Ex. 4. Ask different kinds of questions.

1. His grandparents are in the country now. 2. This little flower is yellow. 3. Many students have mistakes in the test. 4. Bill has got a new phone. 5. She has a walk with friends every evening.


Ex. 5. Translate the sentences using be + adjective.

1. Кто отсутствует сегодня? 2. Мы гордимся нашей культурой. 3. Я замерзла. 4. Он увлекается музыкой. 5. Они сожалеют об этом. 6. Она боится собак. 7. Он болеет 8. Я хочу спать. 9. Мне жаль. 10. Они расстроены. 11. Он интересуется театром. 12. Мы рады с вами познакомиться. 13. Он сердится на нас. 14. Все студенты присутствуют сегодня. 15. Они нервничают. 16. Я устал. 17. Они всегда опаздывают. 18. Она никогда не болеет.  

Ex . 6. Translate the sentences using have + noun.

1. Давай сыграем. 2. Она ест 5 раз в день. 3. Я хочу попить. 4. Он обычно ездит куда-нибудь по выходным. 5. Она не отдыхает по субботам. 6. Твоя бабушка спит после обеда? 7. Давай поговорим с ним сегодня. 8. Повеселись на вечеринке. 9. Мы не будем делать перерыв. 10. Они никогда не ссорятся. 11. Она гуляет каждый вечер? 12. Давай не будем драться. 13. Потанцуем? 14. Они болтают по телефону каждый день.


Basic word order in English declarative sentences

subject group 




adverbial modifiers

of manner                          of place of time

The children                        went                                                                home       yesterday.

He                                   shouts            at me        angrily.

A young girl                   is walking                           slowly         along the street.

Two students               didn’t pass        the exam      well                                    on Monday.

Sentence patterns with objects

1) When the sentence has both direct and indirect object and the direct object is expressed by a noun, it can either stand after the predicate or take place after the indirect object.

model 1 model 2
                    whom?               what? predicate + indirect object + direct object                      what?           whom? predicate + direct object + indirect object
She gave      Jack    the books. He bought    her            a car She gave      the books  to Jack He bought        a car    for her.


2) When the sentence has both direct and indirect object and the direct object is expressed by a pronoun, it always stands after the predicate.

model 2               subject + predicate + direct object + indirect object                                             

                              She    gave             them                    to Jack.

                               He    bought            it                        for her.


Mind the prepositions to and for which we usewith the indirect object in this case.

3. Patterns with adverbs of indefinite time, frequency and others like always, also, never, often, seldom, probably, usually, etc.

model 1: The adverb stands before one-verb predicate

               He usually goes to the country in summer.

Exception: after the verb ‘be’

                   He is always at home.

model 2: 

The adverb stands after the first verb if the predicate consists of several verbs

                  He is always busy.

               He will always be busy.

              He can probably meet us.

            He is always grumbling.

           He has never come early.

          He doesn’t often stay at home in the evenings.

Note: probably usually stands before the negative  

    I probably don’t  understand you.

model 3: The adverb stands before the modal verb have to

       He also has to get up early.

Word order with attributes

1            2             3     4            5         6                7           8

 opinion + size, length / age / shape, width + colour + where from? + past participle + made of + noun


 beautiful big long   old square  broad brown French handmade   wooden table


Ex. 1. Change the word order where possible.

1. He showed the photo to me. 2. They brought it for us. 3. I prepared them for the children. 4. He got them a snake. 5. We’ll sing you a song. 6. We’ll sing it to you. 7. I lent him some money. 8. She sent him a telegram. 9. She sent her son a telegram. 10. I read it to him.11. I read the article to him. 12. Give me the key. 13. Tell it to me. 14. Tell her the truth. 15. Let’s buy a present for Jane. 16. Let’s buy it for him. 


Ex. 2. Mark (√) the place of the word often in each sentence.

1. He is late. 2. He comes late. 3. He has come late. 4. He will be late. 5. He may come late.  6. He didn’t come late. 7. He had to come late. 8. He wasn’t late. 9. He has been late. 10. He has to be late.

Ex. 3. Mark (√) the place of the adverb in each sentence.

1. He gets up early. (usually) 2. Do you go to the University on foot? (always) 3. Grace is at home in the evenings. (seldom) 4. They have to work a lot. (often) 5. I can understand him. (never) 6. He has written the test. (already) 7. We are having a good time. (just) 8. They don’t hear you. (probably) 9. Mr. Johnson is very busy. (generally) 10. I will be sleeping at that time. (probably)


Ex. 4. Put the adjectives in brackets into the sentences in the correct order.

1. It was an English song. (old, beautiful) 2. We saw a big dog. (brown, funny) 3. He was a thin man. (tall, red-haired) 4. It was a strange house. (old, small) 5. She gave me a plastic bag. (green, nice) 6. Janet is a little girl. (charming) 7. She bought a pair of brown shoes. (leather, lovely) 8. He opened a huge box. (metal, black) 9. It was his new car. (German, beautiful)   10. She was wearing her white dress. (cotton, new) 11. She carried an umbrella. (pink, unusual) 12. He had a thin face (ugly, long) 13. It was an old painting. (interesting, French) 14. There is a television. (new, Japanese, big) 15. She has long hair. (blonde) 16. We sat at a round table. (wooden, large) 17. He has just read an adventure book (exciting) 18. They saw a rugby player. (Australian, thin, tall) 19. He put on a pair of socks (old, woollen, grey) 20. We ate a dessert. (fresh fruit, delicious, Italian) 21. He was a jazz musician. (black, talented) 22. She saw a fireplace. (marble, old-fashioned) 23. Jim has a big cat. (fat, old, white)     




I                                              NOUNS


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