Типичные ошибки в части Writing

1.Превышение объема.

2.Замена жанра: вместо статьи написано эссе.

3.Нарушения стиля статьи в международный молодежный журнал: отсутствие прямого обращения к потенциальному читателю, замена кратких грамматических форм полными, использование формальной лексики и сложного синтаксиса.

4.Неполное раскрытие темы: описаны достижения героя, но не описаны трудности на пути к успеху.

5.Отсутствие заголовка или несоответствие заголовка содержанию статьи.

6.Нарушения логики изложения.

7.Наиболее частотная языковая ошибка – пунктуационное оформление кавычек.


Writing Интегрированные

Writing 4 Задания

Imagine that you are a teacher of English at school and you have given your students the writing assignment: Comment on the following statement. When you are studying away from home, the best choice for you is to live with your acquaintances. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200 – 250 words. Use the following plan: - make an introduction (state the problem)

-express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it

-express an opposing opinion and 1-2 reasons for it - explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

-make a conclusion restating your position One of your students has sent you her essay by e-mail.


Task A. Find and correct the mistakes. The first one has been corrected as an example. Find 5 more mistakes (grammar, vocabulary or spelling) and correct them.

Student’s Essay

When you are studying away from home, the best choice for you is to live with your acquaintances.

1 I disagree to this statement. If you are thinking of going away to study, your

2 choice of accommodation will be very important. You may be lucky enough to have

3 the chance of staying with somebody your parents know, for example, your

4 distant relatives or your parents’ friends. However, this can bring problems as well as   5advantages. Family life may well distract you of your studies, and there will also be the 6question of what you should pay to your hosts. No matter how carring they may

7be and no matter how much they want you with them, they won’t expect to keep you

8 for nothing. Paying too much or too little can easily lead to feeling awkward but

9setting the right amount can be tricky and embarrassed.

10You will also have to adjust with your hosts’ way of life and put up with

11 their habits. They will also have to do their best to make you feel at home. In other

12words, it is wrong to believe that if you are living with somebody you know it

13will be costing nothing either for you or for them. Living in a dormitory can often

14be the best arrangement after all.

Ann Applewood


Task A. Find and correct the mistakes. The first one has been corrected as an example. Find 5 more mistakes (grammar, vocabulary or spelling) and correct them.


line incorrect correct
1 to with
5 of from
6 carring caring
9 embarrassed embarrassing
10 with to
12 be costing cost


Task B. Playing the role of a school teacher, write an e-mail to your student, expressing your opinion on her work. Do not comment on the grammar, vocabulary or spelling mistakes in your letter. Comment on the composition and general idea of the essay. Observe the rules of letter writing, except for the address. Do not write your real name! (use 100 – 140 words).


Dear Ann,

On the whole, your essay is very well done. Your point of view is clearly stated and supported by several arguments. Unfortunately, the opposing opinion is not mentioned in your work and is not commented upon.

I am afraid there is no introduction in your essay. Try to add two sentences at the beginning where you paraphrase the statement and show that there are different views on the problem.

I would also make two more paragraphs, starting with the words “Family life” and “In other words”.

With best wishes,

Mr. Brown                      (93 слова )


Writing 4-a

•Write your story in full accordance with the review. (2018)


Writing Type of task: Different formats

Material for practice: FCE, CAE


Особенности олимпиадных заданий (на примере олимпиад по английскому языку)

Усложнение стандартных заданий (словообразование, лексика, грамматика)

Умение сопоставлять факты и мыслить логически (сопоставление текстов)

Нестандартный подход к решениям, умение использовать знания в новом контексте (письмо к другу/ письмо ученику)

Креативность (рассказ/ неожиданная концовка)

Интегрированные задания

Использование межпредметных связей (социокультурный компонент)

Уровень сложности (В2 – С1), сочетание заданий разной сложности



English Grammar in Use, English Vocabulary in Use, TOEFL, CAE, FCE

Английский язык. Всероссийские олимпиады. Вып.1- 7 (Серия «Пять колец»)

Вып. 7, 2016



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