TEXT 4              State policy in the sphere of education

Intellectual resources are the major wealth of the Republic of Belarus. Therefore, development of the national education system is the top priority of the public policy. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the Act on Education every citizen of the country has a right to receive tuition-free education. Besides, attendance of general educational establishments (school, gymnasium) is compulsory and is under state control. Having acquired basic knowledge (the 1st-10th form), one has several options: to continue school education (11th -12th forms) and complete secondary education; or to enter a vocation school (special secondary educational establishments) and acquire a profession. Both options are free of charge.

Special secondary and higher education is available both on free and paid basis. The latter option is for those who failed to get the necessary score at entrance examinations and did not win the entrance competition. The paying students can make use of lax credit system. On the other hand the state prohibits the increase of the places for paying students at the cost of reduction of budget places. For comparison Belarus is the only country in the CIS, which retained the same quantity of budget places at higher educational establishments as it had in 1991. In the near future the budget financing of the higher school is not going to be reduced. This policy is the major guarantor of the accessibility of all levels of education to all groups of population. Besides the citizens of Belarus and Russia have equal rights to education in both states according to the intergovernmental agreement signed not long ago.

Social state policy in the sphere of education envisages also financial and material support of students: a 50% reduction on public transport for students, nonresident students and pupils are provided with accommodation at hostels and boarding houses, advanced students receive monthly allowance. The most gifted young people can also apply for the scholarship from a special President fund on social support of gifted pupils and students.

The official languages of upbringing and education at the educational establishments of the Republic of Belarus are Belarusian and Russian. The state guarantees its citizens the right to choose the language of upbringing and education and creates adequate conditions for exercising this right. By applications of children’s legal representatives (parents or tutors) and on the decision of local authorities special groups can be established at preschool establishments and general schools, where education and instruction is fully or partially conducted in the language of a national community or the study of the language of a national community is introduced into a school curriculum.

Graduates of state establishments of the system of vocational, special secondary and higher education as well persons with specific features of psychophysical development, who received training on a special curriculum are guaranteed the first workplace in compliance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Another important issue is the control over the quality of education. Regardless of the pattern of ownership all educational establishments are subject to accreditation procedure, which takes place every five years. Accreditation is aimed at confirmation of adequate level of quality and contents of education and graduate training, which should meet the requirements of established educational standards. Accreditation entitles the educational establishment in question to issue a standard certificate of education of corresponding level.

It should be noted that the research work in the sphere of education and upbringing, humanities and social science as well as the major scientific, technical and economic developments, conducted by education system bodies are budget funded. In the whole, the volume of budget spending on education is fixed at 10% of national income.




to go on to higher education продолжить образование в вузе
to take one's «A» level examinations in… сдавать экзамены продвинутого уровня по...
to accept students on the basis of «A» level results принимать студентов на основе результатов экзаменов продвинутого уровня
to interview smbd. провести собеседование с кем-либо
the Open University  открытый университет
formal qualifications формальные результаты
a part-time student студент-заочник или вечерник
to follow a degree course проходить курс, ведущий к получению степени
a former polytechnic бывший политехнический институт
a Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук
a postgraduate degree   ученая степень (присуждается после обучения в аспирантуре или докторантуре)
Master of Philosophy to be awarded for smth. research in Arts or Sciences магистр гуманитарных наук  присуждаться за что-либо  исследования в области гуманитарных или естественных наук
the Council for National Academic Awards Национальный совет по присуждению ученых степеней
a vocational area область профессионального обучения
to take qualifications сдавать экзамены
a professional body профессиональный орган
to receive a grant получать стипендию
a local authority местный орган власти
to cover the cost of smth. покрывать расходы на что-либо
living expenses стоимость проживания
to make a contribution зд.: возместить часть расходов
to introduce a system of loans ввести систему займов
to be famous for academic excellence быть известным за великолепное качество обучения


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