B. Mark the following sentences as true or false. Act out a dialogue, questioning the points or proving them. Be as imaginative as you can.


The robotic vacuum cleaner is directed by a set of sensors. TRUE / FALSE

The room is sized up automatically by dimension sensors. TRUE / FALSE

The size of the room should not be determined. TRUE / FALSE

The dirt is not raised from the carpet. TRUE / FALSE

The area is cleaned until no vibrations are sensed. TRUE / FALSE

The dirt sensors are activated by dirt particles hitting the bumper.


As the robot navigates the room no objects or wall are hit. TRUE / FALSE

The signals from the sensors are never passed to the processor. TRUE / FALSE

When the bumper is pressed in acoustic sensors are activated. TRUE / FALSE

Ultraviolet waves are sent in each direction and then reflected. TRUE / FALSE


Exercise 22. Work in pairs. Which appliance is being described? Give more information about the appliance you have guessed.


a) Heat from inside the appliance is transferred to the outside in a refrigerant that flows through the pipes.

b) The heat from the flat plate heats the molecules in the fibers of the textile and the weight straightens them. As they cool, they keep their shape.

c) Food is heated up by making tiny particles of water in the food vibrate.

d) A thermostat breaks the electric circuit when water reaches boiling point.

e) Dirt is sucked in by a swirl of a powerful current of air.

f) The fan produces an airflow which passes through and over the heating element. The flow of hot air speeds up the evaporation of water.

Try to describe and explain the principle of operation of the other appliances:

Washing machine


Water cooler



Water heater

Air conditioner


Coffee maker



Cold-pressed juicer

Sewing machine


Electric water heater tank

Trouser press


Food processor


Exercise 23. Work in groups. Make predictions about new functions of household appliances in our homes of the future. Follow the example:



Exercise 24.

A. Watch a video on YouTube to get to know more about robotic pets.

Follow this link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx5aaE60SGA

“Latest greatest Robots for Home:

robotic pets and helpers”

You will need to learn certain words before you watch and listen:

1. to take a little snooze – немного подремать

2. affordable – доступный, по средствам, приемлемый

3. app – приложение (application)

4. get notified – получить оповещение

5. to track calories– вести под счет калорий

6. to track the lost objects – находить потерянные вещи

7. obedient – послушный

8. behavior – поведение

9. mischievous – озорной, непослушный

10.  personality – личность

11.  to maneuver around obstacles – маневрировать/объезжать препятствия

12.  to be aware of the surroundings – отдавать себе отчет/понимать происходящее

13.  to charge – заряжать

14.  to run out of energy – оставаться с низким зарядом батареи

15.  most importantly – и что важнее всего

16.  a cartoon of milk – пакет молока

17.  to deliver – доставлять

18.  to recognize – распознавать

B. Read the article taken from The Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/f5fb177c-04b5-11e7-aa5b-6bb07f5c8e12

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 168; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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