In moment technogenic to average on AES . 158.

The matrix for the beck ground screensaver de stop monitor PC , format A-3.


Under the patronage of the laboratory Kolchanov


Scientific and technical passport:


Protective against the radial waistcoat of the officer of the Ministry of Emergency Measures, working in the active zone, outside the regular situation at the power unit of the nuclear power plant.                                                              160.


The author Know Know know escorts for technoparks - Leonid Kolchanov





Against the radiation vest of a passenger VIP-class ,pilot, prestigious private boards, a steward, astronaut on I.S.S. to during a flight orbit the Earth.                                                            The working modules of format A-4 or A-3 contain ICF-generators of a scaly type, volume work with relic radiation, existing in the flight level of 10-15 kilometers in the Earth’s atmosphere, with the passage of which there is a cascade radiation affecting our health, especially the function of dividing the stem cell, the mother of all the cells of our body, which is formed in the bones of the skeleton-ribs and human sternum, which it is desirable to protect, especially during multiple flights, such as pilots and stewards. Manufacturing technology and calculations, as well as individual cost, will allow further mass production and will serve as a guarantor of life safety, as well as increase the work culture with weakly stationary radiation in aeroflot and not only: in military, nuclear industry workers at nuclear power plants, in uranium mines and in landfills for the disposal of radioactive waste, as well as the arming of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the traffic police in the zone of accidental alienation during staff-off-duty situations on duty.P.S. My circle of interests is obvious: type my full name in a contact without a password and login in internet- Kolchanov Leonid Michailovich .


Claim of the Invention        162.

If you make an analog comparison, then this protective, anti-radiance waistcoat, hereinafter abbreviated (LLL), can only be compared with the counter reflective vest of the employee of the HBDD, in terms of its functional suitability. But in the right place and at the right time, this vest, designed to protect against background radiation, will serve the MES officer invaluably, protecting every cell of his body from cell-destroying hydrolysis, and especially the vital organs of the chest and lumbar region, working to isolate radioactive spam from the body, especially kidney and liver, spleen, sternum, where stem cells are formed.

The tissue itself consists of seven (7) layers, the middle of which is an aluminum, thin foil. On either side of the foil "back-to-back" are built-in by gluing under the temperature, a paper matrix. Or rather a graphite-type matrix on paper. Previously, graphite with transfer paper is applied to the back surface of the matrix, which is on a paper carrier, under the temperature of the laminator regime. The quality of the transfer paper should be equal to the quality of the transfer paper issue, produced by the Moscow plant of transfer and graphite products. It is believed graphite or not graphite is very simple: two transfer papers black inward glued in the laminator. If this graphite is obtained by viewing the light characteristic of the crystal pattern, as in heavy frost misted glass window -ponyatno yes. Chinese transfer paper does not suit, as it contains modified paint, graphite does not smell !!

On both sides of the matrix with its aluminum and twice on the sides of the aluminum foil, graphite cores inside, we glue the thin polyethylene. Approximately such as we are offered in the store, when wrapping drying hard cheeses, in ready-made weight.

It turns out seven-layer pie-fabric, reinforced for strength polyethylene under the temperature, and ready for cutting and sewing in any even outside the regular sewing workshop, under the radial waistcoat of an EMERCOM officer.


Constructor of structural systems - Leonid Kolchanov




Description of the invention

Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 158; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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