Tablet of the Deathless Youth 12 страница



Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Powerful." [7]


This invocation, like unto a mighty fortress and a powerful host, shall protect and deliver thee.




The 4th question:


"Our Books have announced the appearance of Sháh Bahrám with manifold signs to guide the people..."




O friend!

Whatsoever hath been in the Books hath been revealed and made clear.


From every direction, the signs have been manifested.


The Omnipotent one is calling, in this Day, and announcing the appearance of the Supreme Heaven.


The world is illumined by the light of His appearance, yet few are the eyes to behold.


Ask of the one true God to bestow wisdom upon His servants.


Wisdom leadeth to understanding and hath ever been the cause of salvation.


The understanding of the mind is derived from insightful vision.


Were the people to gaze with their own eyes, they would, in this Day, behold the world illuminated with a new light.



the Day-Star of Wisdom is manifest and the Sun of Knowledge evident.


Happy the one who attaineth thereunto, who seest and recognizeth Him.


Tablet of Seven Questions                                                                                     CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 51-75





The 5th question is regarding the bridge of irá, "paradise" and "hell".




Verily the Messengers have come and spoken the truth.


That which the Divine Harbinger hath announced, hath been and shall be made manifest.


The world is established upon reward and punishment.


Heaven and hell have ever been and are confirmed by knowledge and wisdom, for the existence of reward and punishment requireth them.


The first station and the foremost status is the paradise of Divine contentment.


Whosoever attaineth His contentment, is reckoned among the denizens of the most exalted paradise, and, upon the ascension of his soul, shall attain that which mere pen and ink are powerless to describe.




The irá, "the balance", "paradise", "hell-fire"

and whatsoever hath been mentioned and written in the Divine Books,

is clear and evident to those with seeing eyes and to men of great insight.


At the hour of the manifestation and appearance of the Day-Star of inner mystery,

all dwell in the same station and then God uttereth that which He willeth.


He who heareth Him and accepteth Him is called an inmate of paradise.


The irá, "the balance" and whatsoever hath been mentioned regarding the Day of Resurrection hath now occurred and come to pass.


This day is the Greatest Resurrection.


We cherish the hope

that, aided by the wine of heavenly inspiration and the Fount of divine bounty,

thou shouldst attain the station of discovery and vision,

and witness inwardly and outwardly all which hath been mentioned.




The 6th question:


"After relinquishing the body and the departure of the soul to the other place..."




In this regard, a while ago there appeared from the Pen of Knowledge that which sufficeth the wise and bestoweth greatest felicity upon the learned.


Verily, We say, the soul deriveth happiness from goodly deeds and benefiteth from charity and generosity offered in the path of God.



The 7th question is concerning the name, lineage and ancestry of the Noble One.



Regarding this matter, ’Abú'l-Fadl-i-Gulpáygání, upon him be My Glory, hath written of the Heavenly Books that which bestoweth knowledge and increaseth understanding.


The Faith of God is endowed with power and might.


Erelong will that which the [prophetic] Tongue hath uttered be manifested.

We beseech God to empower thee to assist Him.


He is the All-Wise, the Most Powerful.




Shouldst thou obtain and peruse the Súrah-i-Ra’ís and the Súrah-i-Mulúk,

thou wouldst find thyself no longer in need of that which thou hast asked and wouldst arise in service to the Cause of God


in such wise that neither the cruelty of the world nor the power of its people would prevent thee from rendering assistance to the Ancient and All-Possessing One.


I beseech God to confirm thee in that which shall cause the exaltation and the perpetuation of thy name.


Strive, perchance thou mayest obtain these aforementioned Tablets and acquire therefrom a portion of the pearls of wisdom and utterance which have been revealed from the treasury of the Pen of the All Bountiful.




Glory be upon thee and upon all who have remained sure, steadfast, firm and faithful.


Translated and introduced by S. Razavi




[1] A member of the Zoroastrian community of Yazd, ’Irán. The 'Council of Zoroastrians' which he founded was recognized by the Sháh as a support for the Zoroastrian community in that city. Though he did not become a believer, Mánikchí Sáhib was friendly to the Faith and received several Tablets from Bahá’u’lláh, one of which is discussed in Taherzadeh, Adib. The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, Vol. 3, pp 270-1.

For a time, Mánikchí Sáhib employed ’Abú'l-Fadl-i-Gulpáygání, as a secretary, as the latter was a recognized master of the pure Persian language, which the former highly admired (MW's note).

[2] According to the Leiden List of the Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, this Tablet was revealed in the ’Akká period.

[3] An open tower, usually built outside the city in which the dead bodies of Zoroastrians are placed and exposed to nature. After the flesh has been devoured by vultures, the bones are thrown into a deep well (Taherzadeh's note).

[4] Remainder of this paragraph translated by Shoghi Effendi, cited in The Promised Day is Come, p. 77 (SR's note).

[5] Shoghi Effendi's translation ends (SR's note).

[6] Prayer translated by the Research Department at the Bahá’í World Center, Haifa (SR's note).

[7] Translation by the Research Department at the Bahá’í World Center ends here (SR's note).


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