Customs and holidays in English – speaking countries

- I heard there are some interesting customs and holidays in Great Britain. I would like you to remind me of some of them.

- Why not tell you about Christmas. It’s a wonderful holiday; I can tell you First of all, when is it celebrated? What is it taken up with?

- It is regularly celebrated on the 25th of December and it is taken up with the New Year coming.

- I guess it is not an ordinary holiday.

- Yes, you are quite right. Every Englishman is fussy about Christmas.

- You want to say that people lose their heads waiting for Christmas.

- That’s it. Every family has a Christmas tree, prepares famous turkey and looks forward Boxing Day, it is on December 26. When everybody receives Christmas presents. Except this holiday there are some others in English speaking countries: Bonfire Night, May Day, Thanksgiving Day (in America) Independence Day etc. but as far as I am concerned Kazakhstan has also many customs and holidays? Can you tell me something?

- With pleasure. There are many of valued holidays in my country. One of them is certainly Nauriz.

- When did It come into existence?

- You see, it is a very ancient holiday. But up to date we didn’t know much about it. But when our country received independence. Naurizbecame one of the most well – known and favourite holidays in our Republic.

- When it is celebrated and what does it mean.

- It is celebrated on March, 22 and means the spring coming.

- I am inclined to think, that there are some special preparations for it?

- You are quite right. The families get together, cook tasty national dishes, and organize different sport and musiccompetions.

- What are the others customs and holidays. Are any of them?

- No doubt! They are: Independence Day, The Day of Republic, interesting wedding customs, and others.

- Well, I see, our countries have many interesting events and to my mind. It is useful to exchange them.

The generation gap: myth or reality? (1)

- Interviewer: The question is whether there is the generation gap.

- Psychologist: I think the generation gap isn’t myth it’s reality.

- I must say I can see no reason to oppose. To my mind this gap has been forever.

- But from the point of view of psychology the gap concerns the psychological changes in the society. The society itself changes greatly and the people’s characters are changed too.

- The values constantly change what fit in the past that does not fit in the present as a matter of fact.

- As a matter of fact parents in comparison with children understand all the events in their way, but the children understand these events in their way.

- Nevertheless the parents are always elated by their children in spite of all their larks.

- You are right quite. It is determined psychologically. Real parents always sympathize with their children.

- All I am trying to say that there is a real generation gap. It will be in all the times.

- You have my whole support, but there is only one hope for it. Both sides will patient and try to do their best to understand and help each other.


The generation gap: myth or reality? (2)

Interviewer: Good afternoon! I want to ask you several questions about the generation gap: myth or reality?

A psychologist: Good afternoon, I suppose the generation gap is reality.

Interviewer: Why do you think?

A psychologist: Because we havethe difficult child is the child who is unhappy consequence. He is at war with the world and his parents.

Interviewer: What are the usual arguments put forward against giving more freedom to the child?

A psychologist: The usual argument against freedom for children is this: life is hard, and parents must train the children so that they will fit into life later on.

Parents must therefore discipline them.

Interviewer: Why is it wrong to pressure a child into obedience?

A psychologist: Fear can be a terrible thing in a child’s life. Only hate can flourish in the atmosphere of fear.

Interviewer: How should the new generation be brought up?

A psychologist: It seems to me it’s clear that we should bring up the next generation with a greater respect for law and for other people’s rights.


Дата добавления: 2020-01-07; просмотров: 152; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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