Text 2. 1

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In the Zoo

We are in the zoo. We see different animals here. There are two elephants, three birds, two giraffes, three monkeys, three bears, a lion, two zebras and а snake in the picture.

Задание .

Запиши правильный ответ.


1. How many eyes does  the monkey have?

2. How many feet  does  the elephant have?

3. How many ears  does  the giraffe have?

4. How many tails  does the  bear have?

5. How many heads does the lion  have?

Ключ и : 1. 2;   2. 4;    3. 2;    4. 1;   5.  1.

Text 2.2

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Bonnie was ill. She stayed at home for two weeks. She was sad. Sam and Peter went to visit her. Peter gave her a nice red pencil. Sam brought a book of jokes to read. After the boys had left, Bonnie was tired of laughing.


Выбери правильный ответ на предложенные вопросы.

1. Who had a better idea how to make Bonnie happy?

a) Sam; b) Peter.

2. Why did Bonnie laugh?

a) she liked a pencil; b) she liked jokes.

Ключи : 1. а);   2. b).

Text 2.3

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Tom and Taffy

Tom called for Taffy, but Taffy didn’t come. Tom looked all around. Then he saw the puppy under the bed. Tom gave Taffy milk.


 Выбери правильный ответ на предложенные вопросы.

1. Whom  did Tom call for?

a) а dog; b) а cat; c) а girl.

2. Where did Tom find his dog?

         a) under the table; b) under the chair; c) under the bed.

Ключ и : 1. а); 2. с).

Text 2.4

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Mark and David

At the lesson Mark helped David to write a story. The bell rang and the boys began eating  their lunch together.



Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

Who helped David to write a story?

a) Mark; b) a teacher; c) parents.

Ключ : a).

Text 2.5

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Sonia is happy. Today is her first dancing lesson. She loves music. She can play the piano. Now she wants to learn how to dance.



Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What can you say about Sonia?

She is:

a) lazy; b) musical; с) sad.

Ключ : b).

Text 2.6

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A House for a Dog

Helen wanted to build a house for her dog. She found a book called «Building a Dog-house».



 Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

Who found the book?

Ключ : Helen.

Text 2.7

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Steve and a Book

Steve found a book, but it was difficult to read. He could read and understand only some words. The boy took the book to his dad and asked him for help.



Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What did Steve find?

a) a book; b) a pen; c) a ruler.

Ключ : a)

Text 2.8

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Kira Makes her Breakfast

Kira was making her breakfast. She took two eggs and some bread. She put some milk in the cup. She prepared the breakfast herself.



 Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What was Kira doing?

  a) Kira was reading;

  b) Kira was writing;

  c) Kira was making her breakfast.

Ключ: c).

Text 2.9

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Maria Played all Morning

Maria played all morning. She ran and played with a ball. She didn’t stop to rest. Then Maria ate her lunch. After lunch she was very tired.


Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What did Maria do then?

a) she played; b) she slept; c) she ate her lunch.

Клю ч : c).

Text 2.10

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My Father’s Work

When my father goes to his work, he sees many boys and girls. He likes them. The children are happy to see my father. But he isn’t a teacher. His little boys and girls aren’t his pupils. They are sick children.



Узнай, кем работает отец девочки. Запиши название этой профессии.

What is the girl’s father?


Ключ : a doctor.

Text 2.11

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Jane and her Sister

Jane was born in 1996. Jane has a sister 3 years older than she.


Помоги ответить на вопрос. Запиши свой вариант ответа.

When was Jane’s sister born?


Ключ : 1993.

Text 2.12

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A Girl and a Pen

One day a little girl found a pen.  The girl said: «I will take the pen and become a writer. I will be the best writer in the world.»


Задание .

Ответь на вопрос .

Is it a real story?

Ключ : No, it’s not.

Text 2.13

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Mr Green’s Work

Mr Green gets up early. He drives his car down to the sea and waits for the fishing boats. The boats are full of fish. Mr Green buys fish. Then he drives to his house in the city. He puts the fish out for people to see. He knows it will be a busy day.



 Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What is true about Mr Green?

a) he buys fish; b) he fishes himself; c) he sells fish.

Ключ : a).

Text 2.14

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Ann Went to the Circus

Ann went to the circus with her dad.  Then she sat down and saw some lions. She saw a funny man who was a clown. It was a very good day in the circus.



   Выбери предложение, которое передает главную мысль текста.

What is the main idea of the story?

      a) Ann had a nice time at the circus;  

      b) Ann liked to play with the animals; 

      c) Ann wanted to become a clown.

Ключ : а).

Text 2.15

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The Circus Came to the City

The circus came to Buffy’s city two times a year. At those times all Buffy’s friends knew where to find the girl. She always saw all the shows.

Buffy looked at the acts, and her eyes were bright. She wanted to grow up faster! Buffy knew what she wanted to do when she grew up.


Выбери правильный ответ на предложенный вопрос.

What did Buffy want to do when she grew up?

a) to work in the circus;

b) to work at school;

c) to  become  a film actress.

Ключ : a)

Text 2.16

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A Boy Finds his Father

Mrs Grey said: «I must clean my house and my car.» She cleaned her car. Then a sad little boy came up to her. He said: «I cannot find my house. Will you help me?»

«Yes, I’ll call your father,» said Mrs Grey, «you can eat apples until he comes for you.»

The boy was happy when he saw apples. And he was very happy to see his father.


Дай ответ «Yes» или «No» на следующие вопросы.

1. Was the boy lost?

2. Did Mrs Grey clean her house?

3. Did Mrs Grey clean her car?

4. Did the boy like the apples?

5. Was the boy very happy when he saw his father?


Клю чи : 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. No.

Text 2.17

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Books in Girl’s Life

Jane likes to read. Every day after school she takes a book, sits down at her desk and reads. One day two girls, Ann and Ada, come to see Jane, they have skates in their hands.

Ann says: «Do you want to come with us to the skating rink?»

«No, I don’t want to go with you today,» says Jane, «I want to stay with my friends.»

«With friends?» asks Ada, «Where are they? I don’t see them.» «I have many good friends,» says Jane, «Do you want to see them? Look at the shelf, look at my desk and you will see them».

And Jane says: «Books are my best friends.»


Выбери предложение, которое передает главную мысль текста.

What is the main idea of the story?

1. Sport is very important in girl’s  life.

2. Books are better than friends.

3. Books are her best  friends.

4. We must have many friends.


Ключ : 3.

Text 2.18

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Class is Planning a Trip

To the Zoo

The second graders at the East Street School are planning a trip. They will spend a day at the Mansfield Zoo. The Zoo is on Hope Road. The trip is planned for the first week of May. Mrs Linda Rowen teaches in the second form. She says that the trip will help her class to learn more about the  animals.


Выбери правильный ответ на вопросы.

1. What is this story about?

a) the second graders;

b) the East street School;

c) Peter Drake.

2.  Is it about...?

a) people living on Hope Road;

b) planning a trip to the Zoo;

c) animals living at the Zoo.

3. Why is the class going to the Zoo?

a) to play;

b) to feed the animals;

c)to learn more about the animals.

 4. When will the class go to the Zoo?

a) the first week of May;

b) the first week of April;

c) the last week of May.

5. Where is the Zoo?

a) in East Street;

b) in Spring Street;

c) in Hope Road.

6. Who teaches the class?

a) Peter Drake;

b) Mrs Linda Rowen;

c) Mr Mansfield.

Ключи : 1. a;  2. b;  3. c;  4. a;  5. c;  6. b.

Text 2.19

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Dan is a schoolboy. He is ten. He is a ...oo... pupil. He likes school and gets only fours and fives.

Dan goes to school at eight o’clock in the morning. He goes there on  ...oo....

Dan comes home from school at one o’clock. When he comes home, he opens the  ...oo... and goes into his  ...oo....

Then he goes into the yard and plays there with his friends. After that he does his lessons. In the evening Dan reads a ...oo… …oo... and watches TV.



Вставь пропущенные буквы в слова.

Ключ :   good, a foot, a door, a room, a book.



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