Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

Affirmative   Negative Interrogative
I had worked I had not worked Had I worked ?

I’d worked                              I hadn’t worked

· The Past Perfect Tense denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past.

· Past Perfect + Past Indefinite He had finished his work when I called him.

                                              He had finished his work by 5 o’clock yesterday.

 The Past Perfect Tense is used with the conjunctions: hardly..., scarcely..., nearly.. ,barely... + Past Perfect ... when + Past Indefinite. No sooner + Past Perfect... than + Past Indefinite. He had hardly done it when they came.

Ex.5.Use the Past Perfect Tense.

Examples: Why didn’t you listen to that play on the radio? – Because I had heard it before.

1. Why didn’t you see Fred when you came to Astana?(leave) 2. Why didn’t Kate want to go to the cinema?(see the film) 3.Why didn’t you tell him my new adress?(forget) 4. Why didn’t Jeff hear about Kate’s examination?(pass) 5. Why did Fred come home so soon from his holiday? (spend all the money) 6. Why couldn’t you get into your flat at once?(lose the key)7. What did you learn about Bob?(get married).

 Ex.6. Make sentences using the words in brackets.

Example: His hair was wet. (He/ just/ have/ a shower)- He had just had a shower.

1. There was nobody at the platform.(the train/just/ leave).2. We didn’t find anybody at home everybody/already/go out). 3.The children were playing in the garden.(they/just/ come/from/school).4. Bob wasn’t at home when I arrived.(he/arrange/to meet/some friends/at the club).5.I couldn’t recognize the child after all that time.(I/not/see/her/for seven years)  

Ex.7.Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brackets to complete the sentences.

Example: When John and I got to the river, the boat race (start already)

1.When she went to bed ,she remembered that she (not/switch off the light) 2. She felt tired because she (walk a lot/ that day) 3. She went for a holiday after she (pass the exams) 4. I didn’t know what to do when they(show/me/the picture)5. I didn’t look at the present until after she (go) 6. I was very sorry to hear that he (die) 7. He didn’t start speaking until the children(leave the room)\

Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect in the following texts.

a) He (look) at his watch. In a quarter of an hour he (be) due at the General Meeting of the New Colliery Company - one of Uncle Jolyon’s concerns; he should see Uncle Jolyon there, and say something to him about Bosinney – ( not/make) up his mind what, but something – in any case he should not answer this letter until he (see) Uncle Jolyon. He (get) up and methodically (put) away the draft of his defense. Going into a dark little cupboard, he (turn) up the light, (wash) his hands with a piece of brown Windsor soap, and (dry) them on a roller towel. Then he (brush) his hair, (turn) down the light, (take) his hat and … (leave) the house.

b) When Tom (wake), the farmhouse (burn), it (start) burning when the shell (hit). None of the other soldiers who (be) in the farmhouse (be) to be seen. They (be) lucky to escape. In the confusion they (miss) Tom who (sleep) on the kitchen floor. As his leg (be) broken, it (take) him hours to crawl across the room to the window. He (pass) out again and again. But he (be) sure he (not/want) to die and finally he (get) to the window and (pull) himself up so that he (can) look over the sill. Somebody (see) his head above the window and (get) him. Tom (not/remember) any of that. He never (find) out who (save) him.

Ex.9. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of tense-aspect forms.

1. Мы проработали вместе уже много лет, и я фактически мало знаю о тебе.2. Когда мы подошли к тому месту, где он уронил кольцо, он остановился.3. Тебе нравится готовить? – Я люблю это. Это одно из моих хобби уже много лет.4. Папа всегда называл меня Катя.5. Они возвращаются, я полагаю , они остановятся в гостинице на этот раз.6. Она заперлась и не сойдет вниз, пока они не уйдут.7. Я не знаю имена всех в деревне. Я живу здесь всю свою жизнь.8. Я готовила обед, в то время как она прибиралась в комнате.9. Не успели они войти в дом, как разразилась буря.10. Я решила не идти на выставку. Я пойду сегодня в библиотеку.11. Я уже три месяца не меняла книги.12. Я почти ни разу не поел как следует, как приехал сюда.13. Он не придет. Я только что разговаривал с ним по телефону.14. Филипп отнес свой чемодан в вагон и курил на перроне.15. Они никогда не танцевали прежде вместе.16. Кто открыл Австралию?



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