Normal Past Continuous Examples           Past Continuous Passive Examples

I was writing a letter                                    A letter was being written by me.

He was cooking food                                   Food was being cooked by him

They were playing football                          Football was being played by them

She was repairing L.C.D.                             L.C.D. was being repaired by her

Put the following sentences into past continuous passive

Начало формы

1. They were expecting a guest. …………………………………………..

2. The chef wasn't cooking the meat……………………………………….

3. The women were cleaning all the blinds. …………………………………. .

4. They were watching the newest videos. …………………………………… .

5. Who was taking care of the baby? ………………………………………… .

6. Why were they picking the flowers? ………………………………………. .

7. Were they painting the room when the accident happened? ……………… .Конец формы


Make the following sentences passive according to the pattern.

Pattern: When I came, they were still asking questions.

           When I came, the questions were still being asked.

1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing.

2. When I came to this town again, they were building a new school in front of the supermarket.

3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his name.

4. When they entered the auction-hall, they were selling those pictures.

5. When Father came home, I was cooking dinner.

6. When the guests arrived, they were still making preparations to meet them.

7. At that moment the specialists were examining a new car.

8. When I came home, they were still putting books on the shelves.

9. When I returned, the workmen were still building a new road not far from my house.

10. After half an hour I came back. They were still showing her how to use the remote control.

11. The lesson was almost over, but the teacher was still explaining the new rule to them.

12. When I entered the room, the commission was discussing numerous questions. 

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. We were talking about Francis.

2. He was playing the guitar.

3. She was watching a film.

4. I was repairing their bikes.

5. They were not eating dinner.

6. We were not painting the gate.

7. You were not driving him home.

8. He was not feeding the dogs.

9. Was she reading these lines?

10. Were they carrying bags?

11. They were expecting a guest.

12. The chef wasn't cooking the meat.

13. The women were cleaning all the blinds.

14. They were watching the newest videos.

15. Who was taking care of the baby?

16. Why were they picking the flowers?

17. Were they painting the room when the accident happened?

1.Конец формы

Read the sentence and choose the one option a-d, which best fits, the space.

1. Concert tickets ... at the box office. a. being sold b. are being sold c. are be sold d. are being selling

2. Following yesterday's accident, three people are still ... for minor injuries. a. treated b. being treating c. treating d. being treated

3. Your suit is not ready yet. It ... right now. a. is being cleaned b. is being cleaning c. is been cleaned d. is cleaning

 4. I could not use my car yesterday because it ... a. was being serviced b. were being serviced c. was being service d. was been serviced

5. He left the room while the money ... a. has being collected b. was been collected c. was being collected d. was being collecting

6. We couldn't use the bathroom while it ... a. was been refitted b. was being refitted c. is being refitted d. was refitting

Make the following sentences passive

1. I was working on the project for six months.

2. The children were not working hard.

3. We were talking about you when you rang.

4. People were coming in all day to buy this item.

5. For the whole of last month, he was trying to solve this problem.

6. I was presenting my business plan at a staff meeting when Julia arrived five minutes late.

7. When I reached the shop, lots of other people were also buying vacuum cleaners.

8. They were giving the water to people who were injured.

9. I saw on TV news that the company was asking people to return laptops as the batteries were dangerous.

10. I was eating my dinner when I heard a knock on the door. 

11. I was still waiting for the tickets to arrive in the post.

12. While he was launching his business he married.

Translate into English

1. Обед готовился, когда приехали гости.

2. Ее имя выкрикивали в толпе.

3. Ее статью долго изучали прежде чем отправили в печать.

4. Эту историю еще долго рассказывали.

5. Портрет рисовали целый день.

6. Данные анализировались нами, а результаты изучались другими специалистами. 

7. Меня знакомили с Кларой, когда зазвонил телефон.

8. Когда ты мне позвонил, мне как раз задавали вопрос.

9. Когда я в последний раз был в родном городе, там строился новый мост через реку.

10. Когда я приехал, в комнате как раз убирали.

11. Пол мыли, когда она пришла.

12. Когда мы приехали в Москву, этот кинотеатр строился.

13. Эту программу смотрели вчера с 3 до 4 часов.

14. Эти письма печатались вчера в 5 часов.

15. Я не мог воспользоваться автомобилем вчера в шесть вечера. Она была в ремонте.

Perfect Passives

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