To sum up, personally, I think that all people who succeeded in life would agree with me that their success came with the hard work and careful planning.

Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

I think the idea about evaluation teachers by their students is very good. This kind of evaluation can bring many benefits to teachers, students as well as to school. In the following paragraphs O will give my reasons to support my answer.

First of all, teachers have the opportunity to find out from this kind of test how good and clearly their students understand the lectures. It will help them to improve and perfect their knowledge and experience. Also, teachers who get high grades must be rewarded financially or otherwise. On the other hand, the teachers who receive low grades must be sanctioned, for example by lowing their salary. So, this can help to uplift the level of professionalism among the teachers.

Second of all, students will more often attend lectures because they will be asked to evaluate their teachers. Students will have the opportunity to choose the best teachers because if a teacher gets a low grade he or she may be fired and replaced with the better one.

Finally, the quality of education will increase dramatically. Students will be getting more interesting and professional lectures. Also, they will constantly attend classes in order to listen to an amazing lecture and make an evaluation of the current teacher. In addition to those practical benefits, a school will be better funded by it is sponsors and appreciated in the community. This, in its turn, will attract more students because it will be an honor to study in such a school.

To sum up, I think that evaluation of teachers by their students will bring many benefits and allow students as well as teachers to gain more knowledge and experience.

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted mammoth herds on the walls of a cave to nowadays when he works on a computer with a large amount of information. From my everyday experience and observation I can state several factors, which defend the statement that the ability to read and write is very important today.At old times people did not depend on information that much. They did not have to fill out many application forms, write a lot, read news from a newspaper about an economic situation, etc. Now situation has changed. Knowledge and the ability to analyze information are more important now than man’s physical strength.

First of all, it is essential for a person to be literate in Informational Age. Everyday one needs to withdraw money from cash machines, to pay a bill, to write out a check, to fill some forms, to read instructions, ads, job requirements and applications. It is almost impossible to survive in modern society without these basic abilities. Almost every job requires these important skills. Imagine that one does not have them and one has a family to care about. So, one’s first step is to find a job. One can do it either through newspapers or asking for help from one’s friends. One can not read, so one chooses the second way. Second step is to pass a job interview and fill out some forms. Moreover, one has to sign a job contract – an important document that concludes all one’s rights and terms. So, basically, it is almost impossible to get a job for a literate person in modern world especially in developed countries.

Second of all, the amount of jobs that do not require the ability to read and write, is dramatically decreasing. Almost every employer wants to have an employee with basic communication and computer skills. In fact, more jobs on the labor market are for literate persons. A lot of primitive jobs are done by machines nowadays. So, it is a very good chance for illiterate people to be constantly on unemployment lists.

In conclusion, I think that every country must have strong programs against illiteracy.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 145; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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