Text 3. Перевод поэтического произведения с русского языка на английский


Хорошо молодое лицо

Юлия Друнина


Хорошо молодое лицо —
Жизнь еще не писала на нем,
И своим не пахала резцом,
И своим не дышала огнем.
Больно время его обожжет,
Так же, как обжигало и нас.

Пусть упрямым останется рот,
Не погаснет сияние глаз,
Но добавится что-то еще —
Станут тоньше, духовней черты.
С этой грани начнется отсчет
Настоящей мужской красоты.
Да, тогда лишь придет Красота,
И теперь навсегда, до конца:
Красота не пустого холста —
Обожженного жизнью лица.


Text 4. Публицистический текст для перевода с английского языка на русский.

US leaning toward freeze on mortgages

    Washington: Government regulators and US lenders are leaning toward five years as the duration of an interest-rate freeze on subprime mortgages, said a person with knowledge of the negotiations aimed at fending off a jump in foreclosures.

       Such an agreement would satisfy the shortest fix sought by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. That period is longer than the minimum, two- to three-year modifications suggested by Fannie Mae, the largest source of financing for American home loans. The US Treasury Department’s Office of Thrift Supervision has advocated three to five years. The person was granted anonymity because he was unauthorized to discuss the agreement before details were officially released.

       “Fixing the reset period is an important action, and it’s good that everyone now seems to be pushing in the same direction,” – said Michael Barr, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School and an aide to Robert Rubin when was Treasury Secretary. “Now the question is what additional steps are required to keep people in their homes and avoid foreclosures.”

       The current Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson Jr, is completing work on the accord as the housing recession enters its third year and threatens to undo the economic expansion. President George W. Bush and Paulson may announce the plan Thursday, said two people with knowledge of the negotiations. They declined to be identified because they were unauthorized to speak as the details of the agreement have not been officially announced.

       More than 30 percent of borrowers with subprime adjustable rate mortgages are behind on their payments before their loans reset to higher interest payments and 775,000 homes with 143 billion dollars of mortgage debt will go into foreclosure over the next two years, Credit Suisse estimates.

       Government officials and company executives spent much of the past week negotiating over how long to extend starter rates on subprime mortgages, which are usually given to people with poor or incomplete credit histories.

       Paulson was to brief Republicans in the House of Representatives on the plan Wednesday, Representative Adam Putnam, Republican of Florida, said Tuesday. Putnam, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, said his interest in Paulson’s efforts increased since he got calls from Florida officials about the state investment pool for local governments hit by debt downgrades. The state board froze withdrawals Nov. 29 to stem a run on assets. Rising defaults on mortgages have spurred billions of dollars in losses on securities backed by the loans.

       “Florida in general increases my thinking that we need to look at the reasons to help mitigate the subprime meltdown,” Putnam said.

       One challenge will be to craft a deal minimizing lawsuits from investors in bonds backed by the mortgages being rewritten, analysts said. The longer that lower rates are extended, the more risk posed to the bonds’ values. Representative Mike Castle, Republican of Delaware, has proposed legislation offering a “safe harbor from legal liability” to mortgage servicers. 





Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 87; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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