Прочитайте текст еще раз. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Who are Vivien’s relatives?

2. What is a stereotypical family in England?

3. What are the changes in stereotypical family in England?

4. What is the story of Thomas` family life about?

5. What attract Thomas in his girlfriend’s family?

6. What does Thomas dream about?


Выпишите из текста слова, отражающие основную тему текста.


Составьте план текста на английском языке.

Напишите небольшое сообщение по теме текста.

Раздел 6.3.

Прочитайте данный текст. Определите его основную идею.

Mother` s day is traditionally observed on the forth Sunday in Lent (the Church season of penitence beginning on Ash Wednesday, the day of which varies from year to year). This is usually in March. The day used to be known as Mothering Sunday and dates from the time when many girls worked away from home as domestic servants in big households, where their hours of work were often very long. Mothering Sunday was established as a holiday for these girls and gave them an opportunity of going home to see their parents, especially their mother. They used to take presents with them, often given to them by the lady of the house.

When the labour situation changed and everyone was entitled to regular time off, this custom remained, although the day is now often called “Mother` s Day”. People visit their mothers if possible and give them flowers, and small presents. (Commercial firms take advantage of the occasion to sell as much as possible. Consequently, what was once rather a nice custom is now more than anything else a commercial “racket”.) If they cannot go they send a “Mother` s Day card”, or they may send one in any case. The family try to see that the mother has as little work to do as possible, they often help with the meals and the washing up. It is considered to be mother` s day off.


Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста.

1. Mother’s Dream

2. Mother’s Sunday

3. Mother’s Day

4. A Nice Custom


Ролевая игра .

Ситуация – студенты A и B учатся в одном из российских вузов. Студент A – англичанин. Студент B пригласил студента A в гости к себе домой и знакомит со своей семьей.

Участники – студенты А, B, C, D, E, F, G, etc.

A – Вы студент(ка) из Англии. Учитесь в российском вузе. Студент B пригласил вас в гости. Студент B представляет вас своим родным и другу (подруге). Их, в свою очередь, интересует ваша семья, хобби, привязанности. Представьтесь. Расскажите о своей семье, о родных, о хобби, о своих привязанностях.

B - Вы студент(ка) российского вуза. У вас в группе учится студент из Англии. Вы пригласили его к себе домой. Представьте его своей семье, родным, друзьям.

C, D, E, F, G, etc. - члены семьи, родственники, друзья студента B. Вас интересует семья студента А, его хобби, привязанности.

Дайте ответы на вопросы студента А.


Раздел 6.4.

6.4.1. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово. (Используйте таблицу «The Gerund» на странице 108.)

1. … is her favourite occupation. (reading/read) 2. … in the cold water was not so pleasant.(swimming / swim) 3. … horror films makes her excited. (swimming / swim) 4. …alone is always difficult for her. 5. … in a good mood is very usual for him.( being / be) 6. … late is not polite. (being/be)


6.4.2. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово. (Используйте таблицу «The Gerund» на странице 108.)

1. His greatest pleasure is … . (skating / skate) 2. Dan’s desire is (… a student in Oxford. ( becoming / become) 3. Her dream is … to Australia one day .(traveling/travel) 4. My boss is against … this contract. (signing / sign) 5. They are still far from … ready to start.( being / be) 6. She was for … at once. (starting / to start)


6.4.3. Прочитайте данные предложения . Выберите соответствующее слово. (Используйте таблицу «The Gerund» на странице 108.)

1. He avoided speaking / speak on this matter. 2. He bought a camera and started making / make films of his own. 3. The group stopped climbing / climb the mountain because of bad weather forecast. 4. This fact is worth remembering / remember. 5. The car needs repairing/repaired. 6. The children kept on playing / played.


Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. He has got much experience in … .( teaching / teach) 2. Have you got any reasons of … that? ( saying / say ) 3. What are the means of … this task? solving / solve 4. We have no intention of … the contract. (making / make) 5. They realized the importance of … to the agreement. (coming / come) 6. He has got the possibility of to … Great Britain.( going / go)


 6.4.5. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. After … the contract they left. (signing / sign) 2. Before … on business he prepared all of the documents. (going / go) 3. I will do without … for his advice.( asking / ask) 4. Instead of … she sent him a message. (calling / called) 5. Besides … intelligent she is very sociable.( being / be) 6. They had a snack after … . (swimming / swum)


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