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Before the Two worlds Met

Pre-colonial America

When the European colonists arrived in the New world, they found a rich and diverse land. The eastern coastal region where they settled consisted mainly of a forested plain that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Appalachian Mountains. Major rivers and bays cut through the plain, which broadened in the south. Many of these rivers provided a means of travel to the interior.

Fish were plentiful along the seacoast and in the inland waters. Many kinds of animals lived in the forests. They included deer, rabbits and other small game, and birds, such as ducks and geese.

The area that would later become the Thirteen Colonies was also home to more than 500,000 Indians. The tribes in the north included the Massachusetts, Pequot, and Wampanoag. Among the groups in the central part of the region were the Delaware, the Susquehannock, and the nations of the powerful Iroquois League – the Cayuga, Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, and Seneca, Father south lived the Catawba, Cherokee, creek, and other tribes.


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Кижский архипелаг интересен как памятник природы, истории и архитектуры. Острова образуют сложный и запутанный лабиринт. Здесь на сравнительно небольшой территории можно ознакомиться с большинством для Карелии ландшафтов. Здесь есть скалы и низменные берега, высокотравные луга и заросли водной растительности. "Визитная карточка" архипелага - чайки и крачки. И, конечно, нельзя не упомянуть дошедший до наших дней уникальный памятник деревянного зодчества – Кижский ансамбль.

Card3 5 .

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Why the Colonists came to America

The first permanent English settlement was founded at Jamestown in 1607. By 1733, the heart of the British Empire in the New World consisted of 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast of North America. Most of these colonies were founded by private joint-stock companies or individuals who had received permits from the English monarch to colonize lands claimed by England. Joint-stock companies, forerunners of modern corporations, were companies that obtained funds to carry on business by selling shares of stock to individuals.

The companies and individual investors hoped to make a profit from their colonies and to expand English trade and industry. They advertised for settlers and pointed out that fertile land and valuable resources were available in the New World. The advertisements attracted many people who were willing to move to the newly established colonies.

Most of the settlers came from England. The colonists also included many people from Scotland. People of Scottish ancestry who had settled in the northern part of Ireland also came in large numbers.

                            (An American Patchwork by I.V.Zubanova and A.I. Nikolskaya)



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Путешествие по России

"Золотое кольцо"

Маршрут по древнерусским городам Центральной России, на северо-восток от Москвы, получил широкую известность под названием "Золотое кольцо".

Города "Золотого кольца" – наглядная энциклопедия древнерусской архитектуры. Но "Золотое кольцо" – это не только архитектура, это еще погружение в атмосферу провинциального города, с ее тишиной, несуетностью, покоем. Все города живут особой жизнью, со своим особым ритмом. Не менее захватывающим зрелищем оказываются и чудесные ландшафты.

Многие достопримечательности "Золотого кольца" внесены в Фонд всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.


Card3 6 .

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The American Dream Over Time


Instant wealth has not always been a major component of the American Dream. Americans have traditionally centered their efforts on thrift and hard work. During the Colonial Period, Benjamin Franklin counseled people on the ‘The Way of Wealth.” His Poor Richard’s Almanac advised that “Early to Bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” The key to wealth was industry: “Industry pays debts,” insisted Poor Richard. Americans of Early republic expanded Franklin’s notion of industry into a labor ideology. For many the goal was not extravagant wealth, but, rather, economic independence and the opportunity for social advancement through financial gain. Abraham Lincoln insisted that the greatness of the American North was that industry allowed all men to prosper: “The prudent, penniless beginner in the world, labors for wages awhile, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land, for himself; then labors on his own account another while, at the length hires another new beginner to help him. This…is free labor - the just and generous, and prosperous system, which opens the way for all.”



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