Постарайтесь запомнить эти выражения и используйте их в речи.

He is hard to please. (Ему трудно угодить.)

He is difficult to deal with. (C ним трудно иметь дело.)

The text is difficult to translate. (Этот текст трудно перевести.)

She is pleasant (beautiful, pretty) to look at. (Она хорошенькая, у нее привлекательная внешность.)

There is nothing to be done. (Ничего не поделаешь.)

There are many things to be done. (Надо многое сделать)

The house is to let. (Дом сдается внаем.)

Who is to blame? (Кто виноват?)

Be sure to come. (Непременно  приходите.)

I have something to tell you. (Мне надо вам кое-что сказать.)


Упражнение 1. Переведите данные предложения, укажите те предложения, которые содержат  Complex object .

1. We know this farm to be very profitable. 2. He wants to work in Great Britain. 3. We heard them sing in the next room. 4. The director demands to change the technology of production. 5. We consider our accountant to be very experienced. 6. The workers expect to receive good wages this month. 7. We expect the weather to change.


Упражнение 2.  Переведите предложения, содержащие Complex object.

1. We heard the bell ring. 2. I saw my dreams come true. 3. You surely don't expect me to do all that work in one day, do you? 4. They watched the boys play football. 5. The students believe the data to be reliable. 6. I expect you to work hard. 7. They required us to take an examination. 8. The mother wanted her children to help her with her housework. 9. He heard her open the door. 10. They watched the temperature rise gradually.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Complex object .

1. Я никогда не слышал, как он поет. 2. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты прочитал эту книгу. 3. Преподаватель попросил нас прекратить разговоры. 4. Я хочу, чтобы вы разговаривали со мной вежливо. 5. Я не ожидал, что он мне напомнит об этом. 6. Он хотел, чтобы мы добавили несколько слов. 7. Он не заметил, как поезд тронулся. 8. Они наблюдали, как она играла на пианино. 9. Видели ли вы как он играет в волейбол? 10. Слышали ли вы как она говорит по-английски?



                                    ПРОВЕРЬ СЕБЯ

                                              (TEST YOURSELF)


1. I don’t want my son be/to be/been/have been a painter.

2. It's not pleasant to be waiting/have been waited/ being waited/waited for you here now.

3. He seems be/to be/been/ was right.

4. I am sorry not to have brought/brought/be brought/t bring you the book.

5. This work can be done/done/being done/do in an hour.

6. She heard somebody touch/to touch/have touched/has been touched her shoulder.

7. I must have left/left/leaving/be leave my exercise-book at home.

8. They are sorry not to have passed/pass/be passing/ having been passed their entrance exams with excellent marks.

9. To understand these principles one must know/knowing/having known/be known  the basic concepts of economy.

10. The problem is to be discussed/to discuss/ to have discussed/discussing  at the conference.

11. England looks like one well ordered park. Englishmen like old trees preserve/to preserve/be preserved/to be preserved.

12. To develop/have developed/develop/having been developed  small business at a rapid rate is one of the most important tasks of today.

13. The street to be crossed/being crossed/cross/have crossed was very wide.

14. She knows him to be/have been/be/being to the UK last year.

15. There are many rules to be remembered/remember/remembering/will be remembered  when you translate from the foreign languages.

16. Don’t expect him be/to be/have been/has been in time: he is always late.

17. I am happy to be told/have hold/tell/have been told this story.

18. I know him to  write/be writing/ have written/have been writing this book for 2 years already.

19. She didn’t let me reading/read/to read/have read this book.

20. If you want to pass your exam in English you are expected to have learnt/learning/to learn/being learnt all the Grammar rules.



Причастие. Формы причастия

( The Participle: forms )








              ACTIVE                writing



       having written
            PASSIVE           being written



   having been written  


Как переводить разные формы причастия на русский язык:

Формы причастия


Как их переводить

причастием деепричастием
building   строящий   строя  
having built   ______   построив  
being built   строящийся (т. е. который строят)   будучи строящимся (т. е. когда его строили)
having been built   _______   будучи построенным (т. е. после того, как его построили)  
built   построенный     _______  


1. I looked at the workers building a house. – Я посмотрел на рабочих, строящих дом.

2. While being built the house attracted attention of everybody in the village. - Строящийся дом привлекал внимание всех жителей деревни.

3. Having built the house he felt happy. - Построив дом, он почувствовал себя счастливым.

4. Having been built the house was immediately moved into. - Когда дом построили, его сразу же заселили.

5. Built at the beginning of the last century the house differed from all the other buildings in the neighbourhood. - Построенный в конце прошлого века, дом отличался от остальных зданий в округе.


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите вид и форму причастия.

1. Having translated an article, the student gave it to the teacher.

2. The translated article is about electrical furnaces.

3. The student will also use some electrical devices working in the laboratory.

4. The lightning conductor having been invented is widely used in our life.

5. An iron bar placed in the field of a magnet becomes magnetized.

6. The article being translated is about the application of electricity.

7. Speaking of the electrically operated devices, one can mention the refrigerator.

8. Being widely used in industry, electrical motors are also used in every home.

9. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way.

10. Being busy, he postponed the trip.


Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия.

1. (to run) across the garden, she fell and broke her leg.

2. (to give) dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily.

3. (to approve) by the specialists my novel was accepted by a well-known magazine.

4. (to buy a newspaper) I began reading it.

5. The tale (to tell) by a nurse, made a great impression on a child.

6. Take care (to cross) the street.

7. (to write) in haste the letter was difficult to read.

8. A (to cry) child was hungry.


Абсолютный причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participle Construction)


  1. An object losing its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. – Когда предмет теряет потенциальную энергию, эта энергия превращается в кинетическую. 2.There are different sources of energy, the sun being an unlimited source of all forms of energy. – Существуют различные источники энергии, причем солнце – безграничный источник всех форм энергии.  


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. The sun having set an hour before, it was getting darker.

2. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated.

3. The cathode heated, the electrons leave the surface and move to the anode.

4. She hurried along, her heels crunching in the packed snow.

5. He sat on the steps, with his arms crossed upon his knees.

6. Our work having been finished, we went home.

7. The underground station being not far, we walked there.

8. Our efforts to start a car (to fail), we spent a night in a nearby village.

9. Substances strongly (to resist) the flow of current, we call them insulators.


Упражнение 2 . Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя независимый причастный оборот.

1. As the storm was arising, the ship entered the harbor.

2. She stood silent and her lips were pressed together.

3. The electrons move with varying velocity and their velocity depends on the temperature and nature of the materials.

4. As the treaty had been signed, trade was at once resumed.

5. As the wind was stirring among the trees and bushes we could hear nothing.

6. In the case electricity passes through a tree or a house we say that they are struck by lightning.

7. When the dinner was over we all gathered in the sitting room.

8. Thoughtful, he finished his meal, his eyes were all the time fixed upon the microscope.

9. As it was very warm children were sleeping in the open air.


Упражнение 3 . Переведите предложения с русского на английский, употребляя все известные вам формы причастия.

1. Так как было очень поздно, аптека была закрыта.

2. Если погода будет хорошей, спортсмены покажут хорошие результаты.

3. Приехав на станцию, мы купили билеты.

4. Прожив много лет в этих краях, он легко нашел дом, который ему был нужен.

5. Ожидая в приемной, он обдумывал все вопросы, которые он хотел обсудить с боссом.

6. Сидя в уютном кресле, я продолжал думать о своих друзьях.

7. Будучи популярным певцом, он объездил с гастролями всю страну.

8. Доктор тщательно обследовал его сломанную ногу.

9. Не так давно она, наконец, нашла хорошо-оплачиваемую работу.

10. После того как собаку накормили, она уже не выглядела такой несчастной.




                                              ( TEST YOURSELF )


1. The professor told the students about the experiments carrying/being carried/having carried/carries out in the laboratory

2. The equipment are loaded/be loaded/having been loaded/have loaded, the workers went straight home.

3. Driving /driven/having driven/being driven a car at night he saw a car accident.

4. She showed us a list of the newly publishing/published /had published/are publishing journals and magazines.

5. The sun having risen/having been risen/risen/is risen they continued the way.

6. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the south she decided to spend summer in Turkey.

7. My brother finished his work, his friend helps/has helped/being helped/having helped him.

8. The work having been finished/having finished/finishing/is finished, the student went home.

9. The teacher praised her well-preparing/well-prepared/well-prepare/well-being prepared report.

10. Having finished/finished/being finished/finishing her work the girl went for a walk.

11. Kerosene is the fuel using/used /having used/having been used in the jet engines.

12. The talks between the two countries were conducted behind the closed doors, measures having been taken/having taken/taking/took  that no correspondent should receive any information.

13. Having been taught/teaching/ being teaching/having taught by a good teacher he knew German well.

14. Refused/refuse/had refused/having refused to unload foreign ships the dockers lost their jobs.

15. Having brought /bringing/brought/being brought the dictionaries from the library, the students began to translate the article.

16. The students were translating the article, the teacher watching /being watched/have watched/having been watched them doing it.

17. Reading/having been read/ have read/ read an interesting book he forgot he it was time he went for a walk.

18. Being treated/treating/having treated/ treated kindly by a new family an adopted child gradually calmed down and felt at home.

19. He decided to give up this bad-paid/badly-paid/ badly-paying/badly-pay job.

20. Thinking/being thought/thought/having been thought about all these events he understood that he was not right.




Герундий и его формы

(The gerund and its forms)


  Active Passive
Indefinite using being used
Perfect having used having been used


-Indefinite Gerund Active and Passive используются для выражения действия, одновременного с действием, выраженным сказуемым:

- Introducing new techniques can greatly increase labour productivity.

-Perfect Gerund Active and Passive обычно употребляются для обозначения действия, которое предшествует действию, выраженному в предложении сказуемым.

- He admitted having stolen the money.

Следующие глаголы употребляются с герундием:


stop             enjoy        fancy         admit                consider                               miss finish            mind        imagine    deny                  involve                               postpone delay            suggest    regret        avoid                 practice                              risk


- I don’t fancy eating out tonight.

- Have you ever considered moving to another country?

- I don’t mind being told what to do.

Приведенные ниже структуры требуют после себя герундия:


give up (=stop)                       put off ( = postpone) keep or keep on (= do something continuously or repeatedly) go on (= continue)                carry on (= continue)


- She kept (on) interrupting me while I was speaking.

- When are you going to give up smoking?

В отличие от отглагольного существительного, за герундием часто идет прямое дополнение.

Запомните следующие выражения, требующие после себя герундия с определенными предлогами:

accuse of apologise for approve of congratulate on dream of feel like insist on look forward to object to prevent from succeed in suspect of thank for think of

 На русский язык герундий переводится существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием и глаголом в личной форме, если перед ним притяжательное местоимение или существительное в притяжательном падеже (-‘s):

- The expansion of production largely depends on their investing adequate sum of money in this business.

- I thanked her for being so helpful.


Gerund Participle I
Cooking is my hobby. It’s no use trying to persuade him. I’m thinking of leaving this job. I remember locking the door. She is cooking at the moment. Here you can see many students reading something. Watching TV, he fell asleep.


Герундиальные обороты

(Gerundial Constructions)

N + V1 + prep. + N /Pron. poss. + Ger.

- Do you mind my asking?

- He complained of my walking too slowly.

- They insisted on the son’s returning soon.

Упражнение 1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите форму герундия.

1. I don’t mind being told what to do.

2. Tom suggested going to the cinema.

3. Sorry for not having written so long.

4. I don’t fancy going out this evening.

5. He finally admitted having stolen the money.

6. He climbed over the wall without being seen.

7. Does your job involve meeting a lot of people?

8. Mr. Miller hates being kept waiting.

9. They now regret having got married.

10. I considered taking the job but in the end I decided against it.


Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения, используя глаголы из таблицы в правильной форме.  Переведите предложения на русский язык.


splash  study   buy interrupt  try  be    go write  smoke  close  


1. I don’t enjoy ______letters.

2. Are you going to give up _____?

3. They had to postpone ______ away because their son was ill.

4. Would you mind _______ the door?

5. If you use the shower, try and avoid ______ water on the floor.

6. She thanked me for _______so helpful.

7. I don’t feel like ________today.

8. Are you thinking of … a house?

9. Jack gave up _________to find a job in Britain and decided to emigrate.

10. Forgive me _________ you but I must ask you a question.

Упражнение 3. Определите в каких предложениях – ing форма является герундием, отглагольным существительным или причастием I. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The using of this method gave really good results.

2. He calculated the company’s income, using a new computer programme.

3. Investing money in high technologies increases production efficiency.

4. We are changing the plan as our boss suggested.

5. Producers using inadequate methods in marketing research can’t obtain high profits.

6. We started producing this new equipment last month.

7. They have much experience in forecasting consumer needs.

8. She ran five miles without stopping.     

9. The driving wheel of the machine is broken.

10. I enjoy dancing a lot.

11. Do you know the girl talking to Tom?

12. I was woken by a bell ringing.

13. I live in a pleasant room overlooking the garden.

14. The road joining the two villages is very narrow.

15. She was sitting in an armchair reading a book.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы с нетерпением ждем, когда он снова приедет в Россию.

2. Он вышел из комнаты, ни с кем не попрощавшись.

3. Она настаивала на том, чтобы позвонить в полицию.

4. Вы не возражаете, если я открою окно?

5. Он бросил играть в шахматы.

6. Родители возражают против того, что он так часто ходит в клуб.

7. Шум за окном мешал ей заснуть.

8. Если ты будешь продолжать задавать глупые вопросы, я тебе вообще ничего не расскажу.



                                                  ( TEST YOURSELF )


Определите правильный вариант –ing формы:

1. There are different ways of producing/being produced/having produced /having been produced electric current.

2. The child is being looked for/is looking for/having looked for/ had been looked for by his granny.

3. Next Monday we were working/will be working/ have been working/ working only five hours.

4. We know of his starting/having been started/ was starting/ being started some laboratory experiments.

5. We have been speaking /had been speaking/ speaking/ being spoken about the peaceful use of the atomic energy.

6. Having been/ of being/being/ is being  a source of heat and electrical energy, atomic energy can also serve us in medicine.

7. He accused her of stealing/having been stolen/having stole/being stolen the money.

8. She entered the room without noticing/being noticed/ was noticing/ having being noticed me.

9. Long time ago people noticed the attracting/having attracted/having been attracted/being attracted  ability of the magnet.

10. We heard of the experiment having been made/having made/was being made /making last week.

11. Working/being worked/as working/on working at the new device, the inventor carried out an important research.

12. The students went on being studied/studying/having studied/having been studied the properties of that new substance.

13. The new engine is being tested/was being tested/being tested/testing in the laboratory now.

14. There are a lot of advantages of having had/having have/have having/having a car.

15. The singing/singing/having sung/the having sung of this wonderful folk group impressed me greatly.

16. Your hair needs being cut/cutting/the cutting/the having cut.

17. Are you dressed for having gone out/going out/the going out/being gone out?

18. The building/having built/building/having been built of this house will cost much money.

19. Growing/the growing/ having grown/being grown this exotic fruit takes a lot of care.

20. I don’t mind being asked/asking/the asking/ask to help people.




Appendix 1

                           Неправильные глаголы:

infinitive past past participle перевод
1 arise arose arisen подниматься, появляться
2 awake awoke awoken просыпаться
3 be was/were been быть
4 bear bore borne нести
5 beat beat beaten бить, побеждать
6 become became become становиться
7 begin began begun начинать(ся)
8 bend bent bent гнуть, изгибать
9 bet bet bet держать пари
10 bind bound bound привязывать, связывать
11 bite bit bitten кусать
12 bleed bled bled кровоточить
13 blow blew blown дуть, выдыхать
14 break broke broken ломать
15 bring brought brought приносить
16 broadcast broadcast broadcast транслировать в эфире
17 build built built строить
18 burn burnt burnt гореть, сжигать
19 burst burst burst взрываться
20 buy bought bought покупать
21 cast cast cast бросать, кидать
22 catch caught caught ловить
23 choose chose chosen выбирать
24 cling clung clung цепляться, прилипать
25 come came come приходить
26 cost cost cost стоить, иметь цену
27 creep crept crept ползать, пресмыкаться
28 cut cut cut резать
29 deal dealt dealt иметь дела
30 dig dug dug копать
31 dive dived dived нырять
32 do did done делать
33 draw drew drawn рисовать
34 dream dreamt dreamt мечтать, видеть сон
35 drink drank drunk пить
36 drive drove driven водить
37 dwell dwelt dwelt жить, обитать
38 eat ate eaten есть
39 fall fell fallen падать
40 feed fed fed кормить
41 feel felt felt чувствовать
42 fight fought fought бороться
42 find found found находить
43 fit fit fit подгонять по размеру
44 flee fled fled убегать, спасаться
45 fling flung flung бросаться, ринуться
46 fly flew flown летать
47 forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
48 forecast forecast forecast прогнозировать
49 forget forgot forgotten забывать
50 forgive forgave forgiven прощать
51 freeze froze frozen замораживать
52 get got got получать, становиться
53 give gave given давать
54 go went gone идти
55 grow grew grown расти
56 hang1 hung hung вешать
57 have had had иметь
58 hear heard heard слышать
59 hide hid hidden прятать
60 hit hit hit ударять(ся), попадать в цель
61 hold held held держать, удерживать
62 hurt hurt hurt причинять боль
63 keep kept kept хранить
64 kneel knelt knelt преклонять колени
65    knit knit knit вязать
66 know knew known знать
67 lay laid laid лежать
68 lead led led возглавлять, вести за собой
69 lean leant leant наклоняться, высовываться
70 leap leapt leapt прыгать, скакать
71 learn learnt learnt учить
72 leave left left покидать
73 lend lent lent одалживать
74 let let let позволять
75 lie lay lain лежать
76 light lit lit освещаться, загораться
77 lose lost lost терять
78 make made made делать
79 mean meant meant значить
80 meet met met встречать
81 mow mowed mown косить
82 pay paid paid платить
83 prove proved proven доказывать
84 put put put класть
85 quit quit quit покидать
86 read read5 read5 читать
87 ride rode ridden ехать верхом
88 ring rang rung звонить
89 rise rose risen подниматься
90 run ran run бежать
91 saw sawed sawn пилить
92 say said said сказать
93 see saw seen видеть
94 seek sought sought искать
95 sell sold sold продавать
96 send sent sent посылать
97 set set set устанавливать
98 sew sewed sewn шить
99 shake shook shaken трясти
100 shear sheared shorn стричь, срезать
101 shed shed shed терять, избавляться
102 shine shone shone светить, сверкать
103 shoot shot shot стрелять
104 show showed shown показывать
105 shrink shrank shrunk сокращаться, сжиматься
106 shut shut shut закрываться, запираться
107 sing sang sung петь
108 sink sank sunk опускаться, погружаться
109 sit sat sat сидеть
110 sleep slept slept спать
111 slide slid slid скользить
112 sling slung slung швырять, метать
113 smell smelt smelt пахнуть
114 sow sowed sown сеять, засеивать
115 speak spoke spoken говорить
116 speed sped sped двигаться быстро
117 spell spelt spelt писать/читать по буквам
118 spend spent spent тратить
119 spill spilt spilt проливать
120 spin spun spun/span вращаться, прясть
121 spit spat spat плевать, брызгать
122 split split split расщеплять, разделять
123 spoil spoilt spoilt портить, баловать
124 spread spread spread распространять
125 spring sprang sprung вскакивать
126 stand stood stood стоять
127 steal stole stolen красть
128 stick stuck stuck укалывать
129 sting stung stung жалить
130 stink stank stunk вонять
131 strike struck struck бить, ударять
132 strive strove striven стараться, бороться
133 swear swore sworn ругаться, клясться
134 sweep swept swept сметать, мести
135 swell3 swelled swept разбухать, увеличиваться
136 swim swam swum плавать
137 swing swung swung качаться
138 take took taken брать
139 teach taught taught учить
140 tear tore torn рвать
141 tell told told сказать
142 think thought thought думать
143 throw threw thrown бросить
144 thrust thrust thrust пронзить, пропихивать
145 tread trod trodden ступать, топтать
146 understand understood understood понимать
147 wake woke woken просыпаться, будить
148 wear wore worn носить одежду
149 weave wove woven ткать
150 weep wept wept плакать, рыдать
151 wet wet wet мочить, смачивать
152 win won won побеждать
153 wind wound wound наматывать, накручивать
154 wring wrung wrung выкручивать, выламывать
155 write wrote written писать






Appendix 2

Сложное подлежащее

I. S + be V-ed + to V

1. say, report, inform

2. see, hear, feel, watch, notice

3. know, think, believe, consider, find, mean, suppose, understand

4. make


II. S + V + to V

seem, appear, prove, turn out, happen


III. S + be + adj. + toV

 be likely, be unlikely, be sure, be certain


C ложное дополнение

I . S + P + smb / smth + V , V - ing , V - ed

  see, observe, notice, hear, smell, watch, look, feel, listen


II. S + P + smb/smth + toV, V-ed

want, like, wish, dislike, prefer, would like, desire, intend, love, hate


III. S + P + smb/smth + toV, V-ed

   know, find, think, guess, consider, expect, believe, rely, suppose, understand


IV. S + P + smb. + toV

   order, command, allow, tell, ask, beg


V. S + P + V-ing

  keep, leave, set


VI. S + P + smb/smth + V-ing, V-ed

  have, get


VII. S + P + smb + V

   make, let


Appendix 3

Герундий и инфинитив

1. Глагол + Герундий .

stop, finish, delay, go on, put off, keep, give up, enjoy, mind, suggest, dislike, imagine, regret, admit, deny, avoid, consider, involve, practice, miss, postpone.

После слов deny, suggest, regret, admit может употребляться не герундий, а придаточное предложение с союзом "что".

He suggested that we should run away.
Он предложил бежать.

2. Глагол + инфинитив .

agree, refuse, promise, threaten, offer, attempt, manage, fail, decide, plan, arrange, hope, appear, seem, pretend, afford, forget, learn, dare, tend, need, mean

После слов ask, decide, know, remember, forget, explain, understand перед инфинитивом могут следовать вопросительные местоимения "что", "куда", "как" и др.

I asked him how to get to the station.
Я спросил его, как добраться до станции.

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