Protective graphite grids – matrix to A-3 format matrices for J. B.J.)


Scaled to 1426 workspaces (squares with, Each of which twists the radiation, the grid is an A-3 format matrix applied on paper on both sides in the industrial manufacture of life safety vest in the residence zone or exclusion zone , due to geopathogenic or technogenic loads on the relict space, the life of a reasonable human habitat. A life safety vest made on an aluminum foil carrier with a matrix applied on it More widely used in our society, since they have unique properties to repel radiation, weakly ionizing radiation, even in regular situations at nuclear power plants. Details when meeting with the author of this technology.                                    163.

                                                Abstract                     164.

What a sin to conceal in the USSR, there is a kind of radioactive exclusion zone, after the Chernobyl, technogenic accident, which has brought great damage to the rural population of our country in this region. The main drawback of the modern science of the atom is that there are individual dosimetric means of radiation, radiation exposure, but not individual means of protection do not have enough intelligence from our radiobiologists to create them, but. But people themselves are expanding the standards of living in the exclusion zone with ionizing radiation, and they are doing so for the time being illiterate for themselves. We just need to help them in this matter. What I mean, now tell you on the fingers. It is safe to equate geopathic zones of non-residence, where the background of geostationary radiation from mother earth and the zone with residual ionizing radiation, which was retained in the upper layers of the soil, after not man-made situations, is elevated. Soviet radiobiology could not give the practice decent protection against weak ionizing radiation, except for the notorious rubber soaked in lead, which is not suitable for individual protection due to its severity and convenience. . The robe of the radiologist weighs 10 kg, and against the radiation one, the rubber suit weighs 20 kilograms, and the point is not even in weight, but not in the convenience of individual use. By me, the designer of structural systems, in 2013, I developed a protective grid — a matrix of thermally expanded graphite with protective, weak, stationary, including ionizing radiation, and a grid — matrix. The amazing characteristics of this grid of the matrix lies not in the fact that it shields, but in that it twists the weak stationary radiation in a clockwise direction. The matrix is ​​activated when the dual combination of two matrices back to back, for torn - work with space. An aluminum core (foil) is placed in the middle of the foil. But do not think, because of its understandable, non-competence in this matter, that the foil holds the radiation. The core of aluminum foil creates a repulsive position for the elements of the matrix. The working element of the matrix is ​​an ICF generator, designed not by me, but by Academician Alquin, or rather, by his scientific school. Just by virtue of modern technology (powder copier, paint will not work) I had to create quantitative characteristics of the ICF generator. MBF is a multistage biological form, but it is not necessary to remember this, and not necessarily you.


Why?                                                                                                        165.    Because in general, all this is called convergent 2., nature is a similar technology, created by the biophysicist LM Kolchanov in 2013 in the city of Tyumen. September 27, 2018 in the Kremlin, in the St. George Hall at the meeting of the Scientific Council Academician A.A. Fursenko without mentioning the author, he consecrated it and said that it was necessary to master such scientific, independently born initiatives more boldly. In general, I have a brother, Kolchanov, Nikolai Alexandrovich, an academician of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a director of the institute in Novosibirsk, so I am not a random person in science. It was just necessary to create technologies, and I have more than 10 of them, and not to receive the title of academician. If you take the domestic radiobiology and biophysics .to the founder of this science, nicknamed "ZUBR" -N.K.Timofeev-Resovsky simply despised titles and did not have them by definition. And so it happened in 2013 when I created the fundamental Theory of Dynamic Ether of Relic Space, from which 12 technologies for protection against weakly stationary radiation have grown, one of which is proposed for the Republic of Belarus, or rather, for the affected areas of alienation. Specifically, it is proposed, on the basis of an A-Z matrix grid sent to you by e-mail, to manufacture either from paper or aluminum-foil life-safety wallpaper, that is, the manufacturer has a choice. Working grid –matrix should be applied on both sides of the wallpaper, consisting of one paper layer. Aluminum foil, as a basis for applying the matrix, can be applied to the floor. And here is the wallpaper for the walls can be made from paper carrier with the application on it on both sides of the grid - the matrix by photocopying. In general, the technical issues in the manufacture of primarily paper, life safety wallpaper, are technologically solved completely. It is important for me to know that you would consult with the management and tell me, without haste, it is necessary or not necessary this technology for your many suffering people and treated this proposal with all seriousness.





S / h matrix (V-700kB with 26 slave. E), which can easily be converted to a high frequency (V-102m / s with 400 slave. E.), Not a readable matrix for the PC, “ papier mache” of the inguinal shell, in 5 layers of protection to X-ray  radiation .                                           167.

Two models of sensitive work: a graphite matrix of high-frequency type with a longitudinal photon, radiating wave (quantum cut of work.                                                                                              168.

1. Longitudinal counter positional interception of a radiating wave, a transverse-torsion wave matrix of a graphite type deposited on a transparent film and fixed on a TV screen or a security monitor

( quantum cut of work).



2. Transverse counter positional interception of a radiating wave, a transverse-torsion wave matrix  PC ( quantum cut of work).



Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 165; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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