Tablet to Fuad Pasha  the Heart 2 страница


“Praise be unto Thee, O Lord of all the worlds, inasmuch as Thou hast made mention of me

by the tongue of Him Who is the Manifestation of Thy Being

at a time when He was confined in the Most Great Prison,

that the whole world might attain unto true liberty.”


Blessed be the king whose sovereignty hath withheld him not from his Sovereign,

and who hath turned unto God with his heart.


He, verily, is accounted of those that have attained unto that which God,

the Mighty, the All-Wise, hath willed.


Erelong will such a [man] find himself numbered with the monarchs of the realms of the kingdom.


Thy Lord is, in truth, potent over all things.


He giveth what He willeth to whomsoever He willeth,

and withholdeth what He pleaseth from whomsoever He willeth.


He, verily, is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. 


Tablet of the Exalted Letters [to Maryam]                                                            CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30



Verily, Thou seest, my best Beloved, how trials and tribulations have appeared from the horizon of Thy will.


The fury of Thy wrath is pouring in from all sides, and the winds of sorrow have begun to blow.


Numerous the lives that were sacrificed in the path of the Friend, and countless the illustrious heads that were hung on gallows.


Neither a moment‟s repose was attained; nor a night‟s fete possible.


The rope of Thy love has firmly fastened the necks of such as have recognized Thee, and the darts of Thy affection have been fired into the breasts of Thy lovers.



Fourteen years have elapsed since tranquillity ceased and the means of comfort were sealed.


Not one pleasure did they embrace from the favours of the world; nor a breath did they inhale from the merciful breezes of the spirit.


At times, they were afflicted with the degradation of captivity and, at other times, with banishment in the plains of remoteness -- cast out from every home, exiled from every land, and debarred from every comfort.




What indissoluble bonds were torn apart, and what cords of constancy were rent asunder!


Deprived they remained of every portion of their lot, and empty handed they persisted of their share.


Blessings of the lands were turned into pernicious vengeance; the orb of the dayspring of divinity was veiled beneath the twilight of obscurity; the light of omnipotence was held hidden within the lamps of men's hearts; the eternal flame was concealed within the tree of mystery; the everlasting pearl lay sheltered in the invisible shell; and the dawning place of Thy Godhead was enwrapped within the veil of holiness.




How then can the pen move or the tongue recount?


O Thou my Lord and my Master, thou knowest of the sufferings inflicted upon this Servant and the afflictions heaped upon this Wronged One.


Not for a fleeting moment did I rest in an abode of safety; nor did I secure a refuge at any time.


I quenched not My thirst but with the blood of My heart, and received not for sustenance but a token of the lamentations of My soul.




At times, I roamed the cities, captive in the hands of the unbelievers; yet, at other times, I was accompanied by chains and fetters.


And in these days, I have, in particular, become a target for the arrows of both parties [Shia'ites and Azalis] and the object of retribution from both sides.


Friends glory in My abasement and rejoice in My sorrow; whilst foes have their hearts' fill of ill-will for My existence.


Ample is the malice concealed in their breasts and plentiful the animosity hidden in their hearts.


Having left the outward dungeon, I was taken captive in the prison of the ungodly.


Shafts of idle fancies are flying from all sides, and swords of rivalry are rushing-in like torrents of rain.


Yet in the face of all these trials and adversities and weighty afflictions, may there be no pause in servitude; may the steps not waver from steadfastness, and the eyes take stand in service in place of the feet.


At this time when tears are flowing from My cheeks, and crimson blood is pouring out from My heart, I call on Thee to cause My anguished heart to turn away from all things except Thee, and to

fix it wholly upon Thyself; so that it may be severed from all else and enter in Thee.


For he who holds fast unto Thee will never be put asunder, and he who is accepted by Thee will never be scorned.


A king shall he remain even if condemned by mankind; victorious he shall be rendered even if no-one cometh to his aid; and dearly cherished shall he prevail even if he be an outcast.


Then shall the flame of oneness be set ablaze; the tabernacle of divine unity shall shine forth from the mirror of singleness; and the pipe of the Persian shall sing out in the Arabic tongue the verse “all things shall perish, except His countenance”;32 inasmuch as the out-stretched arms of those that have recognized Thee are wanting and Thou art securely established upon the exalted court of glory.     32 Quran 22:88


The longing hearts of those who thirst after Thee are perplexed, and Thou art ever–abiding with absolute sovereignty upon the repository of grandeur.


How then can mortal conception find its way to soar in the vast immensity of Thy firmament; or the mind advance into the realm of sacred evanescence?



Exalted Letters [to Maryam]                                                                                  CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 31-60



How can the vain imaginings of men, tarnished with dark and dreary clouds of dust, ever touch the hem of Thy sanctified and holy vesture; or narrow vision ever settle on Thy most luminous Countenance?


Thou hast ever been and shall ever remain unfathomable, even though Thou art more manifest than any manifestation.


And Thou shall remain veiled for eternity, even though Thine evidence is more evident in every object than the object itself.


Thus Thou art unseen in Thy revelation and manifest in Thy concealment.


Aye, O my beloved, not every breast is deserving of Thy love;

nor is every heart worthy of Thy affection.


Thy love is a burning flame and the bodies of men are like unto firewood.


How can firewood remain unmoved in near proximity to the flame, unless Thy eternal bounties are sent forth to hoist the banner of peace and to move the Almighty pen across the luminous tablet of the heart with Thy tender affection?


Such is Thy ancient grace, for Thou bestowest unto thy servants whatsoever Thou willeth.




I swear by Thy majesty, O my Lord, that these calamities are sweeter than the sweetest nectar, and more desirable than the breath of life; for unless those longing after the Ka'ba of reunion transcend the limits of grandeur, they shall not delight in the joy of the manifestation of Thy beauty.


Unless they quaff their fill from the chalice of selflessness, they shall not enter the

threshold of immortality.


Unless they attire themselves with the garb of poverty in the path of Thy good pleasure, they shall not be blessed with the exalted cloak of riches.


Unless they are afflicted with the ailment of fervid love; they shall not discover the abode of healing.


Unless they renounce their earthly home, they shall not ascend to the land of divine holiness.




Unless they die to the perpetual desert of desire, they shall not attain life eternal.


Unless they take refuge in the land of abasement, they shall not find the path to the heaven of exaltation.


Unless they taste of the venom of separation, they shall not savour the sweetness of divine presence; and unless they traverse the wilds of remoteness and bereavement, they shall not abide secure in the cities of nearness and reunion.




Although, O my Lord, calamities have surrounded all thy loved ones, two of Thy handmaidens

 -- one by the name of Havva and the other by the name of Maryam --

have, in this day, been especially afflicted with extreme adversity.


This great calamity was heaped upon them whence Thy handmaidens had no mother to tear away her garment in despair and throw dismal dust upon her head for their anguish.


They had no companions to dry up their cheeks from their tears and shield their tresses from gloomy tarnish; nor did they have loving friends to console their sadness and fill their hearts with gladness.


And they had no confidant to offer affection, or to brush their locks and tinge their hands after their loss.




They drank their fill from draughts of blood and took their sustenance from provisions of grief; inasmuch as Thou didst purpose for them that which was willed by Thee, and ordained upon their fate Thine all-compelling behest in whatsoever thou didst desire.




Thus, O my best Beloved, clothe them with the garb of patience and constancy, and with the attire of mercy and forbearance; that their eyes may be illumined by Thy new-found bounties and their hearts may be consoled by Thy boundless blessings.


Enter them into the rivers of nearness and cities of reunion; and shelter the homeless within the precincts of Thy mercy and under the pleasant shadows of Thy forgiveness and grace.


Comfort these bewildered ones in Thy sacred assemblages and give these thirsty ones a taste of the unseen streams of Thy life-giving waters and the preserved wine that is life indeed.


Let the breezes of the city of Thy love waft over them, and cause them to enter the everlasting lands of Thy affection; so that they may stray far from all else and draw nigh unto Thee, and busy themselves in the glorification of Thy name and take pleasure in remembrance of Thee.


Plant the tree of Thy affection in the luminous fields of their hearts and nurture it with the waters of Thy love, so that its branches may grow, develop, and bear fruit; and so that they may remain steadfast in Thy love, walk upon the land of Thy good pleasure, lay in the cradle of Thy divine presence, traverse the plains of Thy reunion; soar in the firmament of Thy nearness; renounce the tokens of worldly limitations and be ennobled by entering Thy gatherings of divine singleness; and inhale the breezes of unity in the realm of detachment.


Thus they may close their eyes to all and open them to Thee, flee from aught else and seek Thy presence.


Then bestow upon them and upon Thy newly-arrived guest, O my Lord, all that hath been described herein and all that hath been set aside, and everything that belongeth neither to the former nor to the latter.


The day is soon approaching when Thou shall grant that which is implored of Thee,

for such are Thy all-embracing favours that have encompassed all Thy creatures, O my God.



Provisionally translated by G. Yazdani


The Tablet to Hard-egg                                                                                         CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30





In the name of God, the Most Holy.




Thy sealed letter arrived before the Wronged One.


There from did We catch a fragrance of thy sincerity towards God,

the Protector, the Independent.


We entreat God that He might inform thee of that which is concealed in an inscribed Tablet;


might enable thee to hearken unto the cooing of the dove upon the branches

and unto the murmuring of the water of life,


which hath flowed with wisdom and wxplanation

from the spring of the will of the king of existence.




O beloved one!

It is necessary that thine eminence contemplate the Word of God,

the grandeur and sweetness of which sufficeth all the worlds.


The first of those who believed in the Spirit [i.e. Jesus]

was enraptured by the Word of his Lord

and through it turned and believed, detached from whatsoever the people possess.


Such action is incumbent upon the fishes of the Most Great Ocean.




O Thou informed mystic knower and insightful religious leader!


Know thou that base passion hath hindered most mortals from turning their faces unto God,

the King of Names.


Such, however, as gaze with the eye of insight, shall bear witness

and seeing, exclaim,

‘Praise be unto my Lord, the Most Exalted.’


Land and sea hath rejoiced at the Beneficence of God.


The nations were given the promise regarding the appearance of the Healer of Infirmities.


He, assuredly, is the expected Builder of the Temple.




Blessed be such as are possessed of mystic knowledge.


When the appointed time came,

Carmel cried out, trembling as if shaken by the breezes of the Lord,


‘Blessed be such as hearken!’


Should anyone incline with the ear of the inner nature,

the same would assuredly hear the cry from the Rock.


It, verily, proclaimeth in a most elevated voice

and beareth witness unto the Eternal God.


Blessed be such as catch a fragrance of the Utterance

and turn unto the Kingdom, detached from the contingent world.


When that which is mentioned in the Holy Books hath come to pass,

thou shalt see the people beholding but not understanding.




O beloved one!


Behold the mystery of reversal on account of the symbol of the Ruler,

for He hath made their exalted ones their lowly ones

and their lowly ones their exalted ones.


And call thou to mind the fact

that when Jesus arrived He was rejected by the divines, the learned, and the educated.


He who was a mere fisherman (the Apostle Peter), on the other hand, entered the Kingdom.

[thru faith in Jesus and acceptance of the teachings of the Gospel]


This is the mystery of what was mentioned in the heart of the words,

by means of intimations and allusions.




Great, great is the Cause!


Peter the Apostle, in spite of his excellence and the eminence of his station,

held back his tongue when asked about it.


Shouldst thou consider sincerely what hath heretofore come to pass,

for the sake of the Lord alone,

thou wilt assuredly see the Light shining before thine eyes.


The Truth is too manifest to be wrapped up in veils,

the Path too open to be enveloped in darkness

and the Certainty too evident to be obscured by doubts.


Those who have been held back

are the ones who have followed their lusts and are today slumbering, sleeping.


They shall wake up and run around but find no place to hide.


Blessed be such as catch the fragrance of Truth,

then awaken, that they might attain whatsoever the sincere servants attained.


The Tablet to Hard-egg                                                                                       CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 31-60




Know thou that We saw the exterior letter 'ßád' in the word “Peace” (Ar ßul).


It, verily, was adorned with the ornament of the upright letter 'A' (alif)

and is what hath assuredly been mentioned in an Outspread Tablet.


And upon the manifestation of the lights of that Divine Word,

the Gate of Heaven was opened and the Kingdom of Names appeared.




And this matter was completed through the letter “H” (Há)

after which it was united to the leveled letter “A”   (Alif)

which was adorned with the Point of the letter “B” (Bá)

from which the Treasured Name, the Hidden Mystery, and the Guarded Symbol (Bahá) emerged.


It, verily, is the Point from which existence hath appeared

and unto which it hath returned.




Then We saw the Word which uttered a Word

which every community found to be according to its own tongue and language. [the Pentacost]


When that Word was uttered,

a Sun shone forth from the Horizon of its Announcement,

the Lights of which eclipsed the sun of the heavens.


It said,


‘The head of the 70 hath been adorned with the crown of the 40       [the 70 disciples of Christ]

and been united with the 7 before the 10.’                                                                     [Apostles]


Then it lamented and it said,


‘What is this that I see?


The house doth not recognize its master

neither doth the son pay heed unto his father;

nor likewise is the hopeful seeker cognizant of his place of refuge and haven.’




O thou who soarest in

the atmosphere of mystic knowledge!


Whoso knoweth the one in whose Logos-Person [that] what floweth                  [word-person]

[and] yet exhibiteth solidity;


[whoso knoweth that] what soareth, [and] yet is at rest;

[that] what is manifest, [and] yet concealed,

and what is resplendent, yet veiled,


[that soul] shall be seized by the attraction of the divine splendors


to such an extent that he will fly on the wings of yearning

in the atmosphere of nearness, holiness, and reunion.




With regard to that which thine eminence [Hartik] hath mentioned concerning the darkness,

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