Problems and prospects of higher education in Kazakhstan.

- I’d like to go behind the education in Kazakhstan.

- First of all I want to mention, that the expenses for education are not reduced they constantly continue to increase.

- You drop a hint that the level of high education because better.

- I don’t hint, I say trustingly. I think computerization produced a great effect on education.

- You mean education because more efficient!

- Well, I think that higher education in Kazakhstan is no worse than abroad.

- Really. From year to year the level of education comes along!

- Of course the information technology takes are important part in education. But the thing is that valued teaches are also necessary.

- I don’t object to this point of view. But we can’t notice the problems in education.

- May be you are right. I know that there are several problems.

- Can you name some of them?

- The thing is that there are many small institutions of one direction. And then the leavers can’t find job.

- I also think the system of controlling students’ knowledge should be remade.

- Here I support you completely. The students must have strong knowledge in order to be competitive with the students all over the world.


Increase in divorce – a global problem (1)

- The problem of divorce is serious, believe me:

- To my satisfaction. I am not going to divorce. But many of my friends are involved in this problem.

- How do you think what are the reasons of divorces?

- As far as I can judge when people stop living without love their marriage has no future.

- When on one hand the spouses try to live together because of their children or on the other hand they are afraid of divorce their marriage has no future either.

- But I want to point out, why there is no more love or regard?

- Yes, this question serves great attention. I think both wife and husband mustn’t wash their hands of different family problems. It is the way of avoiding the quarrels.

- And I want to remind you a proverb “Men make houses, women make homes“. If this proverb really acts, there are fewer causes for divorce.

Environmental protection problem (1)

- What is your point of view of environmental protection problem?

- Unfortunately, but today there is no clean place left.

- Yes, the more we build now factories, and try not to look after nature the more polluted places we have.

- I have no reason to oppose. Many trees are cut down now. Our towns are full of litter.

- And air leaves much to be desired.

- You must be on the safe side, when you swim in the river,or in the sea, because bottom and the water itself may be polluted.

- Environmental problem is of great importance for our health.

- Do you mean virus infection? They may be dangerous for all living livings.

- I dream that coast will be clear and we live in healthy environment.

- As far I am concerned our authorities don’t ignore this problem. They try to solve this problem.

- How is it done!

- First of all. New trees are grown, i.e. the forests are restored.

- And the factories put their wastes into environment less and.

- Glad to hear it.

- Perhaps you might considerme a bit of a fanatic about environment protection!

- I don’t think so. But you are the sort of ordinary person wants to help all of us.

- Today this problem must be in the first place. We are in search such measures which can really help to protect environment.

- I also don’t shift my ground in this question.

- The more people understand the necessity of environment protection the better results we can have.

- You quite right in your decision.

Environmental protection problem (2)

- About two hundred tears ago man lived in far way with nature, because, industry was not much developed.

- Anyway today the contradiction between man and nature are dramatic. What can you say about the ecological problems?

- Every year world industry throws out into atmosphere about 1000 million tons of dust and otherharmful substances. Forests are disappearing; the pollution of the air, ocean, seas, and rivers could lead our planet to a global catastrophe.

- What should we do?

- The Earth is our home that is why we must take care of it, for ourselves and for the next generations. We must have all people keeping our environment clean.

- How was it that Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared a specially protected zone of the country?

- More than twenty years ago a pulp – and – paper factory was built on the shore of lake of the water pollution; more then 50 per cent of the world’s purest water have been rained.

- What shouldn’t we do?

- We shouldn’t use cars a lot throw litter into the streets, cut trees, plants, trees and pick flowers. This was the most I can say.

- Thank you very much I learned much from or your interesting interview.

- I have nothing but gratitude for you because you affected very global problems in Kazakhstan.

Дата добавления: 2020-01-07; просмотров: 187; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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