In conclusion, I think it is a very topical question nowadays. My point is that all people should answer this question and find the solution.

Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion

I think that the issue about whether all students must be required to wear school uniform is the one that is open for debate. Some people think that all students must wear the school uniform. However, others think that students should decide what to wear to school themselves. Personally, I believe that students should wear what they like. For several reasons, which I will mention bellow, I think that school uniforms should not be required to wear at high school.First of all, if students do not have school uniforms they can wear what they like to school. Personally, I like to wear cloth that is comfortable. Also, I am a female and I like to wear jeans and shorts, and as far as I know girls must wear skirts as a part of their uniform. I think many female students will agree with me that jeans much more comfortable then skirts.

Second of all, I believe that school uniforms must not cause any discomfort. For example, some international students will find unacceptable wearing some of the uniform’s parts.

I am from Russia. When I was a student of the elementary school I was required to wear the school uniform that included a dark blue skirt and a white or light blue shirt. I did not like it very much, because I did not like the fact that all students were dressed in the same color. We dressed the same way and we were permitted to wear any adornments. Personally, I did not like the fact that girls always had to wear skirts and it was not convenient especially in cold weather.

In short, I think that students should wear to school what they want. Otherwise, if a high school requires students to wear school uniforms, I think that uniforms must be comfortable for all students.

Your school has enough money to purchase either computer for students or books for the library.

Today’s schools budget is very small, so it is almost impossible to equip classes with modern equipment or to purchase new books to the school library. Fortunately, there are external investors who improve school conditions.

My school has received enough money to purchase either computer for students or books for the library. I would like to recommend the school principals purchasing modern computers and additional equipments. Down below I will try to give some reasons and examples to support my suggestion.

The first reason why to invest money into computers and not into the books is due to the ability of computer to connect through global network and reach any possible book in the world without spending additional resources. For this reason I would propose purchasing four computer sets with internet connection. Thus the students could find instantly required information such as researches, books and so on. This will help the students to complete their assignments shortly and it will be possible to abandon additional space in library by means of decreasing book’s amount.

Another possible way is creating of computer classes. This would allow the school opening new subjects for instance computer engineering, programming, web design. The students from poor families will get the chance to enjoy the technology progress as their wealthy fellows. As a result the school � s popularity will be increased and new students from all statuses will join the school and as a result the school � s budget will be increased as well.

The additional profitability is the prestige. It is known that the name of the establishment is like a trademark for cars or sport’s wears. For example Oxford and Harvard is parallel to Mercedes and Adidas. School with good equipped classes and advanced networking technologies has more chances to become famous, namely to turn to trademark. Thus the school could rise the tuition fees and as a result to be financially independent.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 175; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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