Вправа 67. Дайте відповіді на питання згідно з моделлю:

e.g. Must you do homework every day?

- Yes, I must do homework every day.   

- No, I mustn't. I mustn't do homework every day.

1. Must you go to the University (office) every day?

2. Must you cook every day?

3. Must you drink every day?

4. Must you work?

5. Must you walk?

6. Must you study?

7. Must you go to bed at 9 o'clock?

8. Must your little sister go to bed at 9 o'clock?


Вправа 68. Перекладіть речення:

1. Ти повинен запитати його про це.

2. Ви повинні сказати їм про це.

3. Дитина повинна йти у ліжко о 9.

4. Він повинен багато працювати перед екзаменом.

5. Ви повинні відправити телеграму.

Вправа 69. Попрохайте дозволу:

- зачинити двері, - встати, - сісти, - піти додому, - запалити, - піти до буфету, - піти у кіно, - поспати, - розмовляти французькою.

Вправа 70. Заповніть пропуски. Використовуйте can та can ' t і одне з дієслів, що дані:  

                          come, find, hear, see, speak

1. I'm sorry but we can't cometo your party next Saturday.

2. I like this hotel room. You ... ... the mountains from the window.

3. You are speaking very quietly. I ... ... you.

4. Have you seen my bag? I ... ... it.

5. Catherine got the job because she ... ... five languages.

Вправа 71. Заповніть пропуски. Використовуйте must + одне з дієслів, що дані:

                  be, go, learn, meet, wash

1. We must go to the bank today. We haven't got any money.

2. Marilyn is a very interesting person. You ... ... her.

3. My hands are dirty. I ... ... them.

4. You ... ... to drive. It will be very useful.

5. I ... ... to the post office. I need some stamps.

6. You can't always have things immediately. You ... ... patient.


Вправа 72. Заповніть пропуски. Використовуйте mustn't або needn't + одне з дієслів, що дані :

clean, forget, hurry, lose, wait, write

1. The windows aren't very dirty. You needn't clean them.

2. We have a lot of time. We ... ... .

3. Keep these documents in a safe place. You ... ... them.

4. I'm not ready yet but you ... ... for me. You can go now and I'll come later.

5. We ... ... to turn off the lights before we leave.

6. I ... ... the letter now. I can do it tomorrow.


Вправа 73. Перебудуйте речення , використовуючи модальне дієслово might :

1. It's possible that I'll go to the cinema. - I might go to the cinema.

2. It's possible that I'll see you tomorrow. - I . . . . . . .

3. It's possible that Ann will forget to phone. - . . . . . . . . .

4. It's possible that it will snow today. - . . . . . .

5. It's possible that I'll be late tonight. - . . . . . . .


Вправа 74. Вас запитують про ваші плани. Ви маєте ідею, але ви ще не впевнені. Напишіть речення з I might :

1. Where are you going for your holidays? - I'm not sure. I might go to Italy.

2. What are you doing at the weekend? - I don't know. I ...

3. When will you see Ann again? - I'm not sure. ...

4. What are you going to have for dinner? - I don't know. ...

5. How are you going to get home tonight? - I'm not sure. ...

6. I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? - I haven't decided yet.


Вправа 75. Ви прохаєте поради у друг. Напишіть питання, що починаються з Do you think I should ... ?

1. You are in a shop. You are trying on a jacket. (buy?) You ask your friend: Do you think I should buy this jacket?

2. You can't drive. (learn?) You ask your friend: Do you think ...

3. You don't like your job. (get another job?). You ask your friend: ...

4. You are going to have a party. (invite Gary?). You ask your friend: ...


Вправа 76. Поміняйте речення, використовуючи I think ... should або

             I don't think ... should...:

1. It's late (go home now). I think we should go home now.

2. That coat is too big for you. (buy it). I don't think you should buy it.

3. You don't need your car. (sell it) ...

4. Diane needs a rest. (have a holiday) ...

5. Sally and Colin are too young. (get married) ...

6. You're not well this morning. (go to work) ...

7. James isn't well today. (go to the doctor)...

8. The hotel is too expensive for us. (stay there) ...


Вправа 77. Заповніть пропуски. Використовуйте have to или had to +

              одне з дієслів :   answer, buy, change, go, walk

1. We had to walk home last night. There were no buses.

2. It's late. I ... ... now. I'll see you tomorrow.

3. I went to the supermarket after work yesterday. I ... ... some food.

4. This train doesn't go all the way to London. You ... ... at Bristol.

5. We took an exam yesterday. We ... ... six questions out of ten.

Вправа 78. Закінчить питання:

1. I have to get up early tomorrow. 2. George had to wait long time. 3. Liz has to go somewhere. 4. We had to pay a lot of money. 5. I have to do some work. What time do you have to get up? How long ... ? Where ... ? How much ... ? What exactly ... ?


Вправа 79. Закінчить речення з don't/ doesn't/ didn't have to ...:

1. Why are you going out? You don't have to go out.

2. Why is Ann waiting? She ...

3. Why did you get up early? You ...

4. Why is Paul working so hard? He ...

5. Why do you want to leave now? We ...


Вправа 80. Перекладіть речення :

1. Мені потрібно піти до бібліотеки.

2. Їй потрібно допомогти матері.

3. Нам треба поїхати до села.

4. Джону потрібно багато вчитися.

5. Вам потрібно поговорити з ними.

6. Тобі треба написати їй листа.

7. Йому треба подзвонити їм.


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