17. Переведите термины и словосочетания в быстром темпе:

ядерные вооружения; a study on nuclear weapons; значительная часть; ground zero; тепловое излучение; blast; летящие осколки стекла и металла; shelters; удушье; a large proportion of houses; тона поражения ударной волной; smouldering fires; проникающая радиация; asphyxiation; частичные ожоги; initial survivors; неопасные раны; partial burns; последующие пожары; minor wounds; полная защита от газов; normal services of a functioning society; глобальная ядерная война; subsequent fires; запасы ядерного оружия; direct victims; пункты медицинского обслуживания; central radius; системы водоснабжения; world stock of nuclear weapons; отопительная сеть; production system; транспортная сеть; central radius; система производства; an all-out nuclear war.

18. Переведите шаблонные выражении в быстром темпе:

to provide complete protection against; будут полностью разрушены системы обеспечения нормального функционирования общества; according to a UN study on nuclear weapons; многие пострадают or проникающей радиации; they would be killed immediately by the blast; почти половина населения земного шара; it would seriously affect many initial survivors; число непосредственных жертв той войны составит; to suffer only minor wounds; люди, уцелевшие после ударной волны; from the blast; убежища могут не обеспечить полной защиты от газов; in an all-out nuclеar war involving two thirds of the world stock of nuclear weapons; в зоне радиусом 5-6 км; to be direct victims of the war; зa пределами этой зоны; gases produced by the smouldering fires; атомная бомба мощностью 100 килотонн; this would lead to a collapse of the normal services of a functioning society; ударная волна от взрыва сравнительно небольшой бомбы; plus a large proportion of houses; согласно исследованию Организации Объединенных Наций; where water and power supply systems would cease to exist.


19. Переведите анекдот :

His last will and testament completed, the old man in the oxygen tent fondly told his son that all his wealth, stocks, bonds, bank account and real estate would be his after the end finally came.

"Dad, Dad," whispered the weeping son, his voice emotion-choked, “I can't tell you how grateful I am ... how unworthy I am ... Is there ... is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?"

"Well, son," came the feeble reply, "I'd appreciate it very much if you took your foot off the oxygen hose."

20. Повторите синхронно :

Firearms widened the scope of war and increased the potential for violence, culminating in the devastation of central Europe in the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Widespread revulsion against the horrors of that conflict led to attempts in many countries to lessen the brutality of warfare by limiting combat to recognised armed forces, by formulating conventions for the humane treatment of prisoners and the wounded, and by organizing logistics to end supply by pillage. These rules prevailed throughout the 18th century, making war a relatively limited and civilised "game of kings”.

Many utopian plans for the total abolition of war were also formulated during this period by such men as French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Charles Castel, Abbe de Si. Pierre, Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, commented that all these plans needed to succeed was the co-operation of all the kings of Europe.

The rise of mass armies during the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) again enlarged the size and devastation of war: yet throughout that period no attempts were made to reduce or limit national arsenals other than those imposed by the victors upon the defeated. The one exception was the Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817). under which Great Britain and the United States reduced, equalised, and eventually eliminated their naval and other forces on the Great Lakes and the US-Canadian border.

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