Ex. 1. Find English equivalents of the following words and phrases in the text.

1. одетая с классической элегантностью; 2. показанная нашими великолепными моделями; 3. на высоком каблуке; 4. комфортная одежда; 5. серебряная пряжка; 6. первый на подиуме; 7. клетчатая рубашка; 8. подтяжки в красно-белый горошек; 9. элегантный и стильный вид; 10. накинула джемпер на плечи; 11. которые превосходно дополняют этот красивый наряд; 12. чёрная водолазка; 13. как насчёт мужской повседневной одежды; 14. простая белая рубашка; 15. она повязала шарф вокруг талии; 16. классически скроенный; 17. пара чёрных кроссовок; 18. пиджак с длинными рукавами в тон; 19. чтобы скрасить тёмные зимние дни; 20. чёрный шерстяной костюм из двух предметов; 21. тяжёлые ботинки; 22. коричневый пиджак в ковбойском стиле; 23. яркий цветной галстук; 24. пара синих джинсов; 25. делает его интереснее; 26. чёрный кожаный пиджак; 27. коричневые сапоги до колен; 28. юбка короткая; 29. Хелен представляет; 30. застежка в виде завязки с одной стороны; 31. цвет – это всё в этом сезоне; 32. босоножки;

Ex. 2. Ask all kinds of questions on the text.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions using the vocabulary.

1. What do they sell in a drugstore, at a chemist’s, at a stationery shop, at a newsstand? 2. What is a boutique? 3. Do you like to go shopping? 4. Where do you prefer to do the shopping? 5. Do you know what suits you most? 6. Name some things that are really becoming to you. 7. Is it important for you that your clothes should go together? What matches in your clothes? 8. Do all your clothes fit you? 9. What do you have on today? 10. How were you dressed yesterday? 11. What do you do in the cloakroom? 12. What do you do in the fitting room? 13. When do you change your clothes? 14. Is it important to be well dressed? Why or why not? 15. Can you afford to dress the way you like? What can’t you afford (to buy)? 16. Where do you pay for your shopping? How do you pay: in cash or by credit card? 17. Do you ever lend money? Do you ever borrow money? Do you always pay back? 18. Have you ever bought anything on credit? 19. Do you have any small change? How much? 20. Can you change a five hundred note now? What can you change it for? 21. Do you ever say, “Keep the change”?What does it mean? 22. What do you spend most of your money on? 23. Do you mind the price of what you buy? Do you buy anything at a high price? 24. What have you run out of? Where can you buy it? 25. Do you like to stand in a queue? Have you ever jumped a queue? 26. How much do you weigh? Are you satisfied with your weight? Do you want to slim or to put on some weight? 27. What’s the difference between to slim and to lose weight? 28. What’s in fashion now? What is in great demand? What is definitely out of fashion? 29. Are you fashionable? Are you fashion conscious? 30. Who is a “fashion victim”? 31. Do you think you have good taste in clothes?

Ex. 4. Match the words.

tight, knee-length, short-sleeved, baggy, platform, leather, denim, cotton, open-necked, flat;



a skirt                         a shirt                      shoes                                trousers


Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with one of the following verbs.

to become, to be becoming to, to match, to go with, to suit, to go together, to fit;


1. She has a kind of gift for clothes. Everything she wears …………….. her without fail. 2. Janet got her kerchief from the handbag, settled it on her head, then tied it below her chin. I thought kerchiefs were very …………………to her. 3. The old woman looked suspiciously at the girls around her. She thought trousers did not ……………the occasion at all. 4. I’m cold. Bring me something to ……………… my dress. 5. A woman should wear the length that ……….. her own proportions, don’t you think? 6. A dark woollen suit ……………her like a glove. 7. Do you think this green scarf will …………….my new coat? 8. He was dressed in very correct shooting clothes which nevertheless were not ……………………. to him. 9. She wore a grey hand-knitted cardigan and a grey tweed skirt which ……………………… very well. 10. In her scarlet jeans and white sweater she looked curiously young. Although the clothes didn’t …………….the occasion, they were ……………………11. You should put on black gloves to ……………………. your bag and shoes. 12. The dress doesn’t ……………her. It’s tight in the waist. 13. She was wearing a brown dress with a hat and gloves to …………………… 14. This long skirt doesn’t …………. me. I should shorten it. 15. I think this formal jacket and jeans don’t …………………… ……….. at all.

Ex. 6. Complete the following dialogues with these words:

fashionable, worn-out (= изношенный ), smart, scruffy (=поношенный), casual, dress well;

1. You are looking very .............. today. – Yes, I am on my way to a job interview.  

2. You must spend a fortune on clothes. – I don’t really, but I must admit I do like to ....................

3. Will I have to wear a suit to the meeting? – No, I expect most people will be wearing ........................ clothes.

4. I need a new dress for the party but I don’t know what colour to go for. – Well, lilac is supposed to be ............................. at the moment, isn’t it? It’s this season’s colour.

5. Why are you throwing that jacket out? – It’s ....................... Look, it’s got a hole under the arm and most of the buttons are missing.

6. I like your new trousers. They fit you perfectly. – Well, I start my new job tomorrow and I can’t turn up wearing my ......................... old jeans. Everyone there is very well dressed.

Дата добавления: 2019-03-09; просмотров: 808; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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