Power of transformation, 16, 170

Predator, 241

Prediction, 132

Pre-fabrication, 268

Pressure, 45

Prey, 241

Prices, 34

Prisoner, 123, 124

Probability, 122

— as variable, 40

— , constant, 162

Problem-solving, 272

Product, 21

Programming, 252

Properties, breeding, 70

Protocol, 88

— , constraint in, 132

Protoplasm, 68

Provider, 201

Psychology, topological, 113

Puzzle, 272


Rana, 252

Random, 63, 259

— numbers, 234

— searching, 236, 258

Rayleigh, Lord, 64

Receptor, 220

Red corpuscles, 222

Reducibility, 60

— and selection, 261

Redundancy, 130, 182

References, 273

Reflex, 247

Regenerative circuit, 82, 137

Region, stable, 76, 229

Regulation, 193

— , limit of, 211

— , automatic, 251

— , amplifying, 265

Reinforcement, 133

Re-labelling, 97

Relay, 84, 93

Repetition, 89, 121, 247

Replicates, 136

Representation, canonical, 29

Representative point, 22

Requisite Variety, law of, 206, 245





Reservoir, 238

Residues, 35

Resistances, 256

Respiratory centre, 81

Retina, 188

Reverberation, 137

Riguet, J., 158, 273

Rods, 160

Rubber, 112


School, 139

Science, 107, 121, 131

Scout, 155

Searching, 236, 258

Secrecy system, 141, 243, 273

See-saw, 82

Selection, 235, 236

Natural, 196

— , quantity of, 255

By machine, 259

Self-locking, 69, 234

Self-observation, 55

Self~reproduction, 111, 196

Semaphore, 125

Sensory channel, 220

Sequence, 155, 172

Series, exponential, 173

Set, 122

— and machine, 135

Shannon, C. E., vi, 93, 123, 161,

207, 243, 245, 260, 273

Shell, 198

Shivering, 238

Shuffling, 259

Signal, 183, 221

Silver chloride, 68

Simple proportions, 131

Simplification, 103

Singing, 60

Single-valued, 14

— system, 39

Siphon, 238

Size of system, 61

— of inverter, 151

Skid, 203

Skull, 201

Smoke, 183

Sommerhoff, G., 211, 273

Sophistication, 92

Speech, 127

Speedometer, 146

Square of transformation, 17

Stability, 23, 73, 113

— under displacement, 77

— and survival, 197

— in Markovian machine, 228

Stable region, 76, 229

Stages of regulation, 263

— of amplification, 265

Stamp, 256

Standard, 246

Star cluster, 113

State, 25

Stationary, 30

— of equilibrium, 74, 229

— , inaccessible, 92

— , initial, as noise, 217

— , absorbing, 229

Stationary, 30

Statistical mechanics, 62

Statistics, 245

— , determinacy in, 91

Steady state, 30, 169

Steering, 203, 211, 215

Steermanship, 1

Step-function, 242

Stepping switch, 84

Stickleback, 26

Stochastic, 162

Stock breeder, 62

Strategy, 205, 240

Sub-system, 48

Sugar, 111

Supernova, 248

Supplementation, 65, 162

— of selection, 258

Survival, 77, 197

Switch, as input, 43, 253

System, 40

— , complex, 4

— , economic, 37

— , absolute, 41

— , definition of, 106, 227

— , very large: see Very


Tachometer, 146

Tap, 234

Tea-taster, 135

Telegraph, 161, 211

Telephone, 161

Temperature, 135, 198, 237, 238

Testudo, 198

Thermal agitation, 78, 186

Thermodynamics, 136

Thermostat, 135, 198, 200

Thing, 131

Thirst, 224

Threat, 221

Threshold, 66

Till, 15

Tinbergen, N., 26, 273

Tinder Box, 119

Topology, 85, 113

Tortoise, 198

Trace, 115

Traffic lights, 127

Train, 80

Trajectory, 25, 94

— of Markovian machine, 229

Transducer, 44, 143

Transform, 10

— , multiple, 161

Transformation, 10

— , single-valued, 14

— , one-one, 14

— , many-one, 15

— , identical, 15

— , geometric, 20

— , embodiment, 29

— , random, 65, 126, 135

— , inverse, 142

Transient, 48

Transition, 10

— , observing, 146

— , probability, 163

Transmission, 140

— , incessant, 161

Trial and error, 230

Triunique, 45

Tustin, A., 37, 237, 273

Twenty Questions, 126

Tyrant, 213

Tyre, 122


Ultrastability, 83, 233, 242

Uniselector, 84

Unsolvable equations, 37

Unstable, 78

VARIABLE, 31, 100

— in system, 40

— , missing, 114

— , essential, 197

Variety, 119, 125, 126

— , requisite, 206

— in vectors, 249

Vector, 31

— equality, 31

— constraint, 128

— , sequence as, 172

— , variety in, 249

Velocity, 74

Very large system, 61, 85, 109

—— — , regulating the, 244

Veto, 83

— , regulation by, 233, 260

Vitamins, 40

Vocabulary, 4

Vocal cords, 180

Volume, 45


Warder, 123

Water-amplifier, 266

Water-bath, 135, 198, 249

Way of behaving, 43

Weather, 31

Weaver, W., 273

Weighing coins, 156

Whole, 112

— and equilibrium, 82

Wholeness, degree of, 68

Wiener, N., 1, 123, 177, 273

Work amplifier, 240

ZERO VARIETY, 126, 137

— entropy, message of, 211




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