Ex. 5. Change the imperative sentences into reported speech using different reporting verbs.

1. I said to Jack, “Please, give me your dictionary.” 2. The bus-conductor said to the passengers, “Don’t get off the bus while it is going.” 3. Mary said to her brother, “Take the letter to the post office, please.” 4. The teacher said to Jerry, “Collect the papers and give them to me.” 5. The old man said to the girl, “Don’t run across the street.” 6. I said to my friend, “Meet me outside the cinema at six sharp.” 7. Diane’s mother said to her, “Don’t go without your coat.” 8. Ben said to the policeman, “Tell me the time, please.” 9. The teacher said to the students, “Open your books at page forty-four.” 10. The monitor said to Nick, “Clean the blackboard, please.” 11. I said to my sister, “Help me with clearing the table, will you?” 12. They said to Jane, “Don’t speak so loudly.” 13. We said to Nelly, “Don’t give up.”


Ex. 6. Change into reported speech .

1. She said, “These children are playing here now.” 2. We wondered, “Have you been swimming here all this time?” 3. He explained, “I came to this place an hour ago.” 4. She warned me, “Don’t come here tomorrow.” 5. My brother promised, “I’ll play chess with you tonight.” 6. My fellow-student reminded me, “I did well in my entrance exams last summer.” 7. He told us, “I’ll go to the river today in the afternoon.” 8. He advised his son, “Don’t sit up late tonight.” 9. The pupil wanted to know, “Can I answer these questions orally now?” 10. She wondered, “Where have you been this week?” 11. His girlfriend asked, “Did you go to the movies yesterday?” 12. He confessed, “I did my homework two hours ago.” 13. The mother warned her son, “Don’t switch on the TV set now.” 14. She wondered, “How did you get to the university today?” 15. The teacher asked me, “What time is it now?” 16. He said to us, “My wife is coming tomorrow.” 17. The father asked him, “Put this bag here, please.” 18. She asked me, “Where were you last month?” 19. I assured them, “I met him at this bus stop the day before yesterday.”


Ex. 7. Change into reported speech using different reporting verbs.

1. “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work,” her relatives said to her. 2.“What else did you see there?” the policeman asked me. 3. “Don’t forget your sandwiches, Ted,” said his mother. 4. “We have moved into a new flat. It’s much better than our old one,” said Lucy to her aunt. 5. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,” she said to us. 6. “Who put salt in my coffee?” my elder brother said. 7. “Please, don’t say anything to make your father angry,” said the mother to her son. 8. “Did they understand what you have explained to them?” he asked me. 9. “My wife will meet me outside the prison,” said Fred to his roommate. 10. “Don’t make a sound,” said the detective to his assistant. 11. “Why don’t you travel first class?” I asked him. 12. “When you don’t like the film do you stay to the end or walk out in the middle?” my cousin asked me. 13. “Wait for me after classes,” she said to her boyfriend. 14. “What is your new house like?” we asked Meg. 15. “I overslept and missed my train today,” she said to her boss. 16. “Don’t climb this tree in your new trousers, George,” said the father. 17. “Say Joe, have you got a computer?” Sally asked. 18. “Will you go to see the football match on Friday or on Saturday, James?” Grandpa asked.




I. TO SAY – говорить, сказать, высказать конкретную мысль.

1. we use it to introduce both direct and reported speech

The dean said, “You will take your exam tomorrow.”

He says he has been to seven countries.


2. When we mention the person addressed, we usethe preposition ‘to’

Did she say anything to him? The teacher said to his pupils, “Let’s get down to business.”


3. We use ‘to say’ in fixed expressions:

To say yes, to say no, to say good-bye (hello, good night) to smb.,

To say a word to smb., not to say a word; Say it again.

What did he say? What does the letter say?

It goes without saying. They say... , Everybody says ... .

II. TO TELL – рассказывать, сообщать, сказать.

1. We always use it with an object which mentions the person addressed (кому?)

and without any preposition if it stands right after the verb.

We told her all about this strange meeting. He told the children about his adventures.

2. We can use it without an object in fixed expressions:

To tell a story, a tale, a joke; to tell the time, the news;

To tell the truth; to tell a lie;

The book tells about …


1. (обладать способностью) говорить

Can your little brother speak? His cousin speaks two foreign languages.


2. разговаривать, беседовать, говорить с кем-то (to, with) о чём-либо (about)

(usually in rather formal situations)

I shall speak to the manager about it.


3. произносить речь, выступать

He spoke at the teachers’ meeting yesterday.


4. We use it in fixed expressions:

Strictly speaking, it was a mistake.

Frankly speaking, I didn’t tell you the truth.

Speak up.

IV. TO TALK – разговаривать, беседовать (in informal situations)

I like to talk to him. When they meet they can talk for hours.

We use it in fixed expressions:

to talk business; to talk shop (informal); to talk nonsense;

to talk politics, books, fashion, etc (informal);

Дата добавления: 2019-03-09; просмотров: 675; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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