Learning to play a   game where    the odds are in your favor is     critical   for maintaining motivation and feeling   successful. In     theory,  you can enjoy almost   anything. In practice, you     are more likely to enjoy the things that come easily to you. People     who are talented in a   particular area tend to be more     competent at that task and are then praised  for doing a     good job. They stay energized because they are making progress     where    others    have failed,    and because they get     rewarded with better pay and bigger    opportunities, which     not only makes    them happier but also propels  them to     produce even higher-quality work. It’s a virtuous cycle.

Pick  the right habit and progress is  easy. Pick the wrong     habit and life  is  a   struggle.

How  do you pick the right habit?    The first step is     something we covered in the 3rd Law: make it  easy. In many     cases,     when people   pick the wrong    habit,     it  simply     means   they picked   a   habit that was too difficult.    When     a   habit is  easy, you are more likely to be successful. When     you are successful, you are more likely to feel satisfied.     However, there is  another level to consider. In the long-run, if  you continue to advance and improve, any area can become     challenging.    At some point,    you need to make sure you’re     playing  the right game for your skillset.   How do you figure     that out?

The   most common approach is  trial and error.     Of course,     there’s   a problem with this strategy: life is  short.    You     don’t have time to try every career,   date every eligible     bachelor, or play every musical instrument. Thankfully, there is  an     effective way to manage this conundrum, and it  is  known     as the explore/exploit trade-off.

In the beginning of a   new activity, there should   be a     period    of exploration. In relationships, it’s called dating.   In     college,  it’s called the liberal arts. In business, it’s called split     testing.  The goal is  to try out many possibilities,   research     a   broad     range of ideas, and cast a   wide net.

After this initial period    of exploration,    shift your focus to     the best solution  you’ve    found—but keep experimenting     occasionally.   The proper balance  depends on whether you’re     winning or losing.   If  you are  currently winning, you     exploit,  exploit,  exploit.  If  you are currently losing, you     continue to explore, explore, explore.

In the long-run it  is  probably most effective to work on     the strategy that   seems    to deliver   the best results     about     80 to 90 percent of the time and keep     exploring with the remaining 10 to 20 percent. Google famously asks employees to spend    80 percent of the     workweek on their official    job and 20 percent on projects     of their choice,   which    has led to the    creation of     blockbuster    products like AdWords and Gmail.

The   optimal approach also depends on how much     time     you have. If you     have a   lot of time—like someone at     the beginning of their career— it makes    more sense to explore     because once you find the right thing, you still have a   good     amount of time to exploit   it. If  you’re    pressed  for time—say, as you come up on the deadline for a   project—you     should implement   the best solution you’ve    found     so far     and get some results.

As you explore  different options, there are a   series of     questions you can ask yourself to continually narrow  in on     the habits    and areas that will be most satisfying to you:

What feels like fun to me, but work    to others? The mark of whether you are made for a   task is  not whether you love it  but whether   you can handle   the pain of the task easier     than most people.  When    are you enjoying yourself while other people   are complaining? The work that hurts you less than it  hurts others    is the work you were made to do.

What makes  me lose track    of time?   Flow is  the mental   state you enter when you are so focused  on the task at hand that the rest of the world fades away. This blend of happiness and peak performance   is  what athletes and performers experience when they are “in the zone.”    It  is nearly    impossible to experience a   flow state and not find the task satisfying at least to some degree.

Where do I   get greater returns than the average person? We are continually comparing ourselves to those around  us, and a behavior is  more likely to be satisfying when the comparison    is  in our    favor. When    I started   writing  at, my email list grew very quickly. I   wasn’t    quite sure what I   was doing well, but I knew   that results   seemed  to be coming  faster for me than for some of my colleagues, which    motivated me to keep writing.

What comes  naturally to me? For just a   moment, ignore what you have been taught.  Ignore   what society   has told you. Ignore what    others    expect   of you. Look inside yourself and ask, “What feels     natural  to me? When have I   felt alive? When    have I   felt like the  real me?” No internal judgments or people-pleasing. No second-guessing or self-criticism. Just feelings  of engagement   and enjoyment. Whenever you feel authentic and genuine, you are headed in the right direction.

To be honest,  some of this process  is  just luck. Michael     Phelps   and Hicham   El Guerrouj were lucky to be born     with a   rare set of abilities that   are highly    valued    by     society   and to be placed    in the ideal environment   for     those abilities. We all have limited   time on this planet, and     the truly great among   us are the ones who not only work     hard but also have the good fortune  to be exposed to     opportunities that favor us.

But   what if  you don’t want to leave it  up to luck?

If you can’t find a   game where    the odds are stacked  in     your favor, create   one. Scott Adams,  the cartoonist behind     Dilbert, says, “Everyone has at least a   few areas in which     they could be in the top 25% with some effort.    In my     case, I   can draw better    than most people, but I’m hardly    an     artist.    And I’m not any funnier  than the average standup     comedian who never makes    it  big, but I’m funnier  than     most people.  The magic    is  that few people   can draw     well and write jokes. It’s the   combination   of the two that     makes    what I   do so rare. And when you add in my     business background,   suddenly I   had a   topic that few cartoonists could hope to understand without living it.”

When you can’t win by being better,   you can win by being     different. By   combining your skills, you reduce   the level of     competition,   which makes  it  easier     to stand out. You     can shortcut the need for a   genetic advantage    (or for     years of practice) by rewriting the rules. A  good player     works    hard to win the game everyone else is  playing. A     great player    creates  a   new game that favors    their     strengths and avoids    their weaknesses.

In college,  I   designed my own major,   biomechanics, which     was a combination of physics, chemistry, biology, and     anatomy. I   wasn’t smart  enough  to stand out among     the top physics  or biology  majors,  so I created  my     own game.    And because it  suited    me—I    was only     taking the courses  I   was interested in—studying   felt like     less of a   chore.    It  was also easier     to avoid the     trap of comparing myself   to everyone else. After all, nobody     else was taking    the same combination   of classes,  so     who could say if  they were better    or worse?

Specialization is  a   powerful way to overcome the “accident” of     bad genetics.  The more you master   a   specific  skill, the     harder   it  becomes for   others    to compete with you.     Many bodybuilders  are stronger than the average  arm     wrestler, but even a   massive bodybuilder    may lose at arm     wrestling because the arm wrestling champ   has very specific strength. Even if  you’re    not the most naturally gifted,    you     can often win by   being the best in a   very narrow     category.

Boiling water will soften    a   potato   but harden   an egg.     You can’t control   whether you’re    a   potato   or an     egg, but you can decide    to play a game  where    it’s     better    to be hard or soft. If  you can find a   more favorable environment, you can transform the situation from one where    the odds are against  you to one where    they are in     your favor.

Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 263; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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