B. Paraphrase sayings from exercise A following the rules:

A) Save the original idea, but do not introduce any fresh ideas.

B) Deal with a sentence as a whole, do not paraphrase word by word.

C) Find synonyms. If a synonym cannot be found, repeat the original word.

D) Save the same person and the same tone as in the original.

E) Render figures of speech literally in plain language.

C. Discussion. Chose a mate you like best (worst) in your group. Question him/her, let him/her ask a mate he/she likes best (worst) and so on. Will your group mate be a good class mate? And you?

1) Learning one more is easy for bilinguals who know two languages, isn’t it?

2) Do you believe that men and women are naturally better at certain things – communicating, languages, map-reading, maths, parking a car, cooking?

3) Do you text? If yes, why and how often? If not, why not?

4) Do you think in 20 years’ time nobody will write letters?

5) Does texting affect young people’s literacy? In what way?

6) How can English help you in your professional development?

7) What sort of people do you think make the best language learners?

8) Why do languages die out? What can government do to protect languages?

9) Why is English an international language?

10) Would the world be a better place if everyone spoke the same language?

D. Read the text «Why Learn English with Movies and Films?»


ost movies are made for English speakers therefore everything you hear is exactly how it is in reality. Watching movies in English is a great way to become more fluent. By listening to the fast paced dialogue with realistic native accents you’ll be able to perfect your English pronunciation. Watching movies in English will also give you valuable cultural insight.  

Here are some good tips on getting the most of learning with films. For a start it’s best to choose a film you know because if you already know the plot you can focus on the language itself. If you’re using subtitles, it doesn’t mean that you’re cheating because you’re still hearing English audio. Don’t follow them word for word, instead use them to get the gist of something if the speech becomes too fast. Watching a full movie in only English can be really overwhelming and also frustrating especially if you’re straining yourself to understand, which is why it’s a good idea to watch it in smaller parts. Verbally repeating something in a language classroom leaves us feeling silly sometimes – in your own bedroom there’s no need for shame, repeat as much as you like until you get it right! By keeping a movie journal you’re collecting ‘authentic’ real-life phrases that you can practice and use on your English speaking friends in the future. As an example take a famous buddy movie Hangover (2009) with Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper. This is a hilarious story about four male friends who go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party before their friend’s wedding. This movie is an awesome way of learning modern American slang – you’ll hear common phrases such as “stag party”, “all-nighter” and many others.

Watching a movie is a great way to jump into English when you’re too tired to do anything else. Movies are fun just because they have taught us unbelievable things – all bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices, which have large red read-outs to tell you exactly when it will go off. All apartments in Paris overlook the Eiffel tower. In films it doesn’t matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a martial arts fight; your enemies will attack you one at a time while the others dance around you menacingly. Interestingly, during a police investigation it will be necessary to visit a strip joint at least once. When staying in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises in their most revealing underwear. In musicals everyone you meet in the street will know all the words to the songs and the steps to the dances.

There are literally thousands and thousands of movies out there from drama to lovey-dovey romance and there’s something for everyone’s taste. Below are a couple of must-watch movies to help you. Forrest Gump (1994) starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and Sally Field is a perfect movie to learn English as the speech is slow due to Forrest Gump’s mental problems. The language is simple and uncomplicated and it’s really easy to follow. You’ll learn about the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War and the popular hippy movement in the ’60s. Film’s favorite quote is: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”

Cast Away (2000) starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt and Chris North is a good adventure drama to learn English because there are no complicated character relationships. Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) travels around the world trouble shooting at Fedex centers. Chuck is called up at Christmas time to go to Malaysia but his plane hits a terrible storm and it crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Every day of his survival on the island Chuck talks with the ball he calls Wilson to fight his loneliness. Film’s favorite quote is Chuck (Hanks) saying to Wilson (the ball): “Don’t worry Wilson. I’ll do the paddling. You just hang on.” So, get comfortable and begin a movie marathon to learn real life English. (www.learnenglish.de; www.fluentu.com)

E. Answer the questions:

1) Watching movies is a great way to become fluent in English, isn’t it?

2) What effect can watching movies have on a person’s pronunciation?

3) Have you ever watched movies in English? Which do you remember best?

4) Did you find tips on getting the most of learning with films useful? Why?

5) What authentic words or phrases have you collected from movies?

6) Give examples of things you find funny or improbable in movies.

7) Which movie genre do you prefer? Why? Which is best to learn English?

8) Why Forrest Gump is a perfect way to learn English?

9) What is your favourite English or American film quote?

10) What film would you recommend to learn English with friends?

Дата добавления: 2019-09-08; просмотров: 1323; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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