drugs are less active in children than in adults.

9. The process is continued, with equal volumes of diluent added to the powdered mixture.

I.4. Определите, чем является служебное слово to в следующих предложениях: а) предлогом; б) частицей, которая является показателем инфинитива. Переведите предложения с предлогом to.

1.Adjust the dosage according to the needs of the patient.

2.Substances that react with acids to form salts must be bases.

3.Children under 6 years of age are most vulnerable to serious adverse effects of codeine.

4.The suppository should not soften below 30oC to avoid melting during storage.

5.Primary alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes and then to acids.

6.Patients need to follow proper instructions for taking medications.

7.Spirits should be stored in tight containers to avoid evaporation.

8.Methyl cellulose is a polymer that is nonionic and stable to heat and light.

9.Antibacterial topical solutions kill bacteria when applied to the skin or mucous membranes in proper strength.

10. One way to prepare herbs is to make an infusion, or a sort of tea.

11. To prevent side effects, a physician usually prescribes the lowest effective dose.

12. There are up to 200 different viral strains responsible for the common cold.

13. The solution was diluted to volume with water.

14. Prolonged use of analgesics may lead to a dependence.


I.5. Определите функцию инфинитива в каждом из этих предложений. Переведите эти предложения.

1.The dosage may need to be adjusted, based on patient response and toxicity.

2.The need to reduce the dosage is obvious.

3.To practice self-medication is dangerous, especially when you take new drugs.

4.Various types of tests are used to ensure that all sterile products are free of microbial contamination.

5.Sterility test ensures that the process used to sterilize the product was successful.

6.All medications are to be given early in attacks.

7.To have pH below 7, the solution must contain an acidic substance.

8.The drugs to avoid include sympatomimetics, TCA’s and CNS depressants.

9.A loading dose is used to attain plasma drug levels as quickly as possible.

10. Other drugs might be needed to treat specific conditions.


I.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и отметьте номера тех вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить. Вернитесь к этому упражнению после проработки материала этого урока и проверьте правильность ваших ответов. Дайте ответы на вопросы, которые казались трудными до ознакомления с темой урока.

1.What does the drug “do” at the site of its action?

2.How are drugs classified according to their mechanism of action?

3.What is the difference between structurally specific and structurally nonspecific drugs?

4.How does the dosage of the drug affect its activity?

5.How is the response of the human body to the drug measured?

6.What does the therapeutic index of the drug show?

7.How does the drug effect change when several drugs are administered concurrently?

8.What factors can affect the body’s response to a drug?

9.What types of adverse drug reactions do you know? Which type is the most dangerous?

10. Who can have a greater risk of developing adverse reactions to a drug?


II. Работа с текстом

II.1. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту A.

to affect[@΄fekt] влиять
to interrupt[Int@΄ röpt] прерывать, разрывать
extensive[Iks΄ tensIv] обширный
to mimic[΄mImIk] имитировать
endogenous substances[en΄ dOdZIn@s] эндогенные вещества
to impart an activity[Im΄pa:t] оказывать действие на
a complementary site [kOmpl@΄ ment@rI΄ saIt] комплементарный участок
to trigger[΄trIg@] вызывать, побуждать к
to bring about вызывать
an agonist[΄{g@nIst] лекарство-агонист
to compete with[k@m΄pi:t] конкурировать с, бороться
to exert an influence[Ig΄z@:t] оказывать влияние
a nucleus[΄nju:klI@s] ядро
to involve[In΄vOlv] вовлекать, охватывать
to influence[΄Influ@ns] влиять
duration[dju: ΄reIS@n] продолжительность
reversibility[rIv@:sI΄bIlItI] обратимость
colligative[kOlI΄ g@tIv] вяжущий
lack of requirement in [΄l{k @v rI΄kwaI@m@nt] отсутствие потребности в
diverse[daI΄v@:s] разнообразный
cathartics[k@΄Ta:tIks] слабительные
osmolarity[Ozm@΄l{rItI] осмотичность
gastric acid[g{strIk΄ asId] желудочный сок
site: the site of action[΄saIt] место: действия
to alter[΄O:lt@] изменять
to be metabolized[m@΄t{b@laIzd] метаболировать
to excrete[Iks΄kri:t] выделять, экскретировать
a measurement[΄meZ@m@nt] измерение
the rate[΄reIt] скорость, темпы
an extent[Iks΄tent] степень
the bloodstream[΄blödstri:m] кровоток
bioavailability[baIou@, veIl@΄bIlItI] биодоступность


II.2. Прочтите текст А и составьте 10 вопросов к нему.

Text A

Mechanisms of drug action

Drugs are able to affect the functioning of living organisms by interrupting the extensive chemical system of communications that regulates the integrated functioning of the cells of the organism. The effects of drugs mimic those of endogenous substances of the body and thus they do not impart new activities to the cells. In order for a drug molecule of a certain molecular configuration to be effective, it must bind with a specific, complementary site that is often located on the membrane of the cell and that is called a receptor. The drug receptor complex thus formed triggers certain biochemical changes within the cell to bring about specific biochemical effects.

Drugs that bind to receptors and actively bring about biochemical changes are called agonists. Drugs that compete with agonists (which can be other drugs or endogenous molecules) but do not in themselves bring about an effect are called antagonists. Regardless of whether a drug is an agonist or an antagonist, it will not exert its influence on target molecules or cells if the receptor configuration is not complementary.

Receptors can be proteins, glycoproteins, or nucleic acids. Receptors can be located at the cell surface, within the cytoplasm, or inside the nucleus. The binding of drugs to receptors is highly specific and can involve a variety of interactions, including hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals forces with ionic, hydrogen, and covalent bonds. The type of interaction and the binding affinity can influence the duration and reversibility of the drug action.

The effects of some drugs do not involve binding with specific receptors because of interactions with molecules or ions, which are not typically defined as receptors. Colligative drug effects are characterized by a lack of requirement for a highly specific chemical structure. Volatile general anesthetic agents with diverse structures are lypophilic and interact with the lipid layer of cell membranes, resulting in depressed excitability. Cathartics, such as magnesium sulfate and sorbitol, act by increasing the osmolarity of intestinal fluids, and, thus changing the distribution of water.

Certain drugs interact with specific ions normally found in the human body. For example, antacids such as aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide act by neutralizing gastric acid.

Systemically active drugs must enter the bloodstream and be transported to the tissues and organs of the body. The drug must pass various cell membrane barriers, escape excessive distribution into sites of loss, and penetrate the site of action. There, the drug molecules must interact with the receptors in order to alter the function of the organ or the body as a whole. Then the drug must be removed from the site of its action and metabolized to a substance form that is easily excreted from the body.

Absorption, metabolism, utilization, and excretion of the drug all depend on its physicochemical properties and the physiological and biochemical properties of the living organism. The drugs can be classified as structurally specific and structurally nonspecific. Structurally specific drugs are those for which pharmacologic activity is determined by the drug's ability to bind to a specific endogenous receptor. Structurally nonspecific drugs are those for which the drug interaction with the cell membrane depends on the physical characteristics of the drug molecule rather than on its chemical structure. Usually, the interaction is based on the nature of the lipids in the cell membrane and the lipophility of the drug.

Another important characteristic of a drug is its bioavailability. Bioavailability is a measurement of the rate and extent to which the active ingredient of the drug becomes available at the site of action. Bioavailability is also considered as a measurement of the rate and extent of systemic absorption of a therapeutically active drug.


II.3. Выпишите из текста А –ing-формы, определите их функции и переведите письменно предложения с ними.

II.4. Найдите в тексте А случаи употребления инфинитива и переведите их на русский язык.

II.5. Найдите в правой колонке синонимы для слов в левой колонке.

to affect                                     similar

to interrupt                                to change

to mimic                                     location

to trigger                                    value

site                                             to discontinue

within                                        to imitate

to alter                                       to influence

magnitude                                  inside

the same                                     to bring about


II.6. Соедините эти слова в пары антонимов:

new, inside, to continue, to increase, old, active, to interrupt, monopharmacy, outside, irreversible, to decrease, nonspecific, inactive, polypharmacy, an agonist, broad, maximum, an antagonist, reversible, specific, minimum, narrow.


II.7. Прочтите текст А и выделите четыре группы лекарств согласно механизма их действия. Составьте списки ключевых слов для расшифровки понятий an agonist, an antagonist; a specific drug, a nonspecific drug. Напишите 4 дефиниции, расшифровывающие эти понятия.

II.8. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту В.

to vary[΄vErI] варьировать
to reach[ri:tS] достигать
the median effective dose[΄mi:dI@n] средняя терапевтическая доза
to respond, a response [rIs΄pOnd], [rIs΄pOns] реагировать, реакция (организма на воздействие)
a sample population[s{mpl] контрольные группы населения
"all-or-nothing" response реакция типа «все или ничего»
a rough estimate[΄röf ΄estImIt] приблизительный подсчет
a median lethal dose[΄li:T@l] средняя летальная доза
to cause mortality[mO΄:t{lItI] приводить к смертности
the margin of safety [΄ma:dZIn @v ΄seIftI] пределы безопасности
a therapeutic index[Ter@΄pju:tIk] терапевтический показатель
to enhance[In΄h{ns] усиливать, ускорять
concurrently[k@n΄kör@nt΄lI] одновременно
polypharmacy[pOlI΄fa:m@sI] политерапия
synergism[΄sIn@dZIm] cинергизм
potentiation[p@tenSI: ΄eSn] увеличение силы действия
to result in[rI΄zölt] приводить к
magnitude[΄m{gnitju:d] величина (цифра)
to inhibit[in΄hIbIt] замедлять, тормозить
to suppress[s@΄pres] подавлять
on different occasions[@΄keIZnz] в разных случаях
circumstances[΄s@:k@mst@nsIz] обстоятельства
tolerance[΄tOl@r@ns] толерантность, переносимость
a challenge[΄tS{lIndZ] трудная проблема
to mature[m@΄tju@] созревать
adolescence[@d@΄les@ns] подростковый возраст
essential[I΄senSI@l] необходимый
geriatric patients[,dZi:rI΄{trIk] пожилые пациенты
age-related[΄eIdZ rI΄leItId] обусловленный возрастом


II.9. Прочтите текст В. Найдите в нём два предложения с независимым причастным оборотом и переведите их письменно.

II.10. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What does the effect of the drug at the site of its action depend on?

2. What is the common measurement of the drug effect?

3. What is the therapeutic index?

4. When can the drug effect be enhanced?

5. What is synergism? Give an example.

6. What factors contribute to variability of drug effect?

7. Which group of population presents the greatest problem to the pharmacist and why?

8. Why is drug therapy in geriatric patients difficult?

9. What other groups of patients can present difficulties? Give the reasons.

Text В

Dose-response relationship

The effect produced by a drug varies with the concentration present at its site of action and usually approaches the maximum value beyond which a further increase in concentration is no more effective. Generally, as the dose of a drug increases, the effect produced will reach a maximum level. A useful measure of the drug effect is the median effective dose, ED50, which is defined as the dose producing a response that is 50% of the maximum obtainable. ED values provide a useful way of comparing the potencies of drugs that produce physiologically similar effects at different concentrations. Sometimes the response is measured in terms of the proportion of individuals in a sample population that show a given all-or nothing response (e.g., loss of reaction to a painful stimulus or appearance of convulsions) rather than a continuously graded response; as such, the ED50 represents the dose that causes 50% of the sample population to respond. Similar measurements can be used as a rough estimate of drug toxicity, the result being expressed as the median lethal dose LD50, which is defined as the dose causing mortality in 50% of a group of animals.

When a drug is used therapeutically it is important to understand the margin of safety that exists between the dose needed for a desired effect and the dose that produces unwanted and possibly dangerous effects. This relationship between the dose of a drug required to produce undesired effect (toxic or lethal) and the dose required to produce the desired therapeutic effect is termed the therapeutic index, and is defined as the ratio TD50:ED50, where TD50 is the median toxic dose, and ED50 is the median effective dose. In general, the narrower the margin of safety, the more likely it is that the drug will produce unwanted effects. The margin of safety is the ratio of the minimum toxic dose for 0.1% of the population (TD0.1) to the minimum effective dose for 99.9% of the population (ED99.9).

The drug effect can be enhanced when several drugs are administered concurrently. The effects of polypharmacy can be described in terms of addition, synergism, or potentiation.

Addition occurs when two different drugs with the same effect are given together, which results in a drug effect that is equal in magnitude to the sum of the individual effects of the two drugs. For example, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole inhibit different steps in the synthesis of folic acid, resulting in suppressing bacterial growth.

Synergism occurs when two drugs with the same effects are given together, producing a drug effect that is greater in magnitude than the sum of the individual effects of the two drugs. For example, penicillin and gentamicin are synergistic in their anti-pseudomonal activities.

Potentiation occurs when one drug, lacking an effect of its own, increases the effect of another drug that is active. The response to a given dose of a drug is likely to vary when it is given to different people or to the same person on different occasions. This is a serious problem, for it can result in a normally effective dose of a drug being ineffective or toxic in other circumstances. Many factors are known to contribute to this variability, with some important ones being age, genetics, disease states, drug interactions, and drug tolerance. Pediatric drug therapy is the greatest challenge to the pharmacist, because children are so different from adults in pharmacokinetic parameters which change as they mature from birth to adolescence. Drug selection, doses, and dosage intervals change throughout childhood, making drug therapy monitoring essential. Drug therapy in geriatric patients can also be very difficult because of the age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

II.11. Переведите следующие цепочки слов:

to define – defined – definite – indefinite – definitely – indefinitely – definition

to relate – related – relation – relatively – relationship

synergy – synergist – synergistic – synergism – synergistically


II.12. Назовите номера высказываний, соответствующих содержанию текста В.

1. In general, the larger the drug dose, the higher the drug concentration at the site of action and the greater the effect of the drug up to a maximum effect.

2. Potentiation occurs when two different drugs with the same effect are given together, and the resulting drug effect is equal to the sum effects of the two drugs.

3. The therapeutic index is the same as the median effective dose.

4. The margin of safety is expressed as the median lethal dose.

5. The effect of a drug can vary when given to the same person on different occasions.

6. Drug therapy in geriatric patients presents the greatest problem to a pharmacist.

7. Drug therapy in children is age-related.


II.13. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту C.

adverse[΄{dv@:s] нежелательный, пагубный
broadly[΄brO:dlI] широко
to result from быть результатом чего-либо
exaggeration[Igz{dZ@΄reIS@n] преувеличение
idiosyncratic[IdI@sIn΄kr{tIk] идиосинкратический, аллергический
severe[sI΄vI@] тяжелый, сильный
collapse[k@΄l{ps] коллапс
unpredictable[önpr@΄dökt@bl] непредсказуемый
fetal development[΄fi:t@l] внутриутробное развитие
susceptible[s@΄septIbl] чувствительный
sporadic[sp@΄r{dIk] спорадический, редкий
delayed[dI΄leId] отсталый, с задержкой
predictable[pr΄dIkt@bl] предсказуемый
to pose a problem[΄pouz] представлять проблему
indeed[In΄di:d] в самом деле
noxious[΄nOkS@s] вредный, пагубный (книжн.)
unintended[önIn΄tendId] непреднамеренный
an extension[Iks΄tenS@n] ответвление
a majority[m@΄dZOrItI] большинство
concomitant[k@n΄kOmIt@nt] одновременный
carcinogenic[ka:sIn@΄dZenIk] канцерогенный
teratogenic[ter@t@΄dZenIk] тератогенный (вызывающий уродства развития плода)
to occur, occurrence [@΄k@:], [@΄kör@ns] случаться, случай
compliant[k@m΄plaI@nt] послушный, уступчивый
physiopathologic[fIzI@p@tT@΄lOdZk] физиопатологический
to lead to[li:d] приводить к
GI (gastrointestinal) motility [,g{str@InPtestIn@l m@΄tIlItI] моторика кишечника
predisposing to[,pri:dIs΄ pouzIÎ] предрасположенный к
atopiс[@΄tOpIk] атопический, аллергический
an awareness (of)[@΄wE@n@s] понимание чего-либо


II.14. Прочтите и переведите текст C.

Text С

Adverse drug reactions

No drug is wholly nontoxic or completely safe. Adverse effects can range from minor reactions, such as dizziness or skin reactions, to serious and even fatal effects. Adverse reactions can be divided broadly into effects that result from an exaggeration of the basic action of the drug, which can usually be controlled by reducing the dosage, and effects that are unrelated to the basic action of the drug and occur in only a small proportion of individuals, irrespective of the dose given. Effects of the latter type are known as idiosyncratic effects and include some very severe reactions, such as sudden cardiovascular collapse or irreversible suppression of blood cell production. Many reactions of this type have an allergic basis. Toxic effects of this kind, though rare, are unpredictable and sometimes highly dangerous, and they severely limit the usefulness of many effective drugs. It has been increasingly recognized that drugs can produce other kinds of unwanted effects, such as interference with fetal development (teratogenesis) or long-term genetic damage that may make a person susceptible to the development of cancer.

The sporadic and delayed nature of many adverse drug reactions and the fact that they may not be predictable from animal tests poses serious practical problems. Often such effects are, and indeed can only be, discovered after a drug has been used in humans for some time.

An adverse drug reaction is defined by the World Health Organization as «one which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of disease, or for the modification of physiological function».

There are two main types of adverse drug reactions. Type A reactions are extensions of the drug's known pharmacology and are responsible for the majority of adverse drug reactions. They are usually dose-depensent and predictable, but can be due to concomitant disease states, drug-drug interactions, or food-drug unteractions. The ways to minimize type A reactions include an awareness of pharmacology of the drug prescribed, drug therapy monitoring and avoiding polypharmacy whenever possible.

Type B reactions include idiosyncratic reactions, immunologic or allergic reactions, and carcinogenic/teratogenic reactions. Type В reactions are usually not due to a known pharmacology of the drug, but seem to be a function of patient susceptibility. They are rarely predictable, and are usually not dose-dependent and seem to concentrate in certain body systems such as the liver, blood, skin, kidneys, the nervous system, and other body systems. Type В reactions are uncommon, but generally very serious and can be life-threatening. Except for immediate hypersensitivity reactions, type B reactions usually take 5 days before the patient demonstrates hypersensitivity to a drug. There is no maximum time for the occurrence of the reaction, but most occur within twelve weeks of therapy.

Not all drug interactions are clinically significant or cause an adverse effect. In some cases, interacting drugs can be prescribed as long as the patient is given proper instructions and is compliant. For example, cimetidine and an antacid can be prescribed to the patient, but they should be instructed not to take both medications at the same time. Multiple drug therapy including both prescription and OTC drugs can potentially lead to drug interaction. The more drugs used by the patient, the greater the potential for a drug interaction in the patient. Very often the patients consult different health care professionals who prescribe interacting medications. Elderly patients are at a higher risk of drug interaction than the younger ones. Older patients might have alterations in their physiological and physiopathological condition that lead to a change in body composition, GI motility, and drug absorption rate. Patients with predisposing conditions (diabetes, asthma, AIDS, and alcoholism), and patients who are clinically hypersensitive (atopic) are more at risk for drug interaction than nonatopic patients.

II.15. Напишите краткую аннотацию, отражающую содержание текста С.

II.16. Найдите в тексте А 10 предложений, содержащих слова с суффиксом –ing и выпишите их. Переведите эти предложения.

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