The Book of the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf                                           CHAPTER SIXTY TWO 29 страница



Tell them then the story of Muhammad when aforetime He came with clear sovereignty.


Said He,

"These are the verses of God that have been revealed in truth."


Do not have discord in the Cause of God

yet gather on around this glorious and transcendent shore.


Tablet of the City of Patient Endurance                                                                     CHAPTER SIX

Divisions 151-180





O people!

Look at Me with the eye of God and follow not your desires


and be not like those who call God in their days and night,

yet when He came to them they turned away and denied him

and were found prostrate upon the idols of their own creation.




The Jews said,

"By God! This is He who has fabricated a falsehood against God,

or He is possessed or He is under a spell."


They said,

"God has sealed Prophethood with Moses and this command of God is decreed in the Torah.


Further the Law of the Torah shall never be abrogated as long as God exists

and the [prophet] that is to be raised after Moses will arise under the blessings of the Mosaic Law

so that he may spread its ordinances amongst all the peoples of the earth

and thus has the command of God been revealed from the firmament His revelation brought down.




The people of the Gospel spoke like unto them and are waiting from that Day till this.


And their position was rejected by God in that which He revealed upon Muhammad

in the Arabic tongue in the Sura of the Genie:


"They came to think as ye thought that God would not raise up any one to Prophethood."


I swear by God! This verse and what is treasured within it

suffices all the peoples of the earth,

should they tread the goodly and honorable path.





God hath sent down His Messengers to succeed to Moses and Jesus,

and He will continue to do so till “the end that hath no end”;

so that His grace may, from the heaven of Divine Bounty be continually vouchsafed to mankind.


He doeth what He willeth

and He shall not be asked of what He does.


Rather all will be asked of all things in the court of divine Justice.


Hearken then unto what these objectors say

and how they have come to think as the servants who were before have thought.





I swear by God! Ye are guilty of a misapprehension in this matter.


For verily the "Hour" has passed in truth, and the "Resurrection" has risen despite [of] you,

and despite those who are deafened unto divine melodies.





Ye speak as the peoples of bygone ages spoke at the time of the Apostle of God

and ye are expectant as they were expectant

and your footsteps have slipped upon this path which has been outstretched for truth.


Ponder ye therefore on the significance of this verse

that ye may be nourished from the nourishment of knowledge

that is descending from the heaven of holiness in a preordained measure.




O Solace of the Eyes of Eternity!

Witness what the unbelievers report about this verdant and blessed Tree

that is upraised on the musk-laden mount.


So high have its Branches grown

that They have reached a place hidden beyond the Tabernacles of holiness.


And [yet] these unbelievers have purposed to cut [down the blessed tree of life,

and have hence deigned their unbelieving branch the] omitted twigs.





It is protected in the fortress of God and is guarded in His loving providence

and yet God has prevented the hands of the unbelievers and hypocrites from molesting it,

such that their hands will never reach it.


Soon will God gather under its shade all who are in the kingdom of existence

and this is what God has written for Himself to accomplish

and all that has been irrevocable in the Tablets of might written with the Pen of knowledge.




O Solace of the Eyes of Beauty!

Remind the servants with the remembrances of the spirit in these days

and make them hear the immortal melodies [of hymnody]


that they may come to apprehend within their hearts something, even [if] for [merely] a moment,

[that] haply they may not entertain thoughts as the people aforetime thought

and that they may have certitude that God is able to send a Messenger at all moments.





O people of hatred!

May you perish in your wrath!


This victory has been decreed by the luminous and glorious Pen.


Reveal unto them what the Dove of the Spirit has sung in the holy and beloved Ridvan

[that] haply they may follow the interpretation of the term "Seal"

as was uttered by the Tongue of the Name of God 'Ali,

He Who was firmly grounded in knowledge, in His Visitation of the Prophet.


He said in truth,

"Muhammad the Sealer of what preceded Him and the Initiator of that which was to come."


In this was uttered the significance of the term of Seal from that unapproachably holy tongue.


Thus did God ordain Him to be the Seal of those Prophets that preceded Him

and an Initiator of a series of Messengers to come after Him.


Tablet of the City of Patient Endurance                                                               CHAPTER SEVEN

Divisions 181-205





In this wise ponder ye in what We have revealed unto you in all truth that ye find a way to the precinct of God's Revelation on the shore of holiness.


Be not veiled therefore because of what ye have heard from your divines

and ask the questions of religion

from him whom God has ordained to be "firmly grounded in knowledge"

and from whose countenance resplendent lights are shed.




O people!

Fear God,

and take not knowledge from muddied fountains that flow from a source of vanity and ignorance.


Take ye your portion from sweet flowing, unsullied, waters

that flow from the right hand of the throne

and which God has apportioned for the righteous.




O Holy Countenance!

Waft unto all existent things what God has vouchsafed in His munificence unto Thee

that all things may rise from the sepulchres of their bodies

and that they may all be cognizant of that Revelation that has come in all truth.


Then send upon all beings musk-laden breezes

that have been fragrant from thee from the source of immortality

that haply moldering bones may be revived by them


and that people may not deprive themselves from this Spirit

that has been breathed by this pre-existent, eternal, and timeless Pen


and thereby they, endowed with the most beauteous form,

may attain resurrection in this holy and blest land.




O Pen of Revelation!

Thou seest and bearest witness that beings do not seek

this outspread bountiful mercy that encompasses all the heavens and the earth


and seek not to turn to the Visage from whom the lights of the Spirit shine forth

and by Whom all the Kingdoms of Revelation and creation have become illumined,

and Thou art a witness unto all that.


These people race in the valley of vanity and desire

and immerse themselves with those who have not attained Thy presence

even though Thou hast given them all the glad tidings of this Day

by Thy glorious and perspicuous Pen.


Thou sayest and Thy word is most sweet in the dominion of eternity.


On that day the Cause belongs solely unto God.



Thus hath the matter pertaining to this day been inscribed

by the Pen of Glory moved by the Finger of Spirit upon the Tablet of glory,

and when the day did come to pass and when the hour did come

and when the matter was consummated

and when the lights of Thy beauty were shining in the midmost part of heaven

then all of them rose in opposition to this light which shineth from all the horizons.


They veiled themselves with thick veils of faithlessness.


In this manner apprehend the position of all the peoples in all the ages


namely that despite their waiting and their anticipation of the Days of God,

when the time pre-ordained did come to pass, they all denied him,

because of that which Satan had suggested in their hearts

and caused themselves to be remote from the shores of holiness.




In this Day also you see these unbelievers awaited

and they indeed were expectant in all their Days

as they were promised by the tongue of Muhammad the Apostle of God.


And whenever they heard the name of the Promised One they rose and shouted,

"May God hasten by His Advent our deliverance!"


And when He appeared in all truth they gainsaid Him, challenge

and raised objections to Him,

and disputed idly with Him,

and imprisoned Him in the midst of mountains,


and the hatred of their hearts was not quenched until they perpetrated against Him

what caused the hearts of all existence and visible reality to burn,


and because of this,

the foundations of the City of immortality in the divine dominions trembled

and the Beauty of the Unseen mourned in His holy and secret domains.




O Visage of Glory!

Remind the believers and the Concourse of the everlasting

what the unbelievers used to utter in the Days commemorating

the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn at the hands of the unjust and wicked ones.


These people used to recite the verses of Visitation of Husayn every day

and would accurse the doers of wrong against Him,

so much so that every morning they would recite 100 times,


"O God,

curse the first to wrong the just cause of Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad!"


And when Husayn was resurrected once more in the Holy Land they wronged Him

and killed Him and they perpetrated against him what was never done before.


In this wise does God separate between truth and falsehood

and between light and darkness

and reveals to you what will make manifest the deeds of all wrong-doers.



Tablet of the City of Patient Endurance                                                                CHAPTER EIGHT

Divisions 206-240





Then make mention in the book, the servant of God, Taqui,

he who believed in God on the day when the revelation shone from the dawning place of the spirit.


He is the one who assisted his Lord as much as he could

when Vahid entered the eastern city of love (Nayriz).


He said

"O my people, in truth the testimony of God has come

and the visage of truth is unveiled."




O people of the Quran!

Haste ye to it and do not turn your back therefrom. [the testinmony of God]


O my people!

The beauty of God has dawned from the horizon of holiness.


The promise is fulfilled.

Haste ye to the Ridvan in which his countenance is shining from.


Beware that you do not deprive yourselves and your eyes from attaining the presence of God,

for this is the day of God which has been ordained to be harsh unto the unbelievers.




O my people!

Verily the Book of God has been set,

and this is the book wherein nothing of the deeds of the peoples of the world is left out from it

even to the measure of a tiny pebble.     [all issues of concern have been adequately addressed]


O people!

Do not become veiled from the beauty of God

that has come in the shades of the clouds surrounded by holy angels

for this is the way his revelation has been decreed from his throne on high.




Remember when Vahid said,

"O people,

I have come to you bearing a tablet of spirit from the Bab, the exalted [servant].


O people,

do not enter divisions in this Cause of God


and answer this caller who calls you with all sincere truthfulness

and who discloses for you

what will approximate you to the right hand of the Beloved and glorious [Lord].




O people,

you have been promised in all the tablets to attain the presence of God

and this is the day that the beauty of God has been disclosed,


the day in which His light has been manifest,

the day in which the Summoner is calling you

and the day in which the heavens have been cloven asunder with the clouds.




Fear ye God,

and do not close your eyes from the most luminous and holy beauty." [of God and the prophets]




This is the day you have been promised through the tongue of the messengers

and this way God took a covenant from you in the heaven of pre-existence.


Therefore fulfill your own covenant

and do not tarry upon the land of misgiving.


There is amongst the people one who has been faithful to the call of God

and responded the truthful [that have been] summoned,

and there is one that has turned away and rebelled against God.




Amongst those who have accepted God is the one named Taqui.


He has believed and has been faithful to his promise.


He attained the presence of Vahid,

he adhered firmly to the most firm handle.


He did not divide the word of God.


He was faithful to the true religion.


He assisted God at all times in whatever way he could,

God has placed his name upon the lines of eternity written by the Pen of glory.


Suffering and affliction embraced him

and he bore in his own soul all manner of afflictions

and under those circumstances he was always grateful and ever patient.




Those who assist God with their wealth and their lives

and who are patient under all conditions of hardship for the purpose of attracting God's good will, these are the [saints] who shall attain victory for all eternity.


Such people even if they are killed or burned because they have been created of the spirit shall always soar in the spiritual atmosphere through God's permission.


These shall not attend to their bodies in this world

and these seek sufferings in the path of God as a sinner seeks forgiveness,

as a babe seeks the breast milk given to it by the mercy of God


thus does the nightingale remind you with spiritual recollections

so that men may detach themselves from their own self, their money and wealth,

and to return to the holy and clear presence.




Days passed until such time as a group of people from the town which God has blessed

and whose name has been uplifted in the Tablet from which the Mother Book has been derived

gathered around Vahid.


These people obeyed the commands of God,

circled around his cause,

sacrificed their wealth,


gave up everything they had of the treasures of this world,

and were not frightened of anyone

and God is aware of everything.



Their hearts were like iron in the aim to render victory to God,

no blame from the blamer attached to them, no objection prevented them,

rather they were exalted in the cities of God like holy and uplifted ensigns.


Matters reached a point, that the chieftain of the army of tyranny,

he who disbelieved in God and His beauty

and turned away from His proofs and was the most wicked man of the earth,

heard about Vahid.


Unto this bears witness those men who are hidden in the tabernacles of immortality.



Tablet of the City of Patient Endurance                                                                  CHAPTER NINE

Divisions 241-270





O people of Nayriz!

Thank ye God your creator who vouchsafed His bounty upon you,

preferred you upon the peoples of the earth,

honored you with attaining His presence,


made you aware of His being,

nourished you from the fruits of the Tree of paradise

at a time when all were depriving themselves of it.


God gave you the bounty of appreciating His Days,


God sent you the breezes of holiness

and turned you to the right hand of divine unity

and enabled you to get close to the holy Vale.


Thus does God vouchsafe unto whomever He wishes   [grant blessings]

and He chooses to confer His mercy

upon those who have detached themselves of all earthly things.


Thus cheer yourselves and pride yourselves over all the peoples of the earth.


Know you that God has written your names upon Holy Tablets

and has ordained for you a praiseworthy station in paradise.


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