That the output shall be supplemented generously, so that it much

Exceeds the value of the input.

Ex.: Design a “water-amplifier”, i.e. a device that, if water is pumped into the

Input at x ml/see will emit, from its output, water at 100x ml/sec.

Obviously, both points of view are right. Designers of cranes

Should be well aware that they are not really amplifiers, but the

Users of them should think of them as if they were.

We can now see how we should view the question of ampli-

Fying regulation. During the designing (in this chapter) we shall

Have to be clearly aware that the designer is really achieving only

A supplementation, by robbing some easily available and abun-

Dant source of it. When he comes to use it, however (a matter for

The future), he should forget the fact, and should know only that

He is now like a workman equipped with power-operated tools,

Able to achieve tasks impossible to the unaided workman.

Regulation and selection. In S.13/10 we started to consider

What would get the regulator (previously assumed to be given)

Into actual existence, either as a formula for behaving, contained

Within the organism (Q) that wants the regulation, or as a material

Machine built by the organism to act for him. We saw that the

Quantity of design that goes to it can be measured (by the amount

Of selection necessary) and we saw (S.13/18) that selection can, in

A sense, be amplified. To make the matter clearer, let us consider

More directly the relation between regulation and selection, espe-

Cially so far as the quantities of variety or information are con-

Cerned. If the diagram of immediate effects is

              Designer  → Regulator


We want to know how much variety or information the channel C

Between them will have to carry.

To get a regulator made, selection is essential. Here are three


The first regulator we discussed (S.11/3) led to our identifying

It as

                             1 2 3

                        R: ↓ β α γ

And this particular transformation (the regulatory) had to be

Selected from the set of all transformations possible, which num-

Bered, in this case, 27 (cf. Ex. 7/7/8). Here the regulator is “made”

By being unambiguously specified, i.e. distinguished from the


In S.13/12 another method was used, and a machine, which

Might be a regulator, was “designed” by a particular value being

Selected from the set of possible input-values.


The process of amplification can thus be looked at from two

Very different points of view, which are apt to lead to two very dif-

Ferent opinions about whether amplification does or does not


On the one side stands the theoretician— a designer of cranes,

Perhaps, who must understand the inner nature of the process if he

Is to make the crane effective. To him there is no real amplifica-

Tion: the power emitted does not exceed the (total) power sup-

Plied. He knows that the operator at the control is successful

Simply because the operator can, as it were, rob other sources of

Energy (coal, oil, etc.) to achieve his end. Had Nature not provided

The coal as a generous source of supplementation, the operator

Would not be able to lift the heavy load. The operator gets “ampli-

Fication” simply by calling in King Coal to help him. So the basic

Type of amplifier is the boy who can lift big weights— because his

father is willing to lift them for him!

All this is true; yet on the other side stands the practical man

Who wants to use the thing, the man who decides what machinery

To install at the quay-side, say. If he has access to an abundant

Source of cheap power, then for him “amplification” becomes

Very real and practical. It means the difference between the ships

Being loaded quickly and easily by movements of a control han-

Dle, or slowly and laboriously by hand. When the load is larger, a

Locomotive for instance, the non-availability of a power-amplifier

Might mean that the job could not be done at all. Thus, to the prac-

Tical man the possibility of such an apparent amplification is of

Great importance.



Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 222; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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