Формы глагола в Present Perfect Progressive.

+ ? -
I (you) have been Ving. Have I (you) been Ving? I (you) have not been Ving.
He (she, it) has been Ving. Has he (she, it) been Ving? He (she, it) has not been Ving.
We (you, they) have been Ving. Have we (you, they) been Ving? We (you, they) have not been Ving.


       Past Perfect Progressive употребляется для выражения действия, которое началось до определенного момента (или другого действия) в прошлом и продолжалось в этот момент (или одновременно с этим другим действием). Такие предложения обычно содержат указания на время типа for two hours (два часа), since 5 o’clock (с пяти часов), since I came (с тех пор, как я пришел).


       He said he had been working since 5 o’clock.

       Он сказал, что он работает с пяти часов.


Также данное время может употребляться для выражения действия, которое началось и длилось вплоть до другого действия в прошлом, но одновременно с ним уже не происходило:


       I took the book which he had been reading.

       Я взял книгу, которую он читал.


Формы глагола в Past Perfect Progressive.

+ ? -
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had been Ving. Had I ( you, he, she. it, we, they) been Ving? I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had not been Ving.


Future Perfect Progressive употребляется для выражения действия, которое начнется в определенный момент раньше другого будущего действия и будет продолжаться в момент его наступления:


He will have been reading a book for two hours when I come.

Он будет читать книгу два часа, когда (к тому времени как) я приду.

Формы глагола в Future Perfect Progressive.

+ ? -
I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will have been Ving. Will (I, you, he, she. it, we, they) have been Ving? I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not have been Ving.

Future Perfect Progressive употребляется в английском языке крайне редко (чаще эта форма заменяется формой Future Perfect).



Прочтите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Задайте общий вопрос и ответьте на него отрицательно (письменно).

1) His son has been serving in the Army since last year. 2) It has been snowing hard since morning. 3) Sam has been sleeping for 2 hours. 4) Mr. White has been translating this book for two months.

1) We had been singing for an hour when Mike came. 2) Pete and Mike had been working hard when we came.

1) We will have been studying English for two years by the end of June. 2) She will have been reading this book for 2 months by the end of January.


Дополните предложения, используя данные глаголы в Present Perfect Progressive: live, play, study, wait, walk, watch, work.

1)We __ in the USA for nearly ten years now. 2) Why is he so late? They __ here for hours. 3) I __ Spanish for two years, but I still don’t speak it very well. 4) The boys must be tired. They __ football in the yard all afternoon. 5) It’s time to do your homework. You __ television all night. 6) Jack __ in his father’s business since he left school. 7) We must be nearly there by now. We __ for over an hour.


Объедините мысль двух предложений в одну ( с помощью for или since).

Example: Ann is learning to play the piano. She began learning it 6 months. - Ann has been learning to play the piano for 6 months.

Liz is working in the USA. She began working there in January.

Mike is still playing chess. He began doing it at 5 o’clock p.m.

Silvia is doing her homework. She began doing it 2 hours ago.

Ann is unwell. She felt bad last week.

Your friend is waiting for you. She came here 30 minutes ago.


Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям.

Example: Your friend writes poems.(write) How long has he been writing poems?

Jimmy plays tennis very well. How long …? (play)

You look tired. How long …? (work)

Tom is making a car model. How long …? (do)

I can't find my key. How long …? (look for)

Linda lives in West Street. How long … ? (live)


Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect / Present Perfect Progressive.

1) I ( not / read) any English books in the original lately. 2) Sally (learn) to swim for 2 months already. 3) How many pages of the book you (read)? 4) Jane (play) tennis since 2 o’clock. 5) Somebody (break) my pen. 6) It (rain) since morning. 7) Mary (paint) the walls in the room all the morning. 8) She (stand) in front of the mirror for an hour but her hair isn’t done yet. 9) She (speak) on the telephone for an hour now.  

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect Progressive, переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) They said they (to translate) the text for three hours yesterday. 2) It was raining in the morning and it (to rain) for the whole night. 3) He was working, when I came in, and he obviously (to work) for a long time, because he was very tired. 4) Yesterday he found the book which he ( to look for) for several days. 5) She said that she (to travel) for two months last year. 6) She was sewing a blouse, when I arrived, and she (to sew) for a long time, because it was almost ready.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 482; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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