How do plants respire and make food?




8 class, International Linguistic School, Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory, Russia

Country: China

Head: Vshivkova T.S. Ph.D, Federal Scientific Center of Biodiversity FEB RAS, Vladivostok


All part of the plant respire, which is similar to breathing. The leaves stems, roots, and flowers all have a part in respiration. The roots of a plant need oxygen. They get it from the air in the soil. The parts of plants are pores. The pores in the leaves are called stomata. The pores in the branches of trees are called lenticels. The average number of stomata per square millimeters of leaf is around 300.

Leaves take in air. The stems take the water and minerals from the roots and send them to the rest of the plant. The stem of a tree is called a trunk.

Roots take in water and mineral from the soil. If water is near the surface, the roots grow to the plant's sides to reach the water. If water is deeper down in the soil, plants grow a taproot, which is a root that grows bigger and longer with branch roots on top.

Plants respire by taking in the oxygen from the air around them order to live. They breathe all the time, day and night. Plants also do something that human cannot do, which is producing their own food. This process is called photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process that takes place during the day when plants absorb light from the sun through the chlorophyll of their leaves. Chlorophyll is the substance that gives plants their green color.

Though the stomata, plants take in carbon dioxide that is mixed in the air and water taken in by the roots. They convert the carbon dioxide into the organic compounds of sugars [food] and starched using water and energy from sunlight.

When night falls, the process of photosynthesis slow down because plants do not receive energy from the sun. But plants still continue to make sugar at night. As a result of this process, plants give off carbon dioxide in to air.

Photosynthesis and respiration take place at the same time in plants. Photosynthesis allows the plant to produce its own food and respiration allows the plant to get the oxygen it needs from the air. Plants are our only source of oxygen on the Earth.



Global Air Pollution


PARK Sehee

7 class, International Linguistic School, Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory, Russia

Country: Republic of Korea

Head: Ph.D, Federal Scientific Center of Biodiversity FEB RAS, Vladivostok T.S. Vshivkova,

Air pollution is a big and global problem nowadays. Air pollution is when there are harmful pollutants in the air. There are two kinds of air pollution, outdoor and indoor air pollution. There are causes, effects, and solutions for these types of pollution. Things that cause outdoor air pollution are burning fossil fuels, agricultural activities, and exhaust from industries. The effects happening from them are health problems and acid rain. Luckily, there are solutions to prevent air pollution. It’s to use public transportation and reducing electricity. Secondly, indoor air pollution is way more dangerous than outdoor. This is because pollutants become concentrated in one place, not wide spread. Causes are moisture, chemical products, smoking, dust, and pet’s fur. We can add indoor plants, mop the floor frequently, and reduce humidity to help indoor air pollution calm down. I think we should try and do anything we can to prevent air pollution because there are more causes than solutions, which means that we are not doing enough to prevent it. Therefore, we have to think about it more and pay attention to it.



Consequences of Global Warming


YUN Dokyung

8 class, International Linguistic School, Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory, Russia

Country: South Korea

Teacher: Tatyana Vshivkova


Every summer I always said 'I think this year is hotter than last year.' At first, I thought it was just what I thought because I always watched news about Global warming. But there was a reason why I felt even hotter every single year. The Earth's average temperature was increasing all the time because of Global Warming. So I got one question that 'what causes Global Warming?' This question led me to make a research about Global Warming.

There were lot of things than I thought which causes Global Warming. At home, shampoos that we used everyday was causing Global Warming. In industries, they were using really big amount of fossil fuels and produce carbon emissions. I wondered what will happen if Global Warming keep progresses. Scientists said at the end of 21st century, average sea level of Earth will increase about 1m than late 19th century. I got scared and thought. 'what if Global Warming progresses even faster?', 'what if the city sink under water before I die?'. After thinking for a second, I began to search for the solutions. There weren't many solutions as I thought. At home, we should reduce using of waters, and heaters. After reading these informations, I began to use cup when I brush my teeth. For government and industries, they should reduce using of fossil fuels and try to use renewable energy. It would be good if there is a energy source which doesn't produce any harmful gases, but technology todays aren't not developed that much.

I hope that city where I live won't sink under water before I die. Now I know that I have to start saving Earth and tell others to do that too. Let's make cool Earth, not the Earth that have fever.


Международная молодёжная экологическая конференция «Человек и биосфера». 28−30 марта 2018 г. Будущее зависит от нас: Сборник тезисов.


Редакционная коллегия

Т.С. Вшивкова (главный редактор),

Е.В. Михалёва (ответственный редактор)


Художественное оформление

Ю. Фоменко

Т. Вшивкова



Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 201; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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