To stop – a stop , зупиняти – зупинка

Water – to water , вода – поливати

Найбільш поширеним є утворення іменника від відповідного дієслова: V → N :

to march – march

To run – run

Досить часто має місце і утворення дієслова від іменника: N → V:     pump – to pump

Часто дієслово утворюється від прикметників: А → V:

empty – to empty


Складні слова утворюються шляхом об'єднання двох основ:

waterworks –водопровідні споруди,утворене від


Water                                     works

II. Vocabulary Comprehension

Learn the words and word-combinations to comprehend the text:

construction будівництво
~ industry будівельна промисловість
~ work будівельні роботи
maintenance догляд, ремонт (поточний)
permanent постійний, довгочасний
highway шосе, автострада
water-supply system система водопостачання
heating ~ ~ опалення
civil engineering цивільне будівництво
to deal with мати справу з …
structure споруда
wooden ~ дерев’яна ~
stone ~ кам’яна ~
concrete ~ бетонна ~
reinforced concrete ~ залізобетонна ~
steel ~ сталева ~
block ~ блочна ~
building споруда, будівля
residential ~ житлова ~
public ~ громадська ~
rural ~  сільська ~
industrial ~ промислова ~
hydro technical ~ гідротехнічна ~
to last тривати
to carry out здійснювати
assembly-line principle принцип монтажу (конвеєр)
qualified workers кваліфіковані робітники

2. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

economy, construction, structure, permanent, system, civil, technical, material, community, station, irrigation, drainage, protect.


III. Reading Comprehension

1. Skim the text. Define its general subject and the subject of each paragraph. Use the following phrases:

The text is about…

The subject of the text is…

There are…paragraphs in it.

The first (second, third, etc.) paragraph deals with (considers…, describes…, informs…).


2. Skim the text and answer the following questions:

1. What branch of industry does the text deal with?

2. Does the text consider what civil engineering deal with?

3. Is the classification of structures presented?

4. Are modern industrial methods mentioned?


3. Read the text:

Text A. Construction Industry

1. Construction industry is an important branch of the economy that involves the construction of new and the maintenance of existing buildings and permanent structures such as highways, bridges, canals, and water-supply systems. Civil engineering deals with the technical aspects of designing and constructing various kinds of buildings and structures. Architecture is closely related to construction and occupies a position halfway between civil engineering and art.

2. Structures can be classified according to the materials used into wooden, stone, concrete, reinforced-concrete, steel, block structures, and so on. According to use, permanent structures can be divided into residential and public buildings (including houses, apartment buildings, government buildings, school buildings, community buildings), rural buildings (houses, barns, community buildings in villages), industrial buildings (factories, plants, electric stations), hydro technical structures (hydroelectric stations, dams, locks, canals, reservoirs, irrigation systems, drainage systems, fish ponds), and transport structures (railroads, highways, airports, pipelines, bridges, tunnels).

3. Today industrial methods are used extensively in construction operations: the work is organized according to the assembly-line principle and is highly mechanized. The production cycle in the construction industry lasts from a few months to a few years. Work is carried out by construction and assembly organizations that have at their command qualified workers and the support of design and research institutions.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 183; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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