TEXT 2                  GLOBAL WARMING



Study the topical vocabulary

to be in the wrong быть виноватым
cause причина
frequent частый
global warming глобальное потепление
greenhouse effect парниковый эффект
feature черта, свойство
carbon dioxide двуокись углерода
to predict предсказывать
ice age ледниковый период
to melt таять
gloomy мрачный
ice cap полярный лёд
current течение
to cheer up утешиться
forecast прогноз
to measure измерять
emission выброс
solar солнечный
to insulate изолировать, утеплять
efficiency эффективность
threat угроза
to succeed суметь сделать (что-л)
attitude позиция, отношение
lifestyle образ жизни




Match the following English words with their Russian equivalents. Use the dictionary to check their pronunciation.

drought    шквалистый ветер
wildfire смерч
landslide наводнение
avalanche лесной пожар
gale засуха
tornado обвал, оползень
flood сход ледника, снежной лавины




TEXT 2                                      Global Warming

Jerome K. Jerome said that we are never happy with the weather. The weather, like the government, is always in the wrong. But something has been really wrong with it lately. Droughts, wildfires, landslides, avalanches, gales, tornadoes, floods… All over Europe is the same story. The weather is definitely getting worse and the so-called extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent.

Scientists have noticed it too. Their explanation is short: The cause is global warming.


What is global warming?

“Greenhouse effect” is actually a natural feature of our atmosphere without which life on our planet would be impossible.

Certain atmospheric gases ( the most important of them is carbon dioxide CO2) work as a kind of blanket, keeping the Earth warm. The amount of these “greenhouse” gases used to be more or less the same for centures. But the industrial revolution broke this balance.

Because of heavy industry and other human activities the amounts of CO2 and other gases have increased by 30%.

Climate experts predict that by 2050 the global everage temperature will rise by 2-3 degrees. It doesn’t seem much. Remember, however, that the difference between the average global temperature now and the last ice age (20,000 years ago) is only 6 to 8 degrees.


So what could happen?

Northern regions will be wetter and warmer, southern regions will be drier and hotter. Forests will grow instead of tundra in Siberia. It’ll be possible to grow grapes in Britain. Not so bad so far. But parts of Spain, Italy and Greece will turn as dry as a desert. Snow will melt in the Alps and other mountains, and the water will cause floods, landslides and avalanches. Sea levels will rise and a lot of coastal areas will disappear under water. So will whole species of animals and plants.

It sounds gloomy. Moreover, some experts argue that the short-term global warming will lead to a more catastrophic long-term global cooling. As the arctic ice cap melts, a flow of fresh water will change currents, including the Gulf Stream, which now keeps Europe warm.

What shall we do?

Certainly we can cheer ourselves up with the idea that this forecast is far from proven. After all, people began to measure temperature not so long ago. The climatologic history of the world is long and man’s knowledge of it is short.

But it doesn’t mean that we can just sit and wait. Since the global warming is the result of air pollution, the main thing is to lower the greenhouse gases emissions. People should use clean energy, such as wind, solar and wave power, which do not emit greenhouse gases. If we recycle cans and paper, insulate our homes, take public transport and think about energy efficiency in the home – switching off unused lights, for example, we’ll reduce the threat of global climate change.

The question is: will mankind succeed in making such radical changes in attitudes and lifestyles in time?




Match each word from group 1 with a word from group 2 to form collocations:

solar emission
air water
greenhouse energy
climate age
coastal history
ice pollution
fresh effect
climatologic area
gases change




Make a list of:

a) extreme weather events

b) global warming consequences

c) measures to be taken




Find in the text the English equivalents for:

Парниковый эффект, промышленная революция, экстремальные погодные явления, человеческая деятельность, прибрежный район, изменение климата, виды животных и растений, краткосрочное глобальное потепление, арктический полярный лёд, измерять температуру, загрязнение воздуха, перерабатывать консервные банки, уменьшать угрозу, нарушать равновесие.




Express your opinion in a written form:

Possible consequances of global warming in Belarus.





Study new vocabulary:

habitat место обитания
“key ornithological territory” «ключевая орнитологическая территория»
endangered находящийся под угрозой исчезновения
environmental regime природоохранный режим
quantitative index количественный показатель
peatlands торфяники
Olmany mires Ольманские болота
swampy болотистый
excavation земляные работы, раскопки
overexploit чрезмерно эксплуатировать
sustainable жизнеспособный
renewable resources возобновляемые источники
threshold пороговый




Match the following English names of birds with their Russian equivalents. Use the dictionary if necessary.

a. black stork 1. золотистая овсянка
b. sparrow 2. малый подорлик
c. common kestrel 3. больщой серый филин
d. jay 4. воробей
e. big spotted eagle 5. белый аист
f. falcon 6. городская ласточка
g. bee-eater 7. мородунка
h. great grey owl 8. обыкновенная пустельга
i. terek sandpiper 9. пчелоед, щурка
j. great white egret 10. трёхпалый дятел
k. three-toed woodpecker 11. большая белая цапля
l. lesser spotted eagle 12. чёрный аист
m. white wagtail 13. чибис
n. white stork 14. большой подорлик
o. gold-hammer, 15. сойка
p. city swallow 16. сокол
q. lapwing 17. голубь
r. restless warbler 18. пеночка, вертлявая древесница
s. pigeon 19. белая трясогузка




Read the text.

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