Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

  1. English __________ (speak) here.
  2. Seats ____________ (book) beforehand.
  3. The road to hell __________ (pave) with good intentions
  4. Marriages ____________ (make) in heaven.
  5. The film ______________ (discuss) by everybody.
  6. Bananas ____________ (grow) in tropical areas.
  7. The café ________________ (decorate) now.
  8. The fish _________________ (fire) on the bonfire now.
  9. A swimming pool __________ (build) in our district.

10. All the flights ______________ (delay) due to bad weather.

11. She ______________ (refuse) to have a better lab.

12. These books ______usually __________ (borrow) from the library.

13. The work of this student _______________ (pay) too much attention.

14. A lot of time ___________ (give) to the study of this grammar rule.

15. A new business plan ____________ (discuss) by the company’s shareholders now.

Past Simple Passive

Put the verbs in brackets in the past form

Life in the 19th century in Britain

 Lamps and candles ............................... for light, because there was no electricity. (use) A coach instead of a car ................................. to move from place to place. (buy) By the 1860's bicycles ................................. along with horses. (ride) A simple small house ...................................... by a poor family. (build) Luxurious palaces .................................... by wealthy aristocratic families. (own) Top hats and suits with tails ................................. by men in cities. (wear) A dress ........................................ to hide woman's legs. (design) Girls from well-off families ........................................ at home. (educate) Boys from rich families ........................................ to public schools. (sent) A child from a poor family ........................................ to work. (force)

Rewrite sentences to use past simple passive  

They bought this car a week ago.

This car ............................................................................................................................

They didn't clean the bird cages.

The bird cages ..............................................................................................................................

You could cut the branch with this knife. ....................................................................................................................................................... Too many tourists annoyed me. ....................................................................................................................................................... They didn't tell us what to do. ....................................................................................................................................................... Cars killed a lot of pedestrians. .....................................................................................................................................IT companies increased profits. ....................................................................................................................................................... He didn't expect us to help him. ....................................................................................................................................................... The police did a lot. ....................................................................................................................................................... They didn't bring this laptop from Japan. .....................................................................................................................................

Use these words to make sentences in the past simple passive.

 Example: two | break | glasses - Two glasses were broken.

What happened after a birthday party? tidy up | the room | not ....................................................................................................................................................... on | sandwiches | the table | leave | some ....................................................................................................................................................... empty | not | waste bin ....................................................................................................................................................... with | coke | stain | the sofa ....................................................................................................................................................... plates and forks | everywhere | leave ....................................................................................................................................................... under | empty bottles | the bed | put ....................................................................................................................................................... damage | flowers | some ....................................................................................................................................................... fill | the kitchen sink | dirty dishes | with ....................................................................................................................................................... not | most lights | switch off ....................................................................................................................................................... close | the front door | not .....................................................................................................................................

Rewrite the sentences in the passive form if possible. Use the example.


The Celts settled in Wales in 500 BC. Wales was settled by the Celts in 500 BC.

1. The Celts settled in Wales in 500 BC.

2. The ancient Greeks built the Acropolis.

3. A group of archaeologists found a dinosaur’s skeleton.

4. I visited Rome in 2002.

5. The aboriginals of Hawaii killed James Cook in 1779.

6. Ford made his first car in 1896.

7. Lewis Carroll wrote “Alice in Wonderland” in 1865.

8. They played the match in the evening.

9. They calculated the answers very quickly.

10. They filmed the movie in black and white.

11. They sent the e-mail yesterday.

12. They built our house ten years ago.

13. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

14. The shopkeeper opened the shop at nine o'clock.

Write correct forms or words next to each sentence.

 Spanish taught | was taught in this language school. ..................................................................

 Picasso's painting and drawing was sold | were sold in the auction. ...........................................

he band's best songs were played | played at the concert. .........................................................

 I was sent an email. | An email was sent to me. ..........................................................................

This photo was taken by | with my smartphone. ..........................................................................

The sculptures were stolen | were stealed yesterday. ...................................................................

The dinner cooked | was cooked too late. ....................................................................................

The chance was given to me | I was given the chance by my friend.

 Some information were translated | was translated into French. .................................................

Pyramids built | were built by Egyptian pharaohs. ......................................................................            

 Jeans was invented | were invented in the 19th century. ............................................................

This huge machine was transported by | with plane. ...................................................................

Make questions in the past simple passive to complete the interview.

 After the storm

 A: There was a storm on the coast last night.

 B: .................................................................? (anything | damage)

 A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars.

 B: How many cars .................................................? (crush)

 A: More than twenty.

 B: .............................................................................................? (the cars | completely | destroy)

 A: Not all of them. But two or three cars were ruined.

B: And what about buildings? ................................................................. too? (they | devastate)

A: Not really. Just some windows were smashed and roof tiles were torn off. But the harbour was hit hard by the winds.

 B: What happened? ....................................................................? (any boats | wreck)

 A: Yes, they were. Two of them were drifted on rocks and completely destroyed.

 B: What about the other boats? ..............................................................? (they | blow away)

A: Some of them were driven miles away from the shore.

 B: ....................................................................... during the storm? (anybody | kill)

A: I don't think so.

 B: And . ................................................................................................? (many people | injure)

 A: There were some injuries, but nothing serious as far as I know.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 500; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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