Прочитайте текст ещё раз. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста .

1. In the summer of 2003 at a ceremony in Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II personally awarded Jamie Oliver a MBE.

2. The idea to give young people good English breakfast in Oliver’s home was simple and close to the hearts of the English.

3. From the point of view of contemporary English culture, the story of one young English star, Jamie Oliver, is not interesting and significant.

4. The primary distinguishing feature of English food is also its main prob­lem: its purpose is to satisfy hunger and not to provide pleasure.

5. There is the famous joke about the international contingents in heaven and hell: in hell the chef is French.

6. Everybody believed the story about the origin of lasagna read on the Internet.

7. The book about English beef was written by an economist, for the most part using statistics.

8. The English make a cult of food.


Ответьте на данные вопросы (работа в парах).

1. What do the neighbours from the Continent never tire of?

2. What is the famous joke about the international contingents in heaven and hell?

3. What do the English themselves have about their cuisine?

4. Where do English friends invite their guests to lunch?

5. What are the English reminding their countrymen nowadays?

6. What kind of breakfast does Oliver prefer to prepare?

7. What happened in the autumn of 2003?

8. What did he tell journalists in his interview?


Просмотрите текст и найдите фразам, данным в левой колонке (1-8) подходящее завершение в правой колонке ( a - h ).

1. The neighbours from the continent a) about their cuisine
2. There is also the famous joke b) little by little being awakened
3. its purpose is c) to satisfy hunger and not provide pleasure
4.The English do not make cult d) about the international contingent in heaven and hell.
5.an inferiority complex e) is particularly interesting
6.national consciousness is f) never tire of making fun of English cuisine.
7.the holy grail g) of cooking, Italian cuisine
8.the story of one young English star h) of food

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Раздел 5.2.

Отработайте произношение данных слов и словосочетаний, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.

multiple adj многочисленный
cook n повар
chef шеф-повар
frozen entree замороженное блюдо
burrito n мексиканское блюдо (лепешка с мясом или фасолью)
capcake n маленькое пирожное с глазировкой
macaroons n миндальное пирожное
shellfish моллюск, ракообразное
clam n моллюск
blue mussels синие мидии
oyster n устрица
winery n винный завод
tuna n тунец
passion fruit n маракуя
raise v выращивать
shrimp n креветка
lychee n личи
descent n происхождение
breakthrough n достижение, победа
antebellum adj довоенный
gastronomy n кулинария, гастромия
unto prep (направление) к

5.2.2. Прочитайте текст и дайте ответ на вопрос:

“What are the main trends of American food industry in the 20-21 centuries?”


(20—21 centuries)

In the period of 20-21 centuries one characteristic of American cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. Asian cooking has played a particularly large role in American fusion cuisine.

Similarly, some dishes that are typically considered American have their origins in other countries. American cooks and chefs have substantially altered these dishes over the years, to the degree that the dishes now enjoyed around the world are considered to be American. Hot dogs and hamburgers are both based on traditional German dishes, brought by German immigrants to the United States, but in their modern popular form they can be considered American dishes.

Many companies in the American food industry develop new products requiring minimal preparation, such as frozen entrees. 

Trendy food items in the 2000s and 2010s include cupcakes, macaroons, and meatballs.

The food in the United States has numerous regional variations. They are characterized by extreme diversity and style with each region having its own distinctive cuisine.

 New England is a Northeastern region of the United States.

Native American cuisine became part of the cookery style that the early colonists brought with them. The style of New England cookery originated from its colonial roots. Much of the cuisine started with one-pot cookery, which resulted in such dishes as succotash, chowder, baked beans, and others.

Lobster is an integral ingredient to the cuisine, indigenous to the coastal waters of the region. Other shellfish of the coastal regions include little neck clams, blue mussels, oysters, soft shell clams and razor shell clams. 

The fruits of the region include the grapes used in grape juice. Apples from New England include many original varieties. Cranberries are another fruit indigenous to the region.

Hawaiian regional cuisine covers everything from wok-charred ahi tuna, opakapaka (snapper) with passionfruit, to Hawaiian island-raised lamb, beef and aquaculture products. It includes a broad variety of produce - most notably tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, sweet maui onions and tropical fruits such as papayas, mangoes, lilikoi (passionfruit) and lychee.

The cuisine of the American South has been influenced by the many diverse inhabitants of the region, including Americans of European descent, Native Americans and African Americans.

Cooking in the American West gets its influence from Native American and Mexican cultures, and other European settlers into the part of the country. Common dishes vary depending on the area. For instance, the Northwest relies on local seafood, while in the South, Mexican flavors are extremely common.

The demand for ethnic foods in the United States reflects the nation’s changing diversity as well as its development over time.

A movement began during the 1980s among popular leading chefs to reclaim America’s ethnic foods within its regional traditions, where these trends originated.

Another major breakthrough is the mixing of ethnic cuisines. America is a huge melting pot.

The overall culture of the nation, its gastronomy and the growing culinary arts became ever more influenced by its changing ethnic mix and immigrant patterns from the 18th and 19th centuries unto the present.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 375; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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