Вопросы, выносимые на обсуждение

Points for discussion :

1. What is the grammatical essence of the term “parts of speech”?

2. What are the strong and weak points of the traditional (polydifferential) classification of words?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the syntactico –distributional classification of words?

4. What parts does the whole of the lexicon consist of?

5. What is the differential feature of the notional part of the lexicon?

6. What is the notional part of the lexicon represented by?

7. What demonstrates the unity of the notional part of the lexicon?

8. What do we call functional words?

9. What is the role of suppletivity in the lexical paradigm of nomination?



Exercise 1. Build up the lexical paradigm of nomination.

 MODEL: high: high – height – heighten – highly (high)


1) fool, to criticize, slow, fast;

2) new, work, to fraud, out;

3) to cut, sleep, brief, hard;

4) down, beauty, to deceive, bright.

Exercise II. Determine the part of speech to which the words belong.

We have now to consider combinations of words, and here we shall find that though a substantive always remain a substantive, there is a certain scheme of subordination in connected speech which is analogues to the distribution of words into “parts of speech” without being entirely dependent on it.


Exercise III. Define part-of-speech characteristics of the underlined words.

1. I don’t know why it should be, I am sure; but the sight of another man asleep in bed when I am up, maddens me (Jerome).

2. He did not Madame anybody, even good customers like Mrs. Moore.

3. If ifs and answere pots and pans there’d be no need of tinkers.

4. Poor dears, they were always worrying about examinations

5. Tommy came back to say a breathless goodbye.

Рекомендуемая литература

Основная литература:

1. Худяков, А. А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка : [учеб. пособие для студ. филол. фак-тов и фак-тов иностранных языков вузов] / Худяков Андрей Александрович. - 3-е изд., стер. - М. : Академия , 2012. - 255 с. - (Высшее профессиональное образование). - Библиогр.: с. 219-224. - Терминол. указ.: с. 245-250. - На обл.: Языкознание. - ISBN 978-5-7695-6145-0 : 391-60.

2. Bloch M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M., 2000. – p.6-26.

3. Блох М.Я. Теоретические основы грамматики – М., Высшая школа 2010.

Дополнительная литература:

1. Бузаров, В. В. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка = Buzarov, V. V. Theoretical grammar of English : workbook of Practice : учеб.-метод. пособие / Бузаров Владимир Васильевич ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, ГОУ ВПО "Ставроп. гос. ун-т". - Ставрополь : Изд-во СГУ, 2011. - 142 с. - Библиогр.: с. 135-140. - Текст на англ. яз.(2011).

2. Iofik L.L., Chakhoyan L.P. Readings in the theory of English Grammar

3. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М., 1981. – с.9-13.

4. Хлебникова И.Б. Оппозиции в морфологии. – М., 1969.

5. Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. –L., 1971 – p.27-35, 66-72


1. http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms глоссарий, содержащий более 900 лингвистических терминов с перекрестными ссылками и списком источников (SIL International). Ред. Е. Е. Loos, S.Anderson. D.H.Day Jr., P.C.Jourdan, J.D.Wingate

2. https://www.thoughtco.com/theoretical-grammar-1692541 информационный обучающий ресурс, посвящённый вопросам теоретической грамматики

Практическая работа №5

Тема “The Noun”


Цель: рассмотреть существительное как часть речи, рассмотреть его категории, сформировать навыки морфологического разбора слова.

Знания и умения, приобретаемые студентами: студенты должны усвоить различные категории существительного как части речи, а также уметь проводить морфологический разбор слова, определять грамматико-лексические категории существительного.

Формируемые компетенции: ОПК–3.

Актуальность темы определяется тем, что в ее рамках осваивается понятие существительного как часть речи, рассматриваются его категории, формируются навыки морфологического разбора слова.

Теоретическая часть

 The noun in Modern English has only two grammatical catego­ries, number and case. The existence of case appears to be doubtful and has to be carefully analyzed. The existence of gender appears to be doubtful also.

Modern English, as most other languages, distinguishes between two numbers, singular and plural.

The essential meaning of singular and plural seems clear enough: the singular number shows that one object is meant, and the plural shows that more than one object is meant. Thus, the opposition is "one — more than one".

We must also consider here two types of nouns differing from all others in the way of number: they have not got the usual two number forms, but only one form. The nouns which have only plural and no singular are usually termed "pluralia tantum" (which is the Latin for "plural only"), and those which have only a singular and no plural are termed "singularia tantum" (the Latin for "singular only").

Case is the category of a noun expressing relations between the thing denoted in the noun and other things, or properties, or actions, and manifested by some formal sign in the noun itself. This sign is almost always an inflection, and it may also be a "zero" sign, i.e. the absence of any sign may be significant as distinguishing one particular case from another. It is obvious that the minimum number .

Different views have also been expressed concerning the scope of meaning of the -s. Besides phrases implying possession in the strict sense of the term (my father's books, etc.), the -s is also found in other contexts, such as my father's friends, my father's arrival, my father's willingness, etc. The question now arises how wide this scope may be. From this point of view it has been customary to point out that the relation expressed by the collocation- "noun + -s + noun" is often a subjective relation, as in my father's ar­rival: my father's expresses the subject of the action, cf. my father arrives. This would then correspond to the so-called subjective ge­nitive of inflected languages, such as Russian or Latin. It would, however, not do to say that the noun having the -'s could never indicate the object of the action: cf. the example Doughty's famous trial and execution, where the implied meaning of course is, 'Doughty was tried and executed'. This would correspond to the so-called objective genitive of inflected languages. Now, though this particular use would seem to be far less frequent than the subjec­tive, it is by no means impossible or anomalous. Thus it would not be correct to formulate the meaning of the -'s in a way that would exclude the possible objective applications of the -'s-formation.

There is another topic concerning the article – the determinatives. The article is a word that serves as a determiner alongside with such determiners as demonstrative, possessive and indefinite pronouns. The article is one of the main means of expressing the idea of definiteness and indefiniteness.

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