Russian cuisine: Healthy or Unhealthy

There is no doubt that Russian cuisine is one of the most popular in

the world. Some people find it healthy and nutritious, whereas others

suppose that Russian food is harmful for people’s health.

In my opinion, almost all Russian national meals are more than an

ordinary pleasant taste. First of all, breakfast in Russia includes a

wide range of fruits and porridges which help to refresh body and

spirit for the whole busy day. Secondly, there are a number of

vegetable soups which provide you with necessary vitamins and minerals

necessary for a healthy body. What is more, many Russian dishes

are hearty as they consist of meat. As people know, meat is an

essential element for healthy life style partly because it has proteins

and helps children to grow.

However, some people suppose than Russian food does more harm

than good. They think that it consumes large quantities of sugar and

meat which have a negative influence on cardio system and develop


This may be partly true, but I am convinced that Russian food is

much healthier than fast-food in Europe and America. In addition,

people in Russia use to eat neatly prepared homemade meals which

are made of high quality products.

In summary, I strongly believe that Russian meals are extremely

beneficial. Not only do they cater for the tastes of

foreigners, but they are also very healthy and nutritious.


A film review


Writing a film review is a great way of expressing your opinion of a movie. The purpose of most reviews is to help the reader in determining whether they want to watch the movie. The review should give enough details about the movie so that the reader can make an informed decision, without giving away any essentials such as the plot or any surprises, twists and turns.

Bridget Jones’s Diary is a blockbuster that hit our cinemas in 2001 and grossed $10.8 million during its opening weekend.  Directed by Sharon Maguire and based on the international bestseller by Helen Fielding, it is a romantic comedy about young(ish) Londoners looking for love.


Bridget Jones (Renee Zelwegger) is a single thirty-something with a meddling mother, a womanizing boss (Hugh Grant) and a close-knit circle of eccentric friends. Her love life is non-existent, while her consumption of alcohol and addiction to cigarettes is close to lethal. She starts a diary as an attempt to take charge of both her hectic life and the ever-fluctuating weight. Events take an unexpected turn when her mother tries to set her up with Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), a stiff-upper-lip barrister.


There were many reasons to imagine why Bridget Jones’s Diary might have proved a disaster. How dare they cast an American in the role of modern Britain’s icon of female angst? How many more so-called romantic comedies can the public stomach? Yet, with Richard Curtis as a screenwriter and a quality cast, the film still seems to hold enormous international appeal.



Yet, while most filmgoers have undoubtedly enjoyed the film, those who have read the novel and want to see its adaptation may feel disappointed. Whilst the book is a real jewel disguised as light reading, with honest, intelligent and humorous insights into the nature of a struggling modern woman, the film is perfunctory and is no more than a good laugh. Reading the book, almost every woman will relate to Bridget whereas not many will identify with Renee Zelwegger’s ridiculous character who, more often than not, seems to be lacking in intelligence. Besides, the book’s attraction lies mainly in the language, which makes the novel “unscreenable” - its originality is impossible to imitate in a film.


Дата добавления: 2020-12-22; просмотров: 122; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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