III. Послетекстовые упражнения. III.1. Найдите в правой колонке дефиницию для каждого из 6 видов растворов, перечисленных в левой колонке. Aromatic waters

III.1. Найдите в правой колонке дефиницию для каждого из 6 видов растворов, перечисленных в левой колонке.

Aromatic waters                       Spirits, or essences   Astringents     Mouthwashes     Fluid extracts   Tinctures are locally applied solutions that precipitate protein. They cause constriction of the skin and reduce secretion are solutions that are used to cleanse the mouth or treat diseases of the oral mucous membrane are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions that contain of volatile substances that contain 50–90 % alcohol   are liqiud extracts of vegetable drug with a very high content of alcohol as a solvent, a preservative, or both   are clear saturated aqueous solutions of volatile oils, or other aromatic or volatile substances are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of chemicals or soluble constituents of vegetable drugs that normally contain 17–21% alcohol

III.2. Составьте схему–классификацию типов дисперсионных коллоидных растворов на основании содержания текста В.

III.3. Прочтите и переведите следующее описание приготовления фармацевтического раствора. Назовите тип раствора.

Medication order

Zinc oxide 10 mg

Ppt sulfur 10 mg

Bentonite 3.6 mg

Purified water ad 90 ml

Sig: t.i.d.

Compounding procedure. The powders are reduced to a fine uniform mixture in a mortar. The powders are mixed to form a smooth paste using water and transferred to a calibrated bottle. The final volume is attained with purified water. A «shake well» label is attached to the prescription container.


III.4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Which compound is a natural emulsifying agent?

(A) acacia

(B) lactose

(C) Polysorbate 20

2. The sedimentation of particles in a suspension can be minimized by

A) adding sodium benzoate

B) increasing viscosity of the suspension

C) reducing the particle size of the active ingredient

3. The forms of water that are suitable for use in parenteral preparation include

(A) purified water RP

(B) water for injection RP

(C) sterile water for injection RP

4. Ingredients that may be used as suspending agents include

(A) methylcellulose

(B) acacia

(C) talc


III.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. К жидким лекарственным формам относятся простые растворы, слизи, суспензии, эмульсии, настои, настойки, жидкие экстракты, микстуры и линименты.

2. Раствор – это жидкая лекарственная форма, получаемая путём растворения твёрдого лекарственного вещества или жидкости в растворителе.

3. Растворы используют для наружного или внутреннего применения, а также для инъекций.

4. Многие фармацевтические препараты – это просто растворы медикамента в воде, спирте, эфире, глицерине или в каком–то другом растворителе.

5. К растворам для наружного применения относятся растворы, которые используют для глазных и ушных капель, и для местных аппликаций.

6. Эликсиры – это прозрачные подслащенные водноспиртовые растворы для перорального применения, обычно содержащие сильнодействующие лекарства или лекарства с неприятным вкусом.

7. Дисперсная фаза коллоидной системы (= внутренняя фаза коллоидной дисперсии) может классифицироваться либо как лиофильная, либо как лиофобная.

8. Эмульсия – это двухфазная система, в которой одна жидкость диспергирована внутри другой жидкости в виде мелких капелек.

9. Так как в фармацевтических эмульсиях одна фаза – это водный раствор, а другая – масло, эмульсии обычно описывают с использованием терминов «вода» и «масло» (= в терминах воды и масла).

10. Эффективность эмульгатора зависит от его химической структуры, концентрации, растворимости, рН, физических свойств и электростатического эффекта.

III.6. Назовите не менее 3 преимуществ эмульсий перед другими фармацевтическими растворами.

III.7. Напишите по–английски рецепт известного вам фармацевтического раствора и опишите способ его приготовления.

III.8. Напишите инструкции по использованию и хранению описанного раствора.

III.9. Прослушайте рекламу лекарственного препарата. Расскажите, что Вы поняли.

III.10. Начертите логико-понятийную схему, представляющую жидкие дозированные лекарственные формы и прокомментируйте ее.


Unit ten

Semisolid dosage forms




4. Зависимый причастный оборот. § 19

5. Независимый причастный оборот. § 19

6. Предлоги и союзы (Многофункциональные служебные слова). § 36


I. Предтекстовые упражнения

I.1. Подчеркните в каждом предложении зависимый причастный оборот. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

1. If used for a long time prostaglandins may cause damage to the mucous lining of the stomach, thereby increasing the danger of ulceration.

2. Because many of their constituents undergo a photochemical change when exposed to light, tinctures must be stored in light–resistant containers.

3. Antibacterial topical solutions kill bacteria when applied to the skin or mucosa in the proper strength.

4. A suspension should not be applied unless properly shaken.

5. If heated, the solution starts decomposing.

6. Repeat the course of treatment as needed.

7. While preparing an ointment, add the oil–soluble ingredients in decreasing order of melting points.

8. Sodium intake may lead to heart disease when not properly balanced with potassium.

9. Proper administration technique is important when using ophthalmic agents.

10. The patient must be on a cardiac monitor while receiving this drug.

11. Spirulina is beneficial while fasting.

12. When dissolved in a glass of water, the tablet makes a pleasant – tasting drink.


I.2. Укажите номера предложений, в которых содержится независимый причастный оборот. Переведите эти предложения.

1. Following a single dose, chloroquine may be detected in blood plasma for more than four weeks.

2. Aspirin – like drugs being not strong enough, the patients are prescribed steroids to reduce pain.

3. When heated, most biological fluids begin to coagulate.

4. Gastric lavage should be carried out urgently, first protecting the airways and instituting artificial ventilation when necessary.

5. The drug should be administered intravenously, the rate of infusion not exceeding 5 micrograms/minute.

6. Skin rashes including purpura and urticaria, necrotizing vasculites, jaundice and fever have been reported.

7. There is a possibility of hypotension occurring following administration of the beta–adrenoseptor agonists.

8. The potential risk outweighing the benefit, the use of aspirin and antipyeretic drugs is not recommended in children with fever.

9. The process is continued, with equal volumes of diluent added to the powdered mixture.

10. Without adding preservatives, most suspensions can be used only a few days provided they are refrigerated.

11. The potential for toxicity being high, the drug has not been recommended for children.

12. Carcinogenesis is a complicated process, certain environmental factors playing significant roles.

13. In children, some drugs may be less active than in adults, particularly if the dosage is based on weight.

14. This product spoils easily. Keep it refrigerated and make sure it is tightly sealed when purchased.

I.3. Определите, чем является служебное слово as в этих предложениях – наречием или союзом. Переведите эти предложения.

1. As people age, systolic pressure rises and causes blood vessels to stiffen.

2. There are up to 200 different viral strains that have been identified as causing the common cold.

3. Menthol, in doses of 5-10mg in a lozenge dissolved in the mouth is safe and effective as an antitussive.

4. As an antibiotic, imperacin is contraindicated in pregnancy and in chromic renal failure.

5. Take the drug as indicated.

6. The drug is presented as a white, water-miscible cream and as a greasy ointment.

7. Two types of analgesics can be used as alternatives to aspirin.

8. As might be expected from their common mechanisms of action, many of the non-narcotic analgesics have similar side effects.

9. As the pharmaceutical profession is in a constant state of change, it is important that pharmacists and pharmacy students are made aware of the new opportunities facing the profession.

10. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant, which helps protect the cells against cancer and other diseases.

11. As the fluid flows down the renal tubule, water and some chemicals are reabsorbed into the blood by diffusion.

12. A pharmacist should instruct the patient as to the timing of medication.

I.4. Обведите кружком номера тех предложений, в которых служебные слова for, after, before, till (until) и since являются предлогами и переведите их.

1. Mercury thermometers should be sterilized with alcohol after each use.

2. In general, OTC ophthalmic products should not be used for more than 3 days without physician’s supervision.

3. If more than one ophthalmic product is being used, an interval of at least 5 minutes should be allowed before the next administration of the drug.

4. The inhaler dosage form loses its potency 2-3 months after it was opened.

5. Consult a doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.

6. Before homeopathy was introduced, there were two standard methods of treatment – purging and bloodletting.

7. Although many new effective antibiotics have been discovered, sulfonamids remain the drug of choice for certain infections.

8. Many herbs and minerals have been used in medicine since ancient times.

9. Shake the bottle well until the contents are uniform.

10. Our neighbourhood pharmacy is open till 8 p.m.

11. Bacteria have been used to make vaccines since the time when genetic engineering emerged as a science.

I.5. Прослушайте рекламу лекарственного средства и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the form of issue of the drug?

2. What is the name of the drug?

3. What group of drugs does it belong to?

4. How is it administered?

5. Who is it indicated for?

I.6. Прочтите следующие вопросы и пометьте номера тех вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить. Дайте ответы на остальные вопросы.

1. What kinds of drugs do semisolid dosage drug forms include?

2. What is the mode of their administration?

3. What is an ointment?

4. What ingredients does it contain?

5. Can ointments be prepared in pharmacies? How are they prepared?

6. How can ointments be packaged?

7. What are suppositories intended for?

8. Can they replace oral drug forms?

9. What is the composition of a suppository?

10. What ingredients can serve as a base for suppositories?

II. Работа с текстом.

II.1. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту А.

semisolid[ semI΄sOlid] полутвёрдый
to spread (spread, spread)[spred] наноситься хорошо
an emollient[I΄mOlI@nt] смягчающее средство
pliable[΄plaI@bl] пластичный, мягкий
oleaginous[OlI΄{dZIn@s] маслянистый, жирный
greasy[gri:zI] жирный, сальный
to remove[rI΄mu:v] удалять
petrolatum[ petr@΄leIt@m] петролятум, вазелин
petrolatum jelly жидкий вазелин
lanolin[΄l{n@lIn] ланолин
anhydrous[ {n΄haIdr@s] ангидридный, безводный
anhydrous lanolin        безводный ланолин
rancid[΄r{nsId] прогорклый
to stiffen[΄stIf@n] густеть, затвердевать
protective[pr@΄tektIv] защитный
an absorption base       абсорбционная основа
penetration[ penI΄treIS@n] проникновение
epidermic[epI΄d@:mIk] эпидермальный
endodermic[end@΄d@:mIk] эндодермальный
diadermic[daI@΄d@:mIk] диадермальный
levigation[levI΄geIS@n] отмучивание
fusion[΄fju:Zn] плавление
to comminute[,koumaI΄nju:t] мелко измельчать
an ointment slab[sl{b] слаб, пластина для смешивания мазей
a grit–free mixture незернистая смесь (без крупинок твердого вещества)
in decreasing order в порядке уменьшения (по убывающей)
agitation[{dZI΄teISn] взбалтывание, перемешивание
to cool[ku:l] охлаждать, остудить
slightly[΄slaItlI] незначительно, немного
wide–mouthed jars банки с широким горлышком
to afford[@΄fO:d] позволять себе сделать что–либо
convenience[k@n΄vi:nI@ns] удобство
pressurized[΄preS@raIzd] герметичный
a foam[foum] пенка
a magma[΄m{gma] магма, густая пена


II.2. Прочтите текст А и выделите в нем ключевые подтемы. Составьте план к тексту А.

II.3. Переведите письменно параграфы 5 и 6 текста.

II.4. Найдите в тексте случаи употребления причастия в функции обстоятельства и переведите эти предложения.

Text A


Ointments are semisolid preparations intended for external use. They are easily spread. Ointments are typically used as emolients (to make the skin more pliable), protective barriers (to prevent harmful substances from coming in contact with the skin), and vehicles for the incorporated medication. Ointments are characterized as being oleaginous in nature.

There are two main types of ointment bases. Hydrophobic bases feel greasy and contain mixtures of fats, oils, and waxes. Hydrophobic bases cannot be washed off using water. Hydrophilic bases are usually emulsion bases. The o/w–type bases can be easily washed off with water, but the w/o–type emulsion bases are slightly more difficult to remove.

Oleaginous bases include petrolatum, synthetic esters, and lanolin derivatives. Petrolatum is a good base for oil–insoluble ingredients. It forms an occlusive film on the skin, absorbs less than 5% water under normal conditions, and does not become rancid. Wax can be incorporated to stiffen the base. Synthetic esters are used as constituents of oleaginous bases. These esters include glyceryl monostearate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, and butyl palmitate. Lanolin derivatives are often used in topical and cosmetic preparations. Examples are lanolin oil and hydrogenated lanolin.

Absorption bases are anhydrous and insoluble in water. Therefore, they are not washable in water, though they can absorb water. A base consisting primarily of a mixture of animal sterols with petrolatum jelly is generally classified as an absorption base. A hydrophilic ointment is an o/w emulsion that uses sodium lauryl sulfate as an emulsifying agent. It is readily miscible with water and is removed from the skin easily.

Based on their penetration, ointment bases have been placed into three classes: epidermic (petrolatum, waxes and their combinations), endodermic (vegetable oils, lanolin, wool fat (anhydrous lanolin) and their combinations, and diadermic (emulsions and water–soluble bases).

Medicinal substances may be incorporated into an ointment base by levigation or by the fusion method. Insoluble substances should be comminuted to a fine powder and levigated before incorporation with a small amount of a compatible levigating agent or with the base itself. Levigation is performed on an ointment slab with a stainless steel spatula with a long, broad, flexible blade. If the substance may interact with a metal spatula (e.g., when incorporating iodine or mercuric salts), then a hard rubber spatula can be used. Insoluble substances should be powdered finely in a mortar and mixed with an equal quantity of base until a smooth, grit–free mixture is obtained. The rest of the base is added in increments.

The fusion method is used when the base contains solids that have higher melting points (e.g., waxes, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl monostearate). This method is also useful for solid medicaments, which are readily soluble in the melted base. The oil phase should be melted separately, starting with materials that have the highest melting point. All other oil–soluble materials are added in decreasing order of melting points. The ingredients in the water phase are combined and heated separately to a temperature that is equal to or several degrees above that of the melted oil phase. The two phases are combined. If a w/o system is desired, then the hot aqueous phase is incorporated into the hot oil phase with agitation. If an o/w system is desired, then the hot oil phase is incorporated into the hot aqueous phase. Volatile materials (e.g., menthol, camphor, iodine, alcohol, perfumes) are added after the melted mixture has cooled to 40 °C or below.

In packaging ointments and ointment–type products, such factors as ease of application, cleanliness, sterility, stability and minimization of microbial contamination should be taken into account. Traditionally, onitments are packaged in wide–mouthed jars made of glass, porcelain, or plastic, or in metal or plastic tubes. Whenever possible, the use of aerosol containers is preferable. The advantages of aerosol products include the convenience of push–button dispensing of medication and the stability afforded by a closed, pressurized container that minimizes the likelihood of tampering and protects the contents from light, moisture, air (oxygen), and microbial contamination. The ointment is dispensed as а spray, a foam, or a magma.


II.5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста А.

1. What are ointments intended for?

2. What is the difference between the two main types of ointments?

3. Which of the three types of ointments (endodermic, epidermic or diadermic) has the highest potential for penetration through the skin?

4. What are the two methods of preparation of ointments?

5. When is the fusion method used?

6. How are the volatile ingredients (e.g., camphor) added to the ointment in the process of fusion?

7. How are ointments traditionally packaged in pharmacies? in pharmaceutical plants?

8. What are the advantages of aerosol containers over other types of containers?


II.6. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту В.

to insert[In΄s@:t] вставлять, вкладывать
an orifice[΄OrIfIs] отверстие
tapered[΄teIp@d] сужающийся, заострённый
bullet–like shape[΄bulIt΄laIk] форма пули
to contract[΄kOn΄tr{kt] сокращаться
adults[΄{dölts; @΄dölts] взрослые
infants[΄Inf@nts] младенцы, маленькие дети
to be administered[@d΄mInIst@d] применяться, назначаться
a relief[rI΄li:f] облегчение
hemorrhoids[΄hem@rOIdz] геморрой
debilitated[dI΄bIlIteItId] недееспособные, инвалиды
comatose[Pkoum@tous] в коматозном состоянии
to be nauseous[΄nO:sI@s] испытывать тошноту
to vomit[΄vOmIt] страдать рвотой
a disturbance[dIs΄t@:b@ns] нарушения
hand–rolling[΄h{nd ΄rouliÎ] раскатывание вручную
to mold, molding[΄mould] лепить, формовка, отлив
cocoa butter[΄koukou΄böt@] масло какао
a technique[tek΄ni:k] технология, методика
thermoliable[T@:m@΄laIbl] термолабильный
to meet the criteria удовлетворять критериям
firm[f@:m] твёрдый
sensitizing[ sensI΄taIzIÎ] сенсибилизирующий
an acid value кислотное число
a saponifying value величина (показатель) омыляемости
an iodine value[΄aI@di:n] йодное число
conversely[k@n΄v@:slI] наоборот
a thin liquid[΄TIn΄lIkwId] прозрачная жидкость
bland[bl{nd] с успокаивающим действием
polyethylene glycol (PEG) [pOlI΄eTIlIn΄glIkOl] полиэтиленгликоль
to refrigerate[re΄frIdZ@reIt] держать в холодильнике
to store[stO:] хранить, накапливать

II.7. Прочтите и переведите текст В.

II.8. Подчеркните все союзы и предлоги в тексте В. Переведите предложения, в которых вы их встретили в тексте.

Text В


A suppository is a solid or semisolid dosage form intended for insertion into a body orifice (e.g., rectum, vagina, urethra). Suppositories are used to deliver drugs for their local or systemic effects.

Suppositories differ in shape and size. Rectal suppositories are usually cylindrical and tapered to a point, forming a bullet–like shape. As the rectum contracts, a suppository of this shape moves inward rather than outward. Suppositories for adults weigh approximately 2 g. Suppositories for children and infants are smaller. Vaginal suppositories are oval and typically weigh approximately 5g. Drugs administered by this route are intended for a local effect, but systemic absorption may occur. Antiseptics, contraceptive agents, and drugs used to treat trichomonal, monilial, or bacterial infections are often formulated as suppositories. Urethral suppositories are typically long and tapered. They are approximately 60 mm long and 4–5 mm in diameter They are administered for a local effect and are most commonly used as antiinfective agents.

Rectal suppositories are often used for systemic effects (e.g., relief of hemorrhoids) Rectal suppositories are useful when oral administration is inappropriate, as with infants, debilitated or comatose patients, and patients who are nauseous, vomiting, or have gastrointestinal disturbances. Some drugs can irritate the stomach, therefore, the use of suppositories is preferable.

Suppositories are prepared by hand–rolling, compression or molding. Hand–rolling involves molding the suppository with the fingers after a plastic suppository mass has been formed. Compression is generally used when cocoa butter is used as a base. The fusion method is the principal technique for commercial manufacture of the suppository.

Suppository bases should meet the following criteria. They should: 1) remain firm at room temperature to allow insertion. The suppository should not soften at temperatures below 30 °C to avoid melting during storage; 2) dissolve rapidly in the cavity fluid; 3) be inert and compatible with a variety of drugs; 4) be nonirritating and nonsensitizing; 5) have an acid value of less than 0.2, a saponifying value of 200–245, and an iodine value of less than 7 if the base is fatty. If an oil–soluble drug is incorporated into an oily base, then the rate of absorption is somewhat less than that achieved with a water–soluble base. Conversely, a water–soluble drug tends to pass more rapidly from the oil phase to the aqueous phase. Therefore, if rapid onset of action is desired, the water–soluble drug should be incorporated into the oily base.

Bases that melt include cocoa butter and combinations of fats and waxes. Cocoa butter (theobroma oil) is the most widely used suppository base. It is firm and solid up to the temperature of 52 °C, at which point it begins to soften. At 34–35 °C, it melts to produce a thin, bland, oily liquid. Cocoa butter is a good base for a rectal suppository, but it is less suitable for vaginal and urethral suppositories. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) derivatives are water–soluble bases suitable for vaginal and rectal suppositories.

Containers for the suppositories are determined by the preparation method and the base used. Hand–rolled and molded suppositories should be dispensed in special boxes that prevent the suppositories from coming into contact with each other. If appropriate, a «refrigerate» label should appear on the container. Regardless of the base or medication used in the formulation, the patient should be instructed to store the suppositories in a cool dry place.


II.9. Представьте содержание текста В в сжатой форме. Напишите краткую аннотацию текста.

II.10. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту С.

Gram positive bacteria [΄gr{m΄pOzItIv b{k΄tI@rI@] грамположительные бактерии
Gram negative bacteria грамотрицательные бактерии
yeast[΄ji:st] дрожжи
fungus, fungi[΄föÎg@s; ΄föndZaI] грибок
virus[΄vaIr@s] вирус
a spore[΄spO:] спора
elevated temperatures[elI΄veItId] высокие температуры
tissues[΄tIsju:z], [΄tISju:z] ткани (биологические)
detectable[dI΄tekt@bl] доступный для обнаружения
following absorption после всасывания
insignificant[InsIg΄nIfIk@nt] незначительный
to break, broke, broken [΄breIk], [΄brouk] зд.: нарушать целостность
the surface[s@:fIs] поверхность
to apply liberally[@p΄laI] наносить толстым слоем
a wound[΄wu:nd] рана
to be contraindicated [ kOntr@IndI΄keItId] быть противопоказанным
previously[΄pri:vI@slI] предварительно, преждевременно
hypersensitivity reactions [,haIp@nsI΄tIvItI] аллергические реакции
meninx, meninges [΄menInks; menIndZIz] мозговая оболочка
occasionally[@΄keIZ@n@lI] иногда
generalized reaction[΄dZen@r@laIzd] генерализованная реакция
accidental[,{ksI΄dent@l] случайный, непреднамеренный
gastric lavage[΄l{vIdZ] промывание желудка
stains[΄steInz] пятна
percentage[p@:΄sentIdZ] процентное соотношение
to evaporate[I΄v{p@reIt] испаряться
to inhibit[In΄hIbIt] замедлять
keep out of не допускать попадания в
vanishing cream[΄v{nISIÎ ΄kri:m] крем (под пудру), образующий пленку на коже
fabrics[΄f{brIks] ткани (материя)


II.11. Прочтите текст С и переведите его.

Text C

Hibitane Antiseptic Cream

Presentation. 'Hibitane' Antiseptic Cream is a white water–miscible cream containing 1% w/w chlorhexidine.

Properties. Chlorhexidine is effective against a wide range of Gram negative and Gram positive vegetative bacteria, yeast, dermatophyte fungi and lipophilic viruses. It is inactive against bacterial spores except at elevated temperatures. Because of its cationic nature, chlorhexidine binds strongly to skin, mucosa and other tissues and is thus very poorly absorbed. No detectable blood levels have been found in man following oral use and percutaneous absorbtion, if it occurs at all, is insignificant.

Indications. 'Hibitane' Antiseptic Cream is an antimicrobal preparation designed for application to broken skin surfaces. It may also be applied to the hands of hospital staff as a barrier against bacterial infection.

Dosage and administration.Apply liberally to the wound and surrounding skin, or to the hands.

Contra–indications.'Hibitane' preparations are contra–indicated for patients who have previously shown a hypersensitivity reaction to chlorhexidine. However, such reactions are extremely rare.

Precautions.For topical application only. Keep out of the eyes and ears and avoid contact with the brain and meninges.

Side effects.Irritative skin reactions can occasionally occur. Generalised allergic reactions to chlorhexidine have also been reported but are extremely rare.

Overdosage.Accidental ingestion: Chlorhexidine taken orally is poorly absorbed. Treat with gastric lavage using milk, raw eggs, gelatin or mild soap. Employ supportive measures as appropriate.

Pharmaceutical precautions.Hypochlorite may cause brown stains to develop in fabrics which have previously been in contact with preparations containing chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine is incompatible with soap and other anionic agents. Store at room temperature.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 460; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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