Open the brackets using Active or Passive Voice.


  1. When I came to this town three years ago, the bridge _____________________________ (still/ build).


  1. He was sure his mistake _________________________________ (never/discover).


  1. Close the door, the baby __________________________________ (wash).


  1. She didn’t follow the advice she _____________________________ (give).


  1. When she entered the classroom, the last student ________________________________

(still/ examine).


  1. Hopefully, everything _____________________________________ (arrange) by the end of the day.


  1.  Luckily, the house ________________________________________ (restore) by the time he _____________________________ (come) back from Africa.


  1. A lot of new houses ____________________________ (build) in our town this year.


  1. The road ________________________________ (widen) for the last few weeks.


  1. There was somebody walking behind us. We _________________________________ (follow).


  1. After he __________________________________ (promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.


  1. I didn’t realize our conversation ____________________________________ (record), otherwise I wouldn’t have been so bold.


  1. When we got to the stadium, we ________________________ (find) that the game _____________________________ (cancel).


  1. I thought that the new hospital building _________________________________ (complete) by the end of the next year.


  1. Once the letter ________________________________ (deliver), I’ll let you know.


  1. They went to the storeroom where some of the goods ___________________________ (keep).


  1. Nothing _____________________________ (see) of Pauline since her car ______________________________ (find) abandoned near Newberry.


  1. For the past few days I ______________________________ (work) in Jack’s office as my own office _______________________________ (redecorate) now.


  1. No decision _____________________________________ (make) about the future appointment until all the suitable candidates ______________________________ (interview).


  1. Right now a student trip to the planetarium __________________________________ (organize). If you want, you can sign for it.


  1. Before she _________________________________ (graduate) last month, she ______________________________ (offer) a position with a law firm.


  1.  He couldn’t quite remember what he __________________________ (tell) at the party.


  1. When I came here last summer, the old bridge ________________________________ (repair) for more than a year, and now the work ________________________________ (still/ not finish).

24. My piano _______________________________ (repair) at the moment.


25. _________________________________________ (my/parcel/post)?


26. I’m afraid all our copies ________________________________ (sell). - ________________________________________ (others/order/yet)?


27. He escaped when he__________________________________ (move) from one prison to another.


28. They say this street is a bottleneck but when it _______________________________ (widen) residents will be kept awake by the roar of the traffic all night.


29. I _______________________________ (waken) by a frightful crash at 4 a.m.


30. The keys ____________________ (return) to me yesterday. They __________________ (pick up) in the street.


31. I had to travel by bus as my car ________________________________________ (fix).


32. Other people’s schemes __________________________________ (try/all the time). Why ______________________________________ (my schemes/never/try)?


33. A lot of people are waiting at the station. The trains ______________________ (hold up) by the fog.


34. I believe he _________________________________ (see off) at the airport by all the ministers.


35. The bed ______________________________________ (not sleep in) for a fortnight.


36. After a million dollars _____________________________ (spend) on the scheme, they decided it was impracticable and it __________________________ (give up).


37. When I returned, I found that my car _______________________________ (tow) away. They told me it ___________________________________ (park) under a No Parking sign.


38. This college is already full. The students _______________________________ (turn) away all the time.


39. Why ________________________________________ (the road/block)? – The old theatre ___________________________________________ (pull) down.


40. Why ___________________________________________ (the roof/ not mend) before it fell in?


41. I have to stay in. I’ve bought a harp and it _____________________________ (deliver) this afternoon.


42. Far more money ______________________________________ (spend) on food now than ten years ago.


43. He promised that if the stolen gun __________________________________ (return), nothing __________________________________ (say) on the matter.


44. My dog _______________________ (steal) and he __________________________ (bring back) only after $20 reward ______________________________ (promise).


45. _______________________________________________________ (the day of the ceremony/fix/yet)?



Тексты для знакомства с новой лексикой и подготовки тем-топиков на устный экзамен


Secrets of a Happy Marriage

Most marriage therapists focus on communication. Communication is one of the most important ways to have a good marriage. A good marriage is one in which the couple can communicate about every issue, including children, work, household management, and annoying habits. This does not mean that the husband and wife always agree on every issue; but it does mean that each is willing to listen to the other, and to discuss their points of view. That's all well and good and may help you get through some conflicts in a less destructive way. Still, aren’t they asking people to do Olympic-style gymnastics when they can hardly crawl?

Long-lasting, happy marriages have more than great communication. Let’s admit something no one ever talks about - that irreconcilable differences are normal, that you just have to come to terms with them, not try to resolve the irresolvable. In happy marriages, couples don't do any of that!

Instead, you must be nice to your partner. Make small gestures, but make them often. The little things matter. What a happy marriage is based on is deep friendship, knowing each other well, having mutual respect, knowing when it makes sense to try to work out an issue, and when it is not solvable. Learn how to identify issues that must be resolved, that can be "fruitfully discussed." And learn to live with the rest. Just put up with it. All you do is waste your breath and get angry over the things that can't be changed. You're better off not trying to change them. Work around them. Commit to staying together, even though there is something you don't like.

A long-lasting, happy marriage is about knowing your partner, being supportive, and being nice. For every one negative thing you do, there must be five positive things that balance it out. Make sure to balance the negatives with positives. While it sounds easy - and while it can be easy - this commitment to being nice is no small matter. You have to do nice things often. But it's harder to be nice when the heat is on, when you're really angry, or when something has happened for the 15th time. Nevertheless, the balance must be heavily, heavily stacked in the positive, to have a happy marriage.

Also, couples must work out their special ways of repairing the relationship. It can be humour; it can be whatever helps diffuse the escalating heat. In happy marriages, couples naturally do this. They deflect the anger, and get back on an even keel*.

· on an even keel – когда шторм уляжется

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