The Book of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf                                           CHAPTER SIXTY TWO 31 страница

yet God redeemed you with his loving kindness and guided you to His [servant] named, Vahid.


Recall further when you were enemies that God brought harmony in your hearts

and united you and uplifted your names

and revealed to you verses from the tongue of glory of the well beloved.


Recall further when We passed by you with the hosts of our angels

when We opened the doors of paradise unto you when you were assembled in that fortress.


That was the time when the evil one whispered amongst you and caused fear to enter your hearts

and it was then that We found some of you trembling and quaking

yet We forgave those who were trembling as a mercy on our part and upon all peoples.





Those of your town who have disbelieved are the worst of men as you are the best of men,

thus has it been reckoned in the Tablet, which is sealed with the seal of glory.


Those people who did not attain the presence of Vahid,

those who fought with him, disputed idly with him,

they have been cursed in both this world and the next

and the word of retribution has been enacted against them from the Mighty the Wise [Lord].




O friends of God in that city!

Take hold firmly the cord of God,

then thank Him as He has preferred you in all truth

and because of His mercy you became steadfast upon the path of holiness.


O trees of that city,

prostrate yourselves before God, your Creator,

as the breezes of the divine springtime wafted over you in this resplendent and divine season.


O land of that city,

be thankful to God, your Lord,

for you are the land changed by God on the day of resurrection

and upon you has shone the light of the spirit from the most luminous horizon.


O air of that city,

make mention of God who has purified you from the dust of vanity and desire

and caused you to be revived and to return back to His old form.




O Yahya!

Great is your blessedness

for you fulfilled the everlasting covenant when the heavens and the earth were created


and you took hold of the Book of God with the strength of your sincere belief

and turned yourself to the sanctuary of the divine beauty

having been moved by the breezes of His day.


Therefore, celebrate in the Concourse on High for you have been mentioned

in the Tablet to which belongs the spirit of all divine books and beyond the books,

the Mother Book that has been protected in the sanctuary of infallibility.



Thus does God reward his servants who believe in Him and His verses

and He taketh hold of those who act tyrannically on earth.


May the malediction of God rest upon the wrong doers.




O Solace of the eye of eternity!

Change your tone

and chant upon the melodies of those nightingales singing in the tabernacle of divine names

and in the dominions of divine attributes


that the birds of the throne may detach themselves from the dust of themselves,

and may therefore turn back to their original homeland which is sanctified beyond transcendence.




O Thou Quintessence of truth!

Sing and chant with the most beauteous melodies

for all the maidens of paradise have come out of their assemblies and their tents of purity

that they may hear Your own melody,

the melody that has been sung in the pages of God in the book, Qayyumu'l-Asma.

 [the Book of Names]


Do not deprive these of what they have desired to hear

of Thy new and wondrous melodies and loving kindness


for Thou art indeed the most generous One in the highest grades of immortality

and in truth Thou art indeed the most generous One in the dominion of eternity

and Thy Name is well known amongst the concourse on high as the Generous One.




O Thou most holy Beauty!

The unbelievers do not respite [relieve] Thee that a breath should be exhaled from Thy chest

for as My voice wishes to leave My mouth,

they place the hand of hatred over My mouth


and yet with all your knowledge of this matter

you command me to raise My call in this atmosphere

for Thou art the doer in truth, Thou art the commander in justice.


Thou does what Thou wishes and Thou art wise over all things.


If Thou hearkenest to the call of Thy servant,

if Thou fulfillest his wish then forgive them with the utmost kind word and delicate utterance

that the handmaidens of eternity may return to their seats in the crimson and ruby laden chambers.  


Thou knowest that I have now become afflicted between the unbelievers from two parties

and Thou commandest in both Revelations and overseest both Dispensations

and Thou art manifest in the Twin garments


and Thou art resplendent through the Two Suns

and have been mentioned with the Twin Names,

possessest the Twin Dawning-places,

and commandest the secret of the Twin Mysteries in these Two Lines,


and God is fully aware beyond all this.


Tablet of the City of Patient Endurance                                                       CHAPTER FOURTEEN

Divisions 366-400




Thou knowest that I have no fear for myself rather I have sacrificed myself, my soul and my spirit,

on the day that Thou graciously honored Me with Thy presence,

the day that Thou made me recognize Thy new beauty

and inspired me with the gems of Thy revelation

which are shed upon everyone that entereth the shade of thy cause.


My fear is that the limbs of thy command may fall apart in this great revelation

as these envious ones have created divisions

on the day that Thou seated thyself upon the throne of existence with thine all embracing mercy.


Thus have we explained everything in a Tablet that is revealed from the heaven of the divine spirit.



O Thou blood soaked garment!

Do not heed the misgivings of mankind rather burn asunder their veils

and appear with thy divine ornament amongst earth and heaven

and chant of thy hidden and treasured melodies born of Thy spirit in these days

whereon there has befallen upon the Manifestation of the being of God

what the eyes of creation have not seen.


O Thou most holy beauty!

The Cause is in thy hand

and I am not but a humble servant before Thee, commanded by Thee,

and it is because Thou commanded me to make mention of the most Great Remembrance

and of the most Great Treasure.


Therefore, thou shouldst order Thy heavenly angels to protect the limbs of the divine throne

and order the exalted angels to guard the tabernacles of grandeur,


lest veils of divinity may be torn asunder

as a consequence of this call which has been hidden up to now in Thy chest.


And yet Glory of the Spirit!


Conceal not Thyself behind those veils

yet appear with the might of God and break the seal of the Vessel of Spirit -

a vessel that has been sealed with the seal of divine protection

from the beginning that has no beginning,


[so] that perfume-laden fragrances may blow from this Pre-existent Vessel upon all creation

so that it may revive all existence with the breath of the Merciful,


[so] that they may all arise to serve the Cause in this day

whereon the Spirit is evidently visible above the dawn of truth.





This Tablet enjoins upon you patience on this day of the Great Terror

and commands us to be forbearing in this Most Great Agitation

when this Dove of Hijaz flies from Iraq

and sheds upon all contingent beings the fragrances of separation

and on the face of heaven appears the color red,

for thus is the matter decreed in the Mother Book. [of _____ ]




The Bird of Immortality has flown from the Horizon of Eternity

and has purposedthe Sheba of the Spirit in the Sinai of holiness

so that in the mirror of divine destiny the commands of His decree may be reflected,


and this is merely one of God's hidden secrets.





The Bird of Glory has flown from one branch

and has sought the Branch of holiness planted in the land of exile.



The Breeze of Divine Unity has dawned from the Abode of Peace (Baghdad)

and has sought to blow over the city of separation as mentioned in the scrolls of divine Revelation.





O concourse in the heavens and on earth!

Throw ye ashes on your faces and on your heads

because the Beauty of God disappears from these near cities

and intends to dawn from the horizon of a remote heaven.


All this has been decreed in truth

and We are thankful to God in that He has caused to descend on Us tribulation after tribulation


and at this moment too He rains upon Us from the Clouds of His Decree

down-pouring of well-known sorrows.




O Thou Quintessence of sorrow!

Seal thou the utterance in this remembrance for We have truly become saddened

and the Concourse on High have become sorrowful


and then make mention of that servant of God

who asked of that true and veritable "Great Announcement."





I swear by the One True God!

That "Announcement" came to pass in the perspicuous beauty of Ali. (the Bab)


Yet the servants disagreed about it and the divines of this Age objected to Him --

divines who were veiled in the veils of vanity.


And you did recognize the Beauty of God in the garment of Ali, the Self-Subsistent. (the Bab)


And ere long all in the heavens and earth will recognize Him

and this was previously inscribed in truth and has been irrevocable with God.


And ye shall know of His Announcement at an inevitably approaching time.




Yet O people of the Bayan!

Strive with the utmost striving that ye may not disagreed about the Cause of God


and be ye as steadfast as the mountain in all truth

in such wise that the whisperings of the Evil One may not cause you to slip

and that nothing on earth may pervert you.




All this is that which the Dove of Revelation counselleth you at the time of departure from `Iraq

because of what the hands of unbelievers have wrought.




Furthermore know ye, O concourse of chosen ones,

that when the Sun sets, the birds of night will move about in the darkness,

yet you ought not pay heed to them.


Rather turn your faces in this well-beloved and holy direction.


Beware lest ye follow the "Samiri" in your souls;

beware lest ye fall behind the "Calf" when it bleats amongst you.


This is my best counsel unto you and unto all created things.


You shall hear the call of Samiri after Me                                                                           [   ]

and he will summon you to the Evil One.


Go ye not therefore to him,

rather turn to this Hidden and Glorious Beauty.


At this point We address all who are in heaven and on earth from this City

that haply all things may attain to what has been ordained for them

from the Wise, the Omniscient [Lord].




O Moment of time!

Be not heedless of this moment that has come in truth,

during which the breeze of God is blowing from a holy and westerly direction.


O Hour [of truth]!

Celebrate this hour that has arisen with thee

and recognize this eternal, heavenly, and everlasting banquet

that has descended from the clouds of holiness and light

from the heaven of might in the name of God.


O [light of] Day!

Illumine all existing things in this luminous, resplendent, and divine Day

that has become manifest from the horizon of Iraq.




In this wise We clarify for you the divine verses

and We disclose to you the words of the spirit

and vouchsafe unto all things what has been ordained in the Book of divine might


so that everyone may know the fountain of divine bounty

which is following from this Ridvan in all truth.


May the spirit be upon you,

and upon those who have [been] circumambulating [the Kaaba],

and directing themselves in the direction of divine love.



Translated by K. Fananapazir



Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl                                                                                      CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35

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