Tommaso Argento in London (part II)

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Listen to the continuation of the story about Tommaso Argento. Find the English for:

- он отправился прямо в «Русалку» - выглядеть озабоченным - обвинение в ереси - отрицай все - он плакал от ярости - выйти из тюрьмы под залог - предстать перед судом - под арестом - ни один из планов не казался выполнимым - это было неотвратимо - подняться на холм - попрощаться с другом - он швырнул в него тарелку - попытка остановить ссору - остальные его совершенно игнорировали - быть в ярости - он попытался ударить его кинжалом - нам придется и от них избавиться - он не колебался - выпрыгнул из окна и побежал изо всех сил - вдали от любой опасности - решение - исчезнуть без следа

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) “The Mermaid” was empty apart from the barman and the young playwright who wanted to write about Venice and Verona.

b) If I were you, my boy, I’d just go straight home!

c) The obvious thing to do was to leave as quickly as possible.

Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

1) What were the important pieces of news Tommaso received on May 20th?

2) What was Marlowe charged with? What was Tommaso’s idea of this arrest?

3) How did Tommaso feel about going back to Italy?

4) What happened during the dinner in Depford?

5) How did Tommaso manage to escape?

6) What solution did Tommaso finally come to at the port?


2. Make up a dialogue between: a) Tommaso and the barman at the “Mermaid” discussing Marlowe’s arrest; b) Tommaso and his friend discussing the reasons for taking on the identity of another playwright.

3. Reproduce the story in writing.



How do you find the end of the story? Do you believe that Shakespeare could be an Italian?What do you know about William Shakespeare?

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Listen to the story by Beatrix Potter. Find the English for:

- под корнями большой ели - произошел несчастный случай - протиснуться в щель под калиткой - фасоль - салат (растение) - петрушка - стоять на четвереньках - высаживать капустную   рассаду - размахивать граблями - зацепиться за сетку  латунными пуговицами - плакать горючими слезами - делать усилия, стараться; лезть из кожи вон - накрыть решетом - сарай - лейка - чихнуть - погнаться за ним - перевернуть три цветочных горшка - он запыхался и весь дрожал от страха - представления не имел куда  идти - она покачала головой - только еще больше запутался - таращиться на золотых рыбок - тихо сидеть - кончик хвоста двигался, как  живой - мотыга - слез с тачки - кусты черной смородины - заметил его только на повороте - проскользнул под калиткой - огородное пугало - бежал без оглядки, не останавливаясь - отвар из ромашки - одна столовая ложка на ночь

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) But round the end of the cucumber frame whom should he meet butMr. McGregor.

b) It would have been a beautiful thing to hidein if it had not had so much water.

c)He might have gone the way all together if he had not unfortunately run into a gooseberry net.


Questions and Tasks

1. Answer the questions:                                  

1) What have you learnt about Peter’s family?

2) Why did their mother leave them alone?

3) What did the rabbits do when their mother was out?

4) How did Peter manage to get into the garden? What did he do there?

5) What tools did McGregor use to catch Peter?

6) What happened in the tool shed?

7) What animals did the rabbit see in the garden?

8) How did Peter manage to escape from the garden and get home?

9) How did the rabbits spend the evening? What did they have for supper?


2. Some of the statements below are true and some are false. Choose the false statements and tell why they are incorrect.

1. Peter’s father got a piece of pie made by Mrs. McGregor.                                             

2. Peter went to look for some parsley because he felt sick.

3. Mr. McGregor was planting out young cabbages when he saw Peter.

4. Peter got tired and fell asleep in the water can.

5. The old mouse refused to tell Peter the way to the gate.

6. A white cat was staring at some gold-fish and sat very still.

7. Peter’s cousin, Benjamin Bunny, praised cats very much.

8. Mr. McGregor hung up the little jacket and the shoes for a scare-crow to frighten the blackbirds.

9. Peter was quite well during the evening and boasted a lot about his adventure in the garden.

10. Peter’s mother put him to bed, and made him some chamomile tea.

3. Make up a dialogue between: a) Mr. McGregor and his wife; b) Peter Rabbit and one of his brothers discussing the events of the day.

4. Reproduce the story in writing.



Do you like fairy-tales? Do you agree that fairy-tales are good only for children?

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