ЗАДАНИЯ для ИТ 100, 109       2 семестр

Тема «Россия и её столица»

Задание 1 Выучите лексику по страноведению, предварительно найдя транскрипцию всех труднопроизносимых слов (Часть 1):

1. to be situated to be located to lie находиться, располагаться
2. to be washed by омываться (морем, океаном)
3. to occupy / to cover the territory of … занимать территорию …
4. to border on … граничить c …
5. to stretch from … to… простирается от… до…
6. to consist of состоять из
7. North / in the north север / на севере
South / in the south юг / на юге
East / in the east восток / на востоке
West / in the west запад / на западе
8. continent Europe and Asia / Eurasia North America South America Australia Africa Antarctica континент Евразия Северная Америка Южная Америка Австралия Африка Антарктида‎
9. population население
densely populated thinly populated густонаселенный малонаселенный
10. territory vast (huge) / small territory территория огромная / небольшая территория
11. nature and landscape природа и ландшафт
12. to be rich in быть богатым
13. to flow течь (о реке)
to flow into (run into) впадать
14. climate tropical arid Mediterranean temperate, moderate continental polar климат тропический засушливый средиземноморский умеренный континентальный арктический
15. ocean the Pacific Ocean the At­lantic Ocean the Indian Ocean the Arctic Ocean океан Тихий океан Атлантический океан Индийский океан Северный Ледовитый океан
16. sea море
17. riv­er река
18. lake озеро
19. various разнообразный
20. natural (mineral) resources oil coal iron ore natural gas copper nickel природные (минеральные) ресурсы нефть уголь железная руда природ­ный газ медь никель
21. mountain chain the Urals the Caucasus the Altai горная цепь Урал Кавказ Алтай
22. state государство, штат
23. the Federal Assembly Федеральное Собрание
24. government пра­вительство
25. court суд
26. to found основывать
27. sight достопримеча­тельность
28. amusement centre центр развлечения
29. facility сооружение, приспособление


Запомните правило употребленияопределённого артикля с географическими названиями:


Артикль the употребляется: С названиями океанов, морей, рек, озер (но: Lake Baikal – слово “lake” стоит перед именем собственным), проливов, горных цепей, групп островов, пустынь; ряда стран (объединение штатов или множественное число в названии), с названиями театров, музеев, гостиниц, названиями кораблей. Артикль the не употребляется: С названиями городов, континентов, большинства стран, отдельных островов, горных вершин, заливов, улиц, площадей, парков (искл: The Gorki Park), университетов, аэропортов, железнодорожных станций.


Задание 2

а) Прочитайте страны и их столицы по транскрипции:




Azerbaijan [ˌɑːzəbaɪ'dʒɑːn] Азербайджан Baku ['bækuː] Баку
Belarus [belə'rus] Беларусь Minsk [mɪnsk] Минск
China ['tʃaɪnə] Китай Beijing [ˌbei'dʒɪŋ] Пекин
Estonia [e'stəʊniə] Эстония Tallinn ['tælɪn] Таллинн
Finland ['fɪnlənd] Финляндия Helsinki ['helsɪŋki] Хельсинки
Georgia ['dʒɔːdʒə] Грузия Tbilisi [ˌtəbɪ'liːsi] Тбилиси
Kazakhstan [ˌkæzæk'stɑːn] Казахстан Nur-Sultan [ˌnɜ: 'sʌlt(ə)n] Нур-Султан
Latvia ['lætviə] Латвия Riga ['riːɡə] Рига
Lithuania [ˌlɪθjʊ'eɪnɪə] Литва Vilnius ['vɪlniəs] Вильнюс
Mongolia [mɒŋˈɡəʊlɪə] Монголия Ulan Bator [ˌuːlɑːn'bɑːtə] Улан-Батор
North Korea [nɔːθ kə'rɪə] Северная Корея Pyongyang [ˌpjɒŋ'jæŋ] Пхеньян
Norway ['nɔːweɪ] Норвегия Oslo ['ɒzləʊ] Осло
The Russian Federation / Russia [ðə 'rʌʃ(ə)n fedə'reɪʃ(ə)n]; ['rʌʃə] Российская Федерация; Россия Moscow ['mɒskəʊ] Москва
Ukraine [juː'kreɪn] Украина Kiev ['kɪjəf] Киев


б) Прочитайте и переведите русский язык следующие словосочетания (без опоры на словарь):

is situated in Europe and Asia is located in Alaska its total area it borders on the Baltic States various types a parliamentary republic a federal republic the Head of State a metropolitan city the monument to Minin and Pozharsky is famous for its theatres higher educational institutions highly developed country producer and exporter of oil is made up of four countries the longest river the deepest lake the highest mountains the world's leading producer producer of iron ore and coal the central government named after the first President

Задание 3

Сделайте письменный перевод текста “Moscow, the capital of Russia” (учебник Поляковой Е.В. «Английский язык для инженеров», с.157) иотправьте перевод преподавателю. Составление словаря к тексту обязательно.

Сначала запишите заголовок текста, затем в столбик выпишите из текста все незнакомые слова с переводом (глаголы следует выписывать в инфинитиве, существительные в единственном числе). После чего вставьте таблицу из 2х столбцов. В левом – английский текст, в правом – перевод.



1. In the early 19th century the prominent Russian historian Nikolay Karamzin said: “If you want to know Russia, go to Moscow.” It is the city where every stone breathes history. Moscow was founded in 1147 by the Prince of Suzdal, Jury Dolgoruky. Although there were settlements on the site of modern city long before 1147, this was the year when Moscow was first mentioned in the written records. Moscow has die priority right to be the capital of the Russian State. Its wise founder built it in the middle of a densely populated country. It is protected by rivers and a fortress. In the opinion of many scientists the city will never lose its significance and the leading role in the development of the country. Moscow, like ancient Rome, stands on seven hills. The principle is the Borovitsky, the hill on which the Kremlin stands. Русский текст
2. Moscow’s early architecture was simple but expressive. The larger part of the city was occupied by private houses made of wood. But such city’s structures as fortress walls, bridges, churches and cathedrals were made of brick and white stone decorated with ceramic. Eventually these buildings created Moscow’s architectural image of a city of white stone. Large-scale stone construction was performed during the reign of Catherine the Great. Several first-class foreign architects were invited to build a number of architectural monuments in Western style. Some of them have survived to our days and are carefully preserved by the city authorities.
3. In 1812 during Napoleon’s invasion a terrible fire raged in the city for several days. It was calculated that more than 7,000 buildings were destroyed and the city’s central area was completely gone. This disaster, however, prompted a real housing boom. Standard projects had to be used to facilitate rapid restoration of the city and preserve the city’s architectural uniformity. This task was successfully carried out. As a result a great number of stone houses with much better facilities appeared in the city. They were completely different from those of the previous years. As the time passed, the city’s boundaries expanded considerably. New dwelling districts and industrial enterprises were built on the outskirts of the city.
4. A major feature of Moscow’s present development is the establishment of the industries requiring highly-skilled labour and the branches producing high-quality apparatus, as well as the development of new technologies and know-how. Alongside industrial development much attention is paid by the city administration to the construction of cultural, educational institutions and sports facilities.
5. In recent years the population of Moscow reached 10 million and it is still growing. This resulted in large-scale migration of people. Muscovites move from one district to another, when they get new flats and for other reasons All that calls for further development and improvement of the city’s transport services. Transport is a serious problem for all large cities of the world. The capitals of major states are often unable to solve it. Moscow also has a transport problem. The most convenient means of transport in Moscow is, of course, the Metro. Besides it there are buses, trolley-buses and trams. The total length of their routes is constantly increasing. But nevertheless there is permanent need for new and more comfortable means of transport.
6. Roads constitute another aspect of the transport problem. Having reconstructed many of the existing streets and roads the city authorities started to build new roads which are to link several city districts between the Moscow Circular Highway and the Sadovoye Ring Road. So instead of the traditional monocentric system the city gets polycentric planning according to which Moscow complex zones are united by a system of general city centre.
7. The territory within Sadovoye Ring Road will retain its significance as a historical, cultural, educational and administrative public centre, the seat of the Government and the Parliament. All the valuable architectural monuments as well as parks and old streets with their unique buildings will remain untouched. Moscow today is an enormous city which infrastructure is traditional for every megapolis with first-rate hotels, restaurants, theatres, exhibition halls, shops and gigantic transport arteries. But in spirit Moscow remains its old self, open, hospitable and festive, and, consequently, has the right, as ever, to be called the heart of Russia.


Задание 4 Ознакомьтесь с рекомендациями по написанию аннотации:


Одним из основных видов работы с текстом в вузе является аннотирование текстов.

Аннотирование ( Abstracting ) – процесс аналитическо-синтетической обработки информации, содержащейся в тексте первоисточника, результатом которого является аннотация.

Аннотация ( Abstract ) – краткое, обобщенное описание (характеристика) текста первоисточника (книги, статьи, квалификационной работы).


Сущность аннотирования заключается в максимальном сокращении объема источника информации при сохранении его основного содержания.

Дата добавления: 2021-03-18; просмотров: 105; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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