Read the article and discuss it. Work in small groups

a)  What are the Russian equivalents of the following :

organ of taste

thin gland

the pancreas functions as

pancreatic juice

waste product                           

an exocrine and endocrine organ

the salivary glands

abdominal cavity

the small in­testine is composed of

a dilated portion of the alimentary canal

the large intestine is divid­ed into

pelvic cavity

 the lower surface of the liver

the soft and hard palates

digestion and absorption of nutrients

B)Find the names of the organs of the alimentary tract

C)What are the functions of the alimentary tract  

The Alimentary Tract

The alimentary tract is a musculomembraneous canal about 8,5 m (metres) in length. It extends from the oral cavity to the anus. It consists of the mouth, pharynx, esoph­agus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The liver with gallbladder and pancreas are the large glands of the alimentary tract.

The first division of the alimentary tract is formed by the mouth. Important structures of the mouth are the teeth and the tongue, which is the organ of taste . The soft and hard palates and the salivary glands are also in the oral cavity.

From the mouth food passes through the pharynx to the esophagus and then to the stomach.

The stomach is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. It measures about 21-25 cm in length, 8-9 cm in its great­est diameter. It has a capacity of from 2.14 to 4.28 1 (litres).

The small intestine is a thin-walled muscular tube about 6.5 metres long. It is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The small in­testine is composed of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.

The large intestine is about 1.5 meters long. It is divid­ed into caecum, colon and rectum.

Three important accessory organs of the digestive system are the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas (Figure 1). Although food does not pass through these organs, they play a crucial role in the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. The liver is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. The liver is in the right side of the abdomen. The weight of the liver is 1,500 g. It manufactures a thick, yellowish-brown, sometimes

-pancreas, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Figure 1


greenish, fluid called bile. Bile con­tains cholesterol (a fatty substan­ce), bile acids, and several bile pigments. One of these bile pig­ments is called bilirubin. Bilirubin is a waste product produced when hemoglobin (from destroyed red blood cells) is broken down in the liver. The liver then combines bi­lirubin with bile and both are ex­creted through the digestive system in the feces.

The duodenum receives a mixture of bile and pancreatic juice.

Bile acts as an emulsifier, with detergent-like effect on the fats in the duodenum. This allows for more successful enzymatic digestive ac­tion by the pancreatic juice. Without bile, most of the fat taken into the body would remain undigested.

The liver, besides producing bile, has many other vital and impor­tant functions in the body. Some of these are:

1. Keeping the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood at a normal level. The liver can remove excess glucose from the bloodstream and store it (as a starch called glycogen)-in the hepatocytes. This process is called glycogenesis. Also, the liver can put sugar back into the blood­stream when the sugar level is dangerously low. This process is called glycogenolysis. Liver cells can also make new sugar from amino acids and other materials, and this process is called gluco/neo/genesis. (Fig­ure 2) reviews the role of the liver in the formation and storage of sugar.)


(stores sugar as glycogen)



Figure 2. The role of the liver in the formation and storage of sugar

2.Manufacturing protein substances. Two of these protein com­pounds are prothrombin and fibrinogen, which aid in the clotting of blood. The liver also makes albumin, which is the major circulating protein.

3.Destruction of worn-out red blood cells. The liver clears the body of bilirubin pigment which is produced when hemoglobin is broken down and red blood cells are destroyed.

4.Removal of poisons or toxins from the blood, and formation of antibodies to fight disease.

5.Production of urea, which is a waste product of protein breakdown. Urea enters the bloodstream and travels to the kidney where it is con­centrated in urine and eliminated from the body.

The gallbladder is a hollow sac lying on the lower surface of the liver.

The pancreas is a long thin gland lying under and be­hind the stomach. The pancreas functions as both an exocrine and endocrine organ. As an exocrine organ, it has an important digestive function: It manufac­tures and secretes pancreatic juice which passes through the pancreatic duct into the duodenum, where it helps to break down all types of foods. One of the .enzymes it makes is called lipase, which is helpful in digest­ing fats (lip/o = fat, ase = enzyme). Another is amylase (amyl/o == starch), an enzyme which breaks down sugars and starches.

As an endocrine organ, special cells in the pancreas produce a hor­mone called insulin, which enters the bloodstream directly and plays a role in the utilization of sugar by the body.


1. Work in small groups and fill in the missing words from the text above:


1. The …………….. is a continuation of the soft tissues covering the ………... .

2. The small intestine composed of three main portions is a ………………………

3. The weight of the largest of the salivary …………. is 28 gr.

 4.The liver consists of small lobules connected together by…………………………………..  

5.The ………………… is called so because its length measures about the length of twelve fingers. 

6. The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a ……………………….



1. Discuss with a partner and say what organ is spoken about:


a) This organ is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm in the right side of the abdomen. Its upper sur­face is convex. This organ consists of small lobules con­nected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves.


b) This organ is pyriform in shape. It is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. The liver is above this organ, and the colon is below it. The pan­creas is behind this organ.


2. Make up sentences with the predicate in the Passive Voice.
Translate them:


1.are, with, the oral cavity, connected, the salivary glands; 2. The oral cavity, are, the soft and hard palates, located in; 3. Of, main, are, the arteries, composed, three, coats.


2. Revise all information in Anatomy and Physiology of the human body. Discuss it in small groups and describe in short the points below. Think about what you will say and what language you will use.



The skeleton. Blood vessels
Types of muscles Anatomy of the lungs
Muscles functions Physiology of respiration
The anatomy of the heart Anatomy of digestive tract
Work of the heart Main functions of the digestive tract
  Liver and its functions

Revision Exercises

1. Open the brackets:

1.I can't go out tonight because I ………… study for the history exam I've got in the morning.

2.    What …………….. you/think of the new English teacher?

3. Christine ………. watch much TV because she ……… prefer to read.

4. My parents   ………… come to visit me every Christmas.

5. My sister ……………….. work in a shop until she gets her exam results.

6. …………… you/want to try some of this soup I …………….. make?

7. My brother ……………. see a solicitor about his divorce.

8. I …………….. not/want to leave yet. I …………. have such a good time.

9. I ………….. think of going to France for my holidays next year.

10. She ………………. wear a smart suit whenever she go for a job interview.


Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 593; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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