The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Below are words from the story and their definitions. Match the words with their definitions.

alight gobble fox-gloves
faggot fox-hound snippet
bonnet fowl commence
turf lard quack
1 (v): to make the sound that ducks make.
2 (n): a farmyard bird, especially a hen kept for its meat or eggs.
3 (v): to get off or down from something, especially at the end f a journey; come down from above.
4 (n): a tall straight poisonous plant that has pink or white bell-shaped flowers all the way up its stem
5 (n): a round head-covering tied under the chin, and often with a brim that shades the face, worn by babies and, especially in former times, by women.
6 (v): fml or pomp to begin.
7 (n): old use a bunch of small sticks for burning.
8 (n): pig fat made pure by melting, used in cookery
9 (n): infml a small bit of something
10 (n): a surface made up of earth and a thick covering of grass.
11 (v): infml to eat very quickly, and sometimes noisily.
12 (n): a dog with a sharp sense of smell, trained to track down and kill foxes.

2. Listen to the story by Beatrix Potter. Find the English for:

- высиживать утят - доведенный до отчаяния - отправляться - заросль, кустарник - представлять себе - пень - заблудиться - свернуть газету - жаловаться на к-л. / ч-л. - лезть не в свои дела - полный мешок перьев - мешать, стоять на дороге - провести (в комнату) - душный - заботиться - откладывать яйца - переворачивать - простудиться - добросовестный - шалфей - тимьян - мята - простак, глупец -откусывать, отгрызать - фаршированная утка - испытывать благоговейный   трепет - щенок - резкий, грубый -хромать

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) I wish I could meet with that fowl.

b) He used to turn them over and count them when Jemima was not there

Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) Why did Jemima Puddle-Duck leave the farm on a fine afternoon?

2) How did the fox help the duck?

3) What did the fox suggest the duck before her eggs had been hatched?

4) What did the collie make of the story about the fox?

5) What do you think happened to the fox?


2. Point out the words and phrases the fox used to sound polite. Use them in a dialogue of your own.


3. Reproduce the story in writing.



Do animals in the story resemble people? If they were people who would they be?

The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Below are words from the story and their definitions. Match the words with their definitions.

scold pike shove
water beetle cork flounder
stare tweak lady-bird
mackintosh float bounce
1 (v): to look steadily for a long time.
2 (n): especially BrE a coat made to keep out the rain.
3 (v): to move about helplessly or with great difficulty, especially in water, mud, snow etc.
4 (n): something that floats, especially a piece of wood or other light object used in a fishing line to support the edge of a fishing net.
5 (v): to spring back or up again after hitting a surface.
6 (v): old-fash to speak angrily and complainingly to (someone who has done something wrong).
7 (n): a beetle adapted to living in water.
8 (n): a large fish-eating fish that lives in rivers and lakes.
9 (n): BrE a small round beetle (type of insect) that is usually red with black spots.
10 (v): to push, especially in a rough or careless way
11 (v): infml to take hold of, pull, and twist with a sudden movement
12 (n): a round piece of cork oak, or something of the same shape made of rubber or plastic, fixed into the neck of a bottle to close it tightly.

2. Listen to the story by Beatrix Potter. Find the English for:

- лютик - черный ход - промочить ноги - мелкая рыбешка; (зоол.) гольян (вид рыбы) -удочка - водяное растение - тростниковый багор - устроиться нога на ногу - рыбацкие принадлежности - леска - вне досягаемости - что-то пошевелилось с шумом и плеском - забросить удочку - клюнуло почти сразу - колюшка - шип - выдохнутся - косяк рыбы - больной палец - форель - выплюнуть - пузырь - изо всех сил - с трудом выбраться на бе- рег - (изорван) в клочья - авоська - кузнечик 

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) If I catch more than five fish, I will invite my friends Mr. Alderman Ptolemy Tortoise and Sir Isaac Newton.

b) I think I had better get away from here.

с) A really frightful thing it would have been, if Mr. Jeremy had not been wearing a macintosh!


Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) Who was Mr. Jeremy Fisher?

2) Where did he live?

3) Where did he go on a rainy day and why?

4) What happened to the frog during the fishing?

5) How did the frog manage to stay alive?

6) What did the frog and his friends have for dinner?


2. Do you like fishing? If you do, speak about your luckiest fishing day using the proper vocabulary from the fairy-tale. If you don’t like fishing, speak about Mr. Jeremy Fisher’s fishing.

6. Reproduce the story in writing.




Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Complete the following sentences with the words given in boxes.

mean chop tip
flatter stone tickle


1. … is a small piece of meat, especially lamb or pork, usually containing a bone.

2. Shall I leave a … for the waiter?

3. He’s very … with his money.

4. She … my nose with a feather.

5. One … is equal to 14 pounds.

6. When one … one praises somebody too much in order to gain favour for oneself.


2. Listen to the story by W.S. Maugham. Find the English for:

- увидеть к-л. - кивок головы - антракт - обратиться к к-л. - мы не становимся моложе - латинский квартал - едва сводить концы с        концами - вскоре - дорого, не по карману - до конца месяца - исключить, отказаться (от кофе - ровные зубы - болтливая - намереваться ч-л. делать - я не имею ничего против  икры - перегружать желудок - пищеварение - побледнеть - спаржа - при виде их у меня потекли - я совсем не голодна - меня охватила паника - не хватает 10 франков - щекотать - мне уже было все равно - рассеяно - следовать ч-л. примеру - на обед - отомстить

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) She was imposing rather than attractive.

b) I had never even thought of going there.

c)My doctor wouldn’t let me drink anything but champagne.


Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) When did the narrator meet the woman for the first time?

2) What did she look like?

2) When did they have luncheon?

3) What did the narrator and the woman have for the luncheon?

4) How did the woman explain her choice of dishes?

5) What was the narrator thinking about over the luncheon?

6) How did the woman look when the narrator met her twenty years later? What was her weight in kilograms?


2. Make up a dialogue between: a) the woman and an acquaintance of hers; b) a waiter at the Foyot’s and one of his colleagues discussing the luncheon.


3. Reproduce the story in writing.

Full Circle

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Below are words from the story and their definitions. Match the words with their definitions.

freeway annoy false numberplate witness
realize solve chase unconscious ambulance
1 (adj): in the state of not being awake, especially as the result of a head injury .
2 (n): a wide road built for fast moving traffic travelling long distances.
3 (adj.): not real, but made to look or seem real.
4 (v): to find the answer to something.
5 (v): to make someone angry.
6 (n): a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are ill or hurt.
7 (n): a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.
8 (n): an official metal sign with numbers and letters on the front and back of a car.
9 (v): to run after someone or something in order to catch them.
10 (v): to notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand before.

2. Listen to the story by Sue Grafton. Find the English for:

- распутать сложное дело - сбавить скорость - потерять управление - остановиться - без особой причины - хорошо знать свое дело - расследовать смерть    Кэролайн - разыскиваться полицией - связаться с кем-либо - сильно заинтересоваться делом - быстро обыскать машину - направляясь на юг - кровь застыла в жилах - привести в исполнение план

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences using the pattern in bold type:

a) Coming up on my right was a dark blue Toyota.

b) My office in town was being painted, so I worked at home that next week.

c) I didn’t seem to be making any progress.


3. Make the following direct questions indirect. Use the following patters:

a) Why doesn’t she live at home? Kinsey asked Mrs. Spurrier why she didn’t live at home. b) “Did Caroline have a job?”  Kinsey asked Mrs. Spurrier if Caroline had had a job.


1. “Why was she on the freeway?”

Mrs. Spurrier asked Kinsey… .

2. “Did anybody see where the shot was fired from?”

Kinsey asked Emerald … .

3. “Can I talk to the other witnesses?”

Kinsey asked Lieutenant Dolan … .

4. “What else can you tell me?”

Kinsey asked the restaurant manager … .

5. “How long did you know Caroline?”

Kinsey asked Judy Layton … . 


Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) What happened on the freeway on Friday afternoon?

2) Why did Mrs. Spurrier ask the detective to investigate her daughter’s death?

3) Who was the main suspect in the case? Why?

4) How did the detective manage to find the Toyota? Was it of any help?

5) Whom did she decide to question again? Why?

6) Why is the story called “The Full Circle”?


2. There are ten mistakes in Lieutenant Dolan’s report on the death of Caroline Spurrier. Find and correct them.

Personal details: first-year student at the University of Colorado. Friendly, popular. Worked in a restaurant.

She was killed by a gunshot while driving her car on the freeway behind Private Detective Kinsey Millhone’s Volkswagen. Caroline’s car moved into the fast lane and was hit by a red Porsche.

The murderer was Benny Deco. His sister worked in a restaurant with Caroline Spurrier, who he fell in love with. He decided to kill her because she refused to go out with him. He stole a car from a man called Ron Cagle and shot Caroline on the freeway.

I recognized the car in the photograph of the accident. The murderer died before we could catch him. He crashed his car into a new freeway sign while I was chasing him.


3. Make up a dialogue between Mrs. Spurrier and Kinsey Millhone reporting the results of her investigation of Caroline’s murder.


4. Reproduce the story in writing.


What famous detectives do you know? What do you think a good detective is?

Woodrow Wilson’s Tie

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Complete the following sentences with the words given in boxes.

waxwork mystery lifelike
fingerprints treatment damage


1. I didn’t like the film. The murder there remained an unsolved … .

2. Detective, have you found any …? – No, the criminal was obviously wearing rubber gloves.

3. They are trying a new … for cancer.

4. Is that really Johnny Depp with you in the picture? – I wish! It’s only a … but it does look real.

5. The insurance company will pay for the … to my car.

6. Do you like your portrait? – Well, I expected something more … I look more like a robot here. 

2. Listen to the story by Patricia Highsmith. Find the English for:

- привлекать посетителей - убедиться - завершить образование - упорно сопротивляться - ударить в челюсть - примерно его размер   - сумасшедший убийца - привлечь к себе внимание - ходить на лечение - подтвердить свою историю    - заметить кого-либо - закричать от ужаса

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) Clive loved every scene, and he never got tired of looking at them.

b) By 9.35 only five people had gone in, but Clive couldn’t wait any longer.

Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) What did Clive like most about the Hall of Waxworks?

2) What did you learn about Clive’s past from the story?

3) What did he do on his first night in the museum?

4) Why did he make up his mind to kill people in the museum? What else did he do there?

5) How were the bodies discovered the next morning?

6) Where did Clive go after the murder? Did anybody believe him? Did he like it?

7) What was the result of his confessing the murder? What did he plan to do next?

2. Read the newspaper article about the murder. Do you think Clive had a sick mind? Find sentences in the text to prove your viewpoint.

This morning at 9.30 ticket man Fred Keating and several visitors to Madame Thibault’s Waxworks discovered three real dead bodies. They were the bodies of Mrs. Mildred Veery, aged 41, George Hartly, 43, and Richard MacFadden, 37, all employed at the Hall. Police believe the murders happened at about ten yesterday evening. Because the bodies were put in place of wax figures, police are looking for a killer with a sick mind.  


3. What made Clive kill all these people? What did he want? Why didn’t anybody believe him? Make a medical report as if you were his psychiatrist.

4. Make up a dialogue between two locals discussing the murders in the Hall of Waxworks.


5. Reproduce the story in writing.


What makes a person a murderer? Which motives to commit murder can you cite from books and movies? What are the most common / unusual?

How’s your Mother?


Vocabulary and Grammar


1. Listen to the story by Simon Brett. Find the English for:

- не торопиться уходить - успеть на поезд - она долго не протянет - замещать кого-либо - заполнить документы - потушить пожар - потерять самообладание - не могу собраться с мыслями - переварить новую информацию - отступить - заботиться о ком-либо в старости - закопать тело в саду - глубоко вздохнуть

2. Look at the sentence in the box. Complete these sentences using a different form of the word in the italics.

Everyone in the village soon knew what Mrs. Denton expected. Everyone in the village soon knew about Mrs. Denton’s expectation.

1. Mr. Potter had a more responsible position in the company.

Mr. Potter had more in the company .

2. Mr. Brownlow looked annoyed.

Mr. Brownlow looked at Partridge with … . 

3. Partridge won money in a competition.

Partridge … for some money and won.

4. He said that a doctor from town had signed the death  certificate.

He said that the … on the death certificate belonged to a doctor   in town.

5. Partridge hurried to his employer’s office.

Partridge hurried to the office of the man who … him. 


Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) What did the postman bring Humphrey Partridge on the first morning?

2) What did you learn about Humphrey Partridge and his mother from the talk in the shop?

3) Why did Humphrey Partridge refuse to go on a business trip?

4) How did Reg Carter happen to break into Humphrey Partridge’s house?

5) What was the reason for Sergeant Wallace’s visit?

6) Why was Humphrey Partridge arrested? Was he guilty?

7) Who visited Humphrey Partridge one cold evening? What did the visitor want?

8) Why did Humphrey Partridge come to the police station next morning? Did Sergeant Wallace believe him?

9) What do you think of Humphrey Partridge? Would you like the story to have another ending?


2. Read the definition below. Do you think it can be applied to Humphrey Partridge? Find sentences in the text to prove your viewpoint.

Misanthrope /ˈmɪs.ən.θrəʊp/ /-θroʊp/ n [C] (also misanthropist) someone who dislikes other people and avoids involvement with society


3. Read the following extracts from the story. What can you infer from these sentences about the villagers? How did it affect Humphrey Partridge’s life?

1. When Mrs. Denton expected something, everyone in the village soon heard about it.

2. Of course, Reg Carter had talked to Mr. and Mrs. Denton, and they had talked to almost everyone who came into the shop.

3. “As you know, this is a small place… I’ve been hearing some strange things about you. People are saying you killed your mother, to get her money.”


4. Make up a dialogue between Mrs. Denton and Reg Carter discussing Humphrey Partridge’s case after his departure.


5. Reproduce the story in writing adding another ending.


What do you think of gossiping? Can it hurt people? Do you know any examples of harm caused by rumors?



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