Should a factory be built in your community? Sample 2

As the company has announced to build a factory right here in our community, I am so eager to say a few words toward this issue. I really think that if the plan is carried out in the near feature finally, there will be much more disadvantages than advantages to be brought to the quality life of our social community.

Of course, during these years’ high unemployment rate, introducing of such a large factory will consume unemployed workforce in some respects. A family may increase their income by taking account of its new employed father during or after the construction of the factory, local government can increase its tax income and retail dealers of our community may sell a little more because of the increasing of population that may be the result of the new build factory. However, all these benefits may seem to be so small when compared with all those disadvantages the new build factory may lead to.

The most hateful thing is that you may not able to smell the fresh air in the sunny Sunday mornings because this huge industrial monster will probably deliver a great deal of waste fume and waste materials every day, far more than the amount you can imagine. And far more disappointed than this, those rumbling, non-stopping stream lines in the factory can make noises loud enough to bereave people of our thought alone is sufficient to allow me to make my decision.

Scientists use living animal to carry our research. Some people think it is interesting, while some other people think it is cruel. What do you think?

Concerning the issue whether scientists should use living animals for scientific research, people hold different views. Some people claim that it is cruel, while some other people argue that it is beneficial to the development of science. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of carrying out experiments on animals.

Firstly, scientists can do initial experiments on animals to test the effect of new medicine. Scientists have founded so many milestones on the way to medical development. But they can not find effective treatment to some diseases like cancer and AIDS, which are fatal to people � s health. Through experiments on animals, scientists can not only understand the pathology of some diseases, but also try the effect of medicine and find the most effective treatment to these diseases, making great breakthroughs in the field of medicine.

Secondly, using living animals in the laboratory, the teachers in the university or some research institutes can demonstrate the anatomic knowledge to the students majoring in medicine, rendering students a direct understanding of biological knowledge, which can improve the level of medical research and make great contributions to the medical science. Without experiments on living animals, genetic technology would not have developed so quickly. Actually, most scientists attribute their success and breakthroughs to experiments on animals.

Finally, Some animals can provide human beings with essential organs for transplantation. Genetic technology will change the genes of some animals. In the near future, organs of animals will take the place of artificial organs like heart pumps, prolonging patients � life.

However, researches on living animals face a moral problem because animals are also creatures in the nature, which possess equal rights as human beings. On second thoughts, it is worthwhile for the purpose to accelerate the development of science and the progress of human civilization.

124.School & Parents

The issue of whether parents or schools are responsible for teaching children moral values has been widely depated. Some people think that this should be done in schools. Others believe that this job must be carried out at home by the parents. In this essay, I will outline some of the arguments for and against this topic.

Many people tend to insist that children should learn what is � wrong � and � right � at schools. First of all, children seem to spend more time at school than at home. Consequently, schools have greater impact on the child’s behaviour than his own home. A second point is that parents may not have the enough time to fulfill the consequences of this responsibility. With our speeding rate of life, children tend to spend many times at home with a housekeeper or by themselves playing games. Furthermore, teaching ethical values is an extremely important and critical task. Schools, with trained teachers, are more capable of raising a morally well-behaved child.

However, other people firmly believe that only parents are responsible for whatever morals their children might develop. Firstly, there is no absolute � right � or � wrong � behaviour. People with different cultures and beliefs have different standards. Secondly, schools are places where children are provided with basick knoweldge required in life. This rold shouldnot be mixed up with the parents � role of raising up their kids. Another point is that it is always easier for parents to control how their children behave. The kids can easily accept � do � and � donot do � instructions from their beloved mother and father.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that brining up children is a great challenge. I believe that both parents and schools must equally share this responsibility. It is only through their coordinated efforts that we can have well-adjusted kids.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 152; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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