Translate and explain the proverbs. Find Russian equivalents. Learn and use them.

1. Live and learn. 2. It’s never too late to learn. 3. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.           4. To know everything is to know nothing. 5. Soon learnt, soon forgotten. 6. Practice makes perfect.  7. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 8. Lost time cannot be found again.          9. Beggars can’t be choosers. 10. You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 11. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Usage Note 1: know, get to know, find out, learn, study.

1. know – знать;

I’ve known Jack for fourteen years. She knows how to use a computer.


2. get to know – узнать (особенно случайно); find out – выяснить; 

I use my dictionary to find out the correct pronunciation. During the visit we got to know something about the American way of life. I got to know her many years ago.


3. learn – узнать (книжн.); учить, выучить, научиться (особенно практически);

We learnt the news. I’m trying to learn the new words. He learnt to drive last year.


4. study – учить, учиться (в школе, колледже или университете); изучать;

Gina is studying engineering at London University. He studies to be a lawyer.

He studied the behaviour of monkeys in the wild. I haven’t studied these papers yet.

Usage Note 2: holiday, holidays, vacation.

1. holiday – праздник;

The 4th of July is an American national holiday. Halloween is not a public holiday in the UK.


2. holiday (holidays) – каникулы, отпуск (брит.); (амер. = vacation);

The school holiday (holidays) started on Wednesday. She has been on holiday for three weeks.

They are away on holiday. They went to the Mediterranean for their holiday.


3. vacation – студенческие каникулы.

They are on vacation for the next two weeks.

Usage Note 3: repeat, revise, review, brush up, go over again.

1. repeat – повторить в неизменном виде, сделать еще раз;

He repeated his question. If you fail the test you’ll have to repeat it. Repeat the words after me.


2. revise / review  – повторять, перечитывать учебный материал;

He won’t go with us, he’s revising before the exams.

 Review the words, please, we are going to have a dictation.


4. brush up ( on smth ) – освежать в памяти, совершенствовать;

Brush up on your dialogues and reproduce them.


5. go over – перечитывать.

Maybe if I go over these documents I’ll understand what they mean.


Classroom English

I. Let’s get down to business (work). OK, why don’t we get started?

How is the homework? Any problems?

Let’s take a look at it together and see if we can figure it out. What do you have for number 1?


Does everyone agree? Don't all answer at once, one at a time, please. Answer in turn, will you?

That'll do. OK, let’s move on now. Let’s put this away. Let’s work on this reading now.


What's the English for «декан»? What's the Russian for “dean”?

Can I say (=put) it like this? How do you spell this word? Will you say it again, please?

Shall I read (begin / answer the questions)?


II. Put up (put down) your hands. Follow in your books. Look at your books.

Split (=divide) into pairs. Act out the dialogue. Act (read) the part of Mike. Change your parts.

Put some feeling into it. Keep close to the text. Reproduce the text. Retell the text. Recite the poem.

Ask questions to the sentence. Ask questions on /about the text, passage, paragraph.


Come to the front. Come to the blackboard. Step (move) to one side.

Clean the blackboard. Rub off (out) this word from the blackboard.


I'll give you out some worksheets now. Write down the date, please.

Leave a margin on the left-hand side. Number your sentences, please.

Your time is up. Don’t forget to put your names on your papers and give them to me.

Hand in your tests, please. Collect the papers.


III. Is it clear? Is everybody ready? Has everyone finished? Are you through with it?

Let’s settle down now. Let’s quiet down now. Quiet!

Don't cheat. Don't tell him the answer. Don't help him. Do it by yourself (on your own).

 Don't go so fast. Take your time. Listen carefully. Speak up. Mind your pronunciation, please.


That’s a good point. That’s a good way to answer the question.

Nice try, but I think there’s a better answer. I know it’s hard work but you are making progress.

I’ll help you but it’s your responsibility. You’ve got to keep on trying.


How long is it before the bell? The bell has gone. Just a minute! Hold on!

Let’s call it quits for today. Let’s call it a day.




        The More You Study …                                               Positive Thinking

The more you study, the more you know.                            The little boy, who says, “I’ll try,”

The more you know, the more you forget.                               Will climb the mountaintop.

The more you forget, the less you know.                            The little boy, who says, “I can’t,”

The less you know, the less you forget.                                      Will at the bottom stop.

The less you forget, the more you know.

Why study?




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