The present-day position of women world-wide and in Belarus.

The present day position of women world-wide and in Belarus

Nowadays the position of the woman in the male-dominated world is gradually changing; women’s interests have become an issue: twenty years ago they weren’t even spoken about. In Kenya for e.g. banks help women with loans, providing advice and offering technical help. In Africa as a whole, eight women out are illiterate. In India a developed plan has been introduced to improve job training for women and ensure equal access to employment. Nevertheless blatant discrimination continues to exist in some poorly-developed countries and huge advances are balanced with humiliating retreats. In Pakistan if a woman has been raped she has to have the supporting testimony of four men in order to bring charges against her assailant. In Japan most people believe that a woman should put her family ahead of the job.

On the other hand in the working world women still come a distant second to men. The unemployment, that skyrocketed everywhere, has affected women sharply. In a few countries (the USA, Japan) women enjoy a higher rate of employment than men. But in both countries women are paid less, irrespective of the level of economic development. Very often it happens that women are steered towards the traditional jobs that men don’t want and that they are blocked from higher education and skills training. Women are still heavily outnumbered by men. Even in Europe the work opportunities for women leave a lot to be desired. In Britain only a fraction of Parliament’s seats are held by women and there are no other women in the Cabinet. Lots of hard-won freedoms are lost in Islam with the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, in South Africa women aren’t covered by labor legislation, maternity benefits or unemployment insurance provisions.

Women’s Federation for World Peace is a global organization, aims at fundamental solution to the threats of the families, stemming from the decline in moral standards, increasing drug abuse and all forms of indecent sexual behavior in the world around us. It struggles for the access of women to decision-making positions. Women’s full participation in public affairs is now recognized as a fundamental condition for democracy and for achieving sustainable development. True democracy is now characterized by the full and equal participation of women in both formulating and implementing decisions.

More countries are taking steps to promote women within the political arena (in Belarus only 30% of women are in Parliament)


Family women versus career women.


No doubt that women have the same nature abilities for mental development as men have. But some time ago because of some prejudices men thought that it was impossible for a woman to become an equally educated specialist. And all doors were closed for women, esp. in the field of science. But after a long struggle, women achieved their goals and now they can get any job they want. And men rate women highly and they are even proud to work with women who are qualified specialists and caring mothers.

Actually, there are two reasons why mothers and wives work. One reason is that they work to earn money to support their families, so work becomes like an economic necessity. About 80% of women who work support their children without the help of a man. These women often have financial difficulties. And another reason is that woman works because they want to work, it gets her independence, self-esteem, a sense of competence, self-fulfillment. She gets the chance to choose her own life and her own man, or even no man.

A wife’s working may add a strain to the family. When both parents work, they sometimes have less time to spend with their children and each other. In other ways, however, many couples believe that the family has been helped by women working. The majority of men and women say that they prefer a marriage in which the husband and wife share responsibilities for home, such as child rearing and housework. It seems perfectly reasonable. Both have careers, both have to work a couple of days a week to earn enough to live on, so why shouldn’t they share the housework? So no one has to sacrifice his or her career. And in such a way all problems will be resolved and everyone will be happy!

Family women versus career women

Family women: traditional role of a woman as a housewife, giving birth to babies, cooking and cleaning (passive roles), child-rearing rie, running a house (long ago housewives made all the meals from scratch), performing simple but time-consuming chores-a real drudgery, “ a limited, colorless, mindless creature”, hard-working, there will never be a heavy arrear of thing unperformed. In Russian women there’s a strongly ingrained stigma of being simply a housewife.

Career women: housework is beneath their status, they prefer going out to work, looking after the money side, fighting for heart and home (here skill and brainpower are important), women work because they want to and can, they get independence out of it, a sense of competence and self-esteem, the chance to choose her own life, the job of a housewife’s ceased to exist. There are many opportunities for women (some companies offer flexible working hours, daycare centers for children), but some women work because of the economic necessity, touch-and-go finances, they want to contribute to the family budget. They cannot even use all the unpaid maternity leave to which they are legally entitled because their families cannot afford to live on the husband’s salary alone (Russia).



Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 323; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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