Тема “The problem of sentence types” / Part 1

Цель: рассмотреть понятия declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, subject, predicate, рассмотреть ,  различные структурные типы и классификации предложений.

Знания и умения, приобретаемые студентами: студенты должны усвоить основные понятия declarative , interrogative , imperative , exclamatory , subject , predicate , а также принципы структурных типов и классификаций предложений, уметь идентифицировать основные типы предложения.

Формируемые компетенции: ОПК–3.

Актуальность темы определяется тем, что в ее рамках осваиваются основные структурные типы и классификации предложений, формируются навыки идентификации различных типов предложений в тексте в соответствии с коммуникативной целью.

Теоретическая часть

Under sentence we understand the immediate integral unit of speech built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a contextually relevant communicative purpose.

There are two principles of classification. Applying one of them we obtain a classification into declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentences. We can call this principle that of “types of communication”.

The other classification is according to structure. Here we state two main types: simple sentences and composite sentences. According to Structure the sentences are divided into: simple and composite.

Simple sentences:

According to their structure they are divided into: two-member sentences and one-member sentences.

Two- member sentence has 2 members- a subject and a predicate. They may be: complete or incomplete. It is complete when it has a subject and a predicate. It is incomplete when one of the principal parts or both of them are missing. They are called elliptical. EX. What are you doing? Drinking.

One-member sentences have one member which is neither the subject nor the predicate. They are used in descriptions and in emotional speech. EX. Freedom! Silence.

Simple sentences, both two- member and one-member, can be unextended and extended.

In a sentence we distinguish the principal parts, secondary parts and independent elements. The principal parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate. The secondary parts are the attribute, the object and the adverbial modifier.

Composite sentences:

The composite sentence, as different from the simple sentence, is formed by two or more predicative lines. Being a polypredicative construction, it expresses a complicated act of thought, i.e. an act of mental activity which falls into two or more intellectual efforts closely combined with one another.

A compound sentence is a sentence which consists of two or more clauses coordinated with each other. A clause is part of a sentence which has a subject and a predicate of its own.

Composite sentences display two principal types of construction: hypotaxis (subordination) and parataxis (coordination).

The means of combining clauses into a polypredicative sentence are divided into syndetic, i.e. conjunctional, and asyndetic, i.e. non-conjunctional.

According to the traditional view, all composite sentences are to be classed into compound sentences (coordinating their clauses), and complex sentences (subordinating their clauses), syndetic or asyndetic types of clause connection being specifically displayed with both classes.

According to the traditional classification the sentences are divided into:

1) declarative

2) interrogative

3) imperative

Sentences belonging to the several types differ from each other in some grammatical points, too. Thus, interrogative sentences are characterized by a special word order. In interrogative sentences very few modal words are used, as the meanings of some modal words are incompatible with the meaning of an interrogative sentence. It is clear that modal words expressing full certainty, such as certainly, surely, naturally, etc, cannot appear in a sentence expressing a question. On the other hand, the modal word indeed, with its peculiar shades of meaning. Isn’t so indeed?

Imperative sentences also show marked peculiarities in the use of modal verbs. It is quite evident, for example, that modal words expressing possibility, such as perhaps, maybe, possibly are incompatible with the notion of order or request. Indeed, modal words are hardly used at all in imperative sentences.

The notion of “exclamatory sentences” and their relation to the three established types of declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentences presents some difficulty. On the one hand, every sentence, whether narrative, interrogative, or imperative, may be exclamatory at the same time, that is, it may convey the speaker’s feelings and be characterized by emphatic intonation and by an exclamation mark in writing.

We should have our classification of sentences according to type of communication, thus modified: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory.

Дата добавления: 2019-03-09; просмотров: 497; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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