II. Study the following examples, define the expressive parts, refer them to either expressive means or stylistic devices, and comment on their function.

1. We were fellow strangers.


3. A bulldog two years old for sale. Will eat anything. Very fond of children

4. The man was killed last July after being mistaken forsuicide bomberon the London Underground.

5. Dorothy, at my statement, had clapped her hand over mouth to hold down laughter and chewing gum.

6. All men are liable to error (John Lock), and he is no exception.

7. Welcome to Reno- the biggest little town in the world.

8. He got an inheritance and got into troubles.

9. My business went bankrupt that’s why now I spend more time with my family.

10. Huck Finn is a good bad boy of the American literature.

11. She set eyes on him and the letter on fire.

12. What is the difference between a school master and an engine driver? One trains the mind, and the other minds a train.

13. After that he looked at the two cops, who became very interested in the hands in their laps.

14. He saved her life and three dollars in her pocket.

15. Now- one good turn deserves another- come to my house for dinner.

16. Mr President, I don’t know who’s providing your information, but he has a vivid imagination.

17. The brain activity of a substance abuser is identical to that of a compulsive shopper.




1. Арнольд, И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык: Учебник для вузов / И.В. Арнольд .— 4-е изд., испр. и доп. — М: Б.и., 2002 .- С. 107-118.

2. Скребнев, Ю.М. Основы Стилистики английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2000. – С. 105-132

3. Гальперин, И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник. Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М., «Высш. школа», 1977.- C. 136-190.



Discussion Session 6

II. Discuss the following:

1) What is the difference between syntactical expressive means and stylistic devices, lexical stylistic devices and syntactical stylistic devices? Use examples.

2) Discuss inversion, detachment, parallel constructions, enumeration and their stylistic functions. Give examples.

3) Speak about repetition, climax, anticlimax, suspense and antithesis. Analyse their stylistic function. Provide examples.

4) Define asyndeton, polysyndeton, and gap-sentence link. Describe their stylistic function. Use examples.

5) Speak about litotes and stylistically marked questions. Use examples. Discuss their stylistic function.

6) Find examples of the above mentioned stylistic devices in the text "To Kill a Mockingbird", write them on a card and comment on their function


II. Study the following examples, define the expressive parts, refer them to either expressive means or stylistic devices, and comment on their function.

1. Mankind, says a Chinese manuscript, which my friend was obliging enough to read and explain to me, for the first seventy thousand ages ate their meat raw.

2. Sorry, I’m so very sorry, I’m so extremely sorry...

3. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness ...

4. A good generous prayer it was.

5. Jon seized her hand in gratitude, and they sat silent, with the world well lost, and one eye on the corridor.

6. Money is what he’s after, money.

7. My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer...

8. Admirable butlers, tawny chow dogs, halls laid in black an white lozenges with white blinds blowing, Peter saw through the open door and approved of.

9. This (his beard), his regular eyebrows, and the rich white and black and brown of his complexion- confound his complexion, and his memory! - made me think of him, in spite of my misgivings, a very handsome man.  

10.How could Jon, with his heart of gold, leave his family?

11.Down dropped the breeze,

and the sails dropped down.

12.Women are not made for attack. Wait they must.

13.It would rain forever noiselessly. The water would rise inch by inch covering the grass and shrubs, covering the trees and houses, covering the monuments and the mountain tops.



1. Скребнев, Ю.М. Основы Стилистики английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2000. – С. 84-149

2. Гальперин, И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник. Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М., «Высш. школа», 1977.- C. 167-248.



Discussion Session 7

I. Discuss the following:

1) Speak about functional styles and speech genres.

2) Discuss the major characteristics of the scientific style. Find a scientific text sample and prove your points.

3) Outline the main peculiarities of the newspaper style. Find an example of a newspaper article and illustrate your answer.

4) Speak about the main characteristics of the official style. Use exapmples.

5) Analyse the main features of the belles-lettres style.

6) Discuss the major divisions within the informal colloquial language.

7) What is understood by the language norm and the stylistic norm? Provide examples.


1. Скребнев, Ю.М. Основы Стилистики английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2000. – С. 179-212.

2. Гальперин, И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник. Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М., «Высш. школа», 1977.- C. 250-319.



Discussion Session 8

I. Discuss the following:

1) Define text and supraphrasal unit, cohesion and coherence.

2) Speak about the stylistic structure of text. Define the characters’ speech and its forms: direct speech, indirect speech and represented speech. Enlarge on the difference between uttered and unuttered represented speech. Give examples of your own.

3) Speak about the author’s speech. Analyse narration, description and meditation. Find literaryexamples of your own.

4) Speak about the major components of literary analysis. What part does stylistic interpretation play in it?


1. Гальперин, И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник. Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. М., «Высш. школа», 1977.- C. 236-244.

2. Кухаренко, В.А. Практикум по стилистике английского языка: Учеб. пособие для студентов филол. фак. ун-тов, ин-тов и фак. ин. яз.- М: Высш. шк., 1986.- C.100-108.



Темы рефератов


1. Стиль официальных документов, его разновидности и основные лексико-синтаксические характеристики.

2. Стиль деловой корреспонденции.

3. Стиль официальных документов.

4. Стиль юридических документов

5. Стиль научной прозы.

6. Проблема научной терминологии.

7. Газетный стиль и его жанровые разновидности.

8. Язык газетных заголовков.

9. Язык поэзии, прозы и драмы.

10. Эссе как форма ораторской речи.

11. Литературно-книжная лексика: термины, поэтизмы, архаизмы, варваризмы, неологизмы.

12. Современный английский сленг.

13. Проблема выбора слова.

14. Неологизмы и окказионализмы и их стилистическая функция.

15. Понятия метафоры, сравнения и метонимии.

16. Поговорки, пословицы, сентенции и аллюзии.

17. Устойчивые словосочетания в речи.

18. Особенности разговорного синтаксиса.

19. Инверсия как стилистический прием.

20. Авторские фонетические средства.

21. Стилистические функции звукоподражания.

22. Способы изложения в художественном тексте.

23. Авторская речь, ее композиционные формы.

24. Несобственно-прямая речь.

25. Образ автора. Авторская точка зрения и способы ее выражения.


Тематика курсовых работ

1. Использование метафоры в произведении Дж. Голсуорси.

2. Языковые средства юмора у Дж. К. Джерома.

3. Экспрессивные средства языка рекламы.

4. Использование фразеологических единиц в произведении Э. Колдуэлла.

5. Изображение речи американских подростков в повести Дж. Сэллинджера «Ловец во ржи».

6. Сокращения в американской (британской) прессе.

7. Сопоставительный анализ языка и стиля «качественной» и популярной британской прессы.

8. Сопоставительный анализ языка и стиля британской и американской прессы.

9. Изображение разговорной речи в романе С. Моэма «Театр».

10. Язык и стиль английских сентенций.

11. Разложение фразеологических единиц как прием в «Саге о Форсайтах» Дж. Голсуорси.

12. Языковые средства выражения подтекста в произведениях Э. Хемингуэя.

13. Форма подтекста в произведениях Гр. Грина.

14. Изображение речи мужчин и женщин в пьесе Дж. Осборна «Оглянись во гневе».

15. Стилистическая специфика мужской и женской речи в романе «Путь наверх» Дж. Брейна.

16. Образ автора в документальном фильме М.Мура «Фаренгейт 9/11»





Choose the correct answer:

1. Expressive means are language forms

a) used for logical intensification.

b) used for emotional intensification.

c) subconsciously used for logical and emotional intensification.

d) deliberately used for logical and emotional intensification.


2. The following words belong to the neutral layer of the English vocabulary.

a) child, father, proceed, get out.

b) child, father, continue, retire.

c) child, Dad, continue, leave.

d) child, father, continue, leave.


3. The sentence ‘He has a crush on her’ contains

a) a slang expression.

b) a vulgarism.

c) a dialectal expression.

d) a nonce-word.


4. Barbarisms are

a) words borrowed from other languages (e.g. wall, sky).

b) badly assimilated borrowings, knows by all the speakers of English (e.g. ballet, bouquet)

c) badly assimilated borrowings, having corresponding English synonyms (beau monde, chi).

d) foreign words which are used in fiction ( not registered in English dictionaries).


5. The sentence ‘In November a cold, unseen stranger, Pneumonia, stalked about the colony, touching one here and there with his icy fingers’ contains

a) a sustained metaphor.

b) a dead metaphor.

c) a simile.

d) a trite metaphor.


6. In the sentence ‘The writer earns his living by his pen’ the author uses

a) a simile.

b) a metaphor.

c) metonymy.

d) an epithet.


7. Irony is generally used to convey

a) a positive meaning.

b) a negative meaning.

c) logical meaning.

d) nominal meaning.


8. The humorous effect of the sentence “ He took his hat and his leave’ is based on the use of

a) zeugma.

b) an oxymoron.

c) a hyperbole.

d) metonymy.


9. A euphemism is usually used

a) to avoid misunderstanding.

b) for speech economy.

c) to replace a word with unpleasant connotations.

d) for the sake of humour.


10. The sentence ‘It’s high time we knew- to be or not to be’ contains

a) an allusion.

b) a saying.

c) a proverb.

d) a quotation.



Choose the correct answer:

1. In the emphatic sentence ‘In went Mr Pickwick’ Dickens used

a) a lexical expressive means.

b) a lexical stylistic device.

c) a syntactical expressive means.

d) a syntactical stylistic device.


2. The sentence ‘This (his beard), his regular eyebrows, and the white, and black, and brown of his complexion made me think him a very handsome man’ contains

a) inversion.

b) a detachment.

c) a parallel construction.

d) a euphemisms.


3. The following sequence of sentences ‘’Now he understood. He understood many things. One can be a person first’ contains

a) gradation.

b) parallel constructions.

c) a repetition.

d) inversion.


4. An abrupt stoppage in speech resulting in unfinished sentences is used in

a) a break-in-the-narrative.

b) a climax.

c)an anticlimax

d) litotes.


5. The peculiar use of negative constructions in litotes

a) is similar to a straightforward positive statement.

b) results in a stronger negative meaning.

c) implies deliberate understatement.

d) is grammatically incorrect.


6. The sentence ‘What have I done to deserve this treatment?’ contains

a) a suppositional question.

b) a rhetorical question.

c) an allusion.

d) a disjunctive question.


7. The following extract

‘US senators unanimously agreed to allow into the chamber guide dogs or other assistance needed by staff members to alleviate an embarrassing situation Monday. The temporary rule was passed following an incident when Moira Shea. a congressional fellow for Sen Ron Wyden, D-Ore., was not permitted to the floor because of an objection to her bringing her dog Beau, a yellow Labrador retriever’

belongs to

a) the scientific style.

b) the colloquial style.

c) the style of the mass media.

d) the belles-lettres style


8. The extract from a lawyer’s speech in court

‘There is one way in which all men are created equal- there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president’

belongs to

a) the oratorical style.

b) the familiar colloquial style.

c) the literary colloquial style.

d) low colloquial English.


9. The following extract

‘It was a lovely place, really a tasteful and colourful thing, and suggestive of a genuine love of beauty in her... She was gracious, tactful, artful, not unlike her old self, yet more interesting because more experienced’


a) represented speech.

b) a description.

c) a meditation.

d) a direct speech.


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